My Stunning Beauty Tenant

Chapter 5923: fantasy

With a helpless expression, Tian Han shrugged and said, "If you think the treasure is there, you can try to find it, but if you are in danger, you can't blame me."

"Relax, don't blame you." Chen Yang said.

Tian Han arched his hand and accompanied the smiley and said, "Brother, you're so busy, I won't bother and say goodbye."

After speaking, Tian Han climbed up the wall and saw that Chen Yang did not stop. His steps seemed to speed up a little, and he got into the stone crack and disappeared.

Du Qizheng stared at the crack in the stone, and said solemnly to Chen Yang, "Chen Gongzi, just let him go?"

Chen Yang said: "With the imprint of God, he can't escape. Moreover, his demon source beads are still on me. He will come back anyway."

Du Qizheng was worried: "I was afraid he would bring Yuexian back together."

Yuexian and Tianhan are companions. Their strengths were both Jiuzhong sages. If Yuexian appeared, Chen Yang could not compete.

However, Chen Yang was convinced that Yuexian was not in a dense cave.

After exploring the entire treasure house, there are no treasures except for some worthless things.

"Go to the main rune that limits desert wolves first."

Chen Yang changed his mind and planned to wait for Xu Jin to enter the hidden door when he returned. Now he will look for the main rune first.

The map of the entire secret cave has been obtained from Tianhan. For the next journey, Chen Yang did not worry, he only needed to explore the secret cave completely.

Moreover, Tian Han lived here for many years, and he told Chen Yang some hidden places. In this way, Chen Yang would have no omissions.

Although the mysterious master only lived in the secret cave, the secret cave was very large and had many special areas.

Except that the concentration of the star energy is not too high, other conditions are the best that Chen Yang has ever seen.

But he was wondering if there was a star vein in the Death Desert, why the mysterious master wanted to build a dense cave here instead of the current area of ​​the Eight Pavilions.

From Tian Han's description of the mysterious master, that person is obviously capable of discovering the source of the stars.

Is there a secret hidden in this secret cave, which is the reason why the man built it?

While thinking, Chen Yang searched the entire secret cave, but it was empty everywhere. No treasure was found, and no main rune that restricted the desert wolf group was found.

"It looks like the expert took everything away."

Looking at an empty stone house in front of him, Chen Yang had a headache.

Du Qizheng asked: "Chen Gongzi, what does the main rune look like?"

"Not sure yet."

Chen Yang shook his head and explained: "The runes in your body are, strictly speaking, an inductive rune that is used to connect with the main rune. As for the type of main rune, you need to see it before you know it. "

Du Qizheng frowned: "Isn't it difficult to find this case?"

"It's really hard to find."

Chen Yang groaned: "The master's rune is very good, he may set the main rune anywhere, even inside the wall. However, if we want to peel the wall a little bit to explore, it is impossible. If you touch the wall, you will probably destroy the main rune. At that time, you will not be able to leave the Death Desert at all. "

Du Qizheng solemnly said: "Since it is a rune, there should be energy fluctuations, can we sense it?"


Chen Yang shook his head again and said, "Energy is supplied by the sub-runes in your body, and the main runes will not have any energy fluctuations."

"This is how to do……"

Du Qi had a headache. After finally seeing hope, he lost his clue.


Suddenly, Chen Yang found a secret mechanism at the corner of the stone house, which Tian Han hadn't told him before.

He checked it immediately, and it became clear that the institution and other areas were not built at the same time, but should have been built later. At that time, Tianhan had been confined to the Geduo Oasis, so he did not know about this institution.

The organ is not a mystery, Chen Yang studied it for a while, and found the cracking method, and opened the organ.


The stone wall split a gap, and a narrow passage appeared in front of Chen Yang.

With Chen Yang's spirit power, he did not feel that the back of the stone wall was hollow, but this made him feel confused for a while.

Taking a closer look, he found that there was a rune on the inside of the opened stone wall that confuses the sense of consciousness.

"It really is a rune master."

Chen Yang became more awed by the mysterious master and stepped into the passage.

"Will the main rune be found here!"

Du Qizheng's face showed hope, and quickly followed Chen Yang.

"This place is not on the map, so be careful."

Chen Yang whispered to remind that the place was later built by a mysterious expert, and Chen Yang had to proceed with caution to avoid accidents.

However, except for the runes on the inside of the mechanism and the stone wall, there was no danger after entering the passage.

And just ten meters later, he entered another cave.

This cave looks like a living room, with beds, tables, chairs, cabinets and other things. To Chen Yang's surprise, there is still a puppet on the table.

"Is that the coffin that the man intentionally left?"

Du Qizheng stepped forward, did not pick up Ling Ling, looked back at Chen Yang, and let Chen Yang make a decision.

Chen Yang looked around and was sure there was no danger, so he took up Ling Ling.

After activation, paragraphs of text fluttered out of the spirit puppet and appeared in the void in the form of spiritual power.

"lucky person:

Hello there.

Since you can get here through obstacles, I believe that you are very lucky.

Because if you talk about strength alone, there should be no one in Zhonghao Realm, who can break through the formation methods and institutions I set up and reach here.

No, it's okay, but he can no longer step into the oasis.

Although he is very clever, he is too fond of being clever, and it is a punishment to expel him.

Only when I change my mind will he let him come back, when it is possible, you will see him here.

I was not careful about this ~ ~ It's far away again.

Having said that, although I'm no longer there, I should at least let you know my name.

Otherwise, you get my benefit, but you do n’t know who I am. Do n’t you, who do you thank?

Haha, remember, my name is 'Magic'.

Maybe in the future, you will never see me again, but if you see me again, remember to tell me that you got the gift I gave you here. "


The text displayed by Ling Ling is not over. In the sea of ​​Chen Yang's knowledge, the voice of Lao Li sounded: "This name ..."

(End of this chapter)

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