My Stunning Beauty Tenant

Chapter 5924: mysterious

The name ... "

Old Li spoke halfway and stopped suddenly.

Chen Yang quickly asked in the sea of ​​knowledge: "Lao Li, what happened to the name" Fantasy "?"


Old Li murmured, his face revealing contemplation, and said, "I feel very familiar with this name, but for a while I can't remember who it is."

Chen Yang thought for a while and said, "Willn't it be the real name of Hao Lan?"

"of course not."

Lao Li shook his head and said, "I can be sure that I am very familiar with this man named 'Fantasy'. However, I can't remember anything about him for a while."

"So you know him anyway."

Chen Yang's eyes brightened, and he said, "Lao Li, since I know you, he is certainly not a person in the Zhonghao realm. Moreover, when Hao Lan lived in the world, he met Hao Lan, but I am afraid that his strength will not How much worse than Hao Lan. "

Lao Li rubbed his head, revealing a solemn look on his face, and solemnly said to Chen Yang: "My intuition tells me that fantasy ... is stronger than when I was in its heyday."


Chen Yang was startled, some could not believe what Li said.

Although Lao Li is only a distracted geometry of Hao Lan's real person, he already has a new consciousness and is a completely new individual, but he has retained part of the memory of Hao Lan's real person and has a glorious and powerful past.

In previous conversations with Lao Li, Lao Li admitted that he was not the most powerful person in the entire Xinghai, but he never directly showed who was stronger than him.

But at the moment, he says that "fantasy" is stronger than he was during the heyday.

So what level has the "magic" ability reached?

Even if it is not more powerful than Lao Li, it is definitely similar.

A strong man in this state, why did he build a secret cave for cultivation here, and according to the information provided by Tian Han, "Fantasy" stayed here for at least 10,000 years.

The time of 10,000 years is not short-lived even for practitioners in the realm of Hao Lan.

Chen Yang can't figure it out, why should I stay here?

Still, Lao Li's judgment was wrong. In fact, the power of magic did not reach the level of Hao Lan.

Withdrawing his thoughts, Chen Yang said, "Lao Li, are you sure about your 'magic' strength?"

"I'm not sure." Old Li shook his head and said, "My memory is too much missing, and the judgment of 'fantasy' is all based on intuition. However, I'm sure that I knew him that year, and he was familiar. "

"Aren't you going to Zhonghao Realm together?"

After asking this question, Chen Yang just shook his head and said, "This is not right. 'Fantasy' came here at least tens of thousands of years ago. You were between 10,000 and 5,000 years ago and you stayed in Zhonghao. World. You are not here at the same time. "

"It looks like I need to fuse more memories."

Lao Li's face was distressed and he said to Chen Yang: "For information about 'magic', you still have to look at the contents of Ling Ling, and you may gain something."

Chen Yang consciously withdrew, looking at the text floating in front of him:

"Lucky man, now that you know my name, I have to know your name.

However, by the time you arrive, I should have gone, so I can only use your secret method to calculate your name.

Let me think, your name should be ...

Your name is Chen Yang.

right? "

Seeing this, Chen Yang was taken aback and couldn't believe that a person tens of thousands of years ago could have inferred his name through secret methods.

This person's "fortune telling" effort is too bad.

Chen Yang has never heard of such a thing.

He said to the old man who is still thinking in the sea of ​​knowledge: "People who knew my name tens of thousands of years ago, what is the situation?"

Lao Li solemnly said: "Predicting the future is an extremely mysterious method, but at the very least, it also deduces some general trends and changes.

Specific to a certain place, someone appears, someone's name ... This kind of thing can be promoted, and it is undoubtedly a master.

And, with a time span of tens of thousands of years, ‘fantasy’ can actually deduce your name. I have to say that he is definitely a top master.

Who is he ...? "

Lao Li continued to fall into contemplation, his brows froze, he seemed to want to know the identity of "fantasy", but could not remember it.

Chen Yang continued to look at the text:

"Yes, you are Chen Yang.

Haha, are you surprised and surprised? I didn't expect that I could know your name in advance?

However, just deducing your name is actually no clever way.

I am suddenly intrigued, so deduct some of your identity.



Strange, why do you ...

It's incredible, you actually ...


This is destiny. "

Seeing this, Chen Yang was in a daze and secretly said, "What does it mean, didn't you deduct my origin, why was it suddenly interrupted?"

What is incredible?

What does fate mean?

Is there anything strange about my history? "

At this moment, Chen Yang felt more and more "magic" powerful and mysterious, and the information left by him became more and more strange and confused.

He took back his thoughts and continued reading:

"No one can stop the future, after all, no one can change the trajectory of history unless it becomes a true God.

However, God can control mortals, but not necessarily himself.

Therefore, everything is allowed to develop without having to force it. "

In this passage, the illusion is telling Chen Yang, and it is like talking to himself.

"Chen Yang, we will not discuss about your past and future.

As for whether you can see me in the future ... This seems impossible.

For some reason, I should have left you some valuable things, but after all, your current state is just a dual master, and a lot of things are not useful to you.

And, with regard to my own future, I will try to change, so something powerful and precious cannot be left to you.

However, I can't treat you anyway.

But while rewarding you, you must also leave you a chance to experience. Otherwise, even if you become a star, you are just a waste.

Therefore, the treasure cannot be too good.

Let me think, what is good for you?

Or else, just lift your realm to Heavenly Master?

Anyway ~ ~ This is what you want most now.

In the cabinet, there is a dan bottle, which contains an elixir. After you eat it, you can advance to Heavenly Master within three months.

In addition, I will leave you with another weapon. After removing the cabinet, there will be a dark grid. Make good use of that weapon, it can maximize your combat power.

Without knowing it, I have left so much for you.

You believe me, I'm not talking, just because you ...

It's almost the same, the secret should not be leaked, take care of yourself, but don't embarrass me.

--fantasy. "

(End of this chapter)

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