My Stunning Beauty Tenant

Chapter 5925: Zhu Xuan Ling Miao Dan

Finally, Chen Yang read the text left in Ling Yuan.

He was in shock and doubt, his heart was ebb and flow, and he could not calm down for a long time.

Secret cannot be leaked! ?

What is "hidden" hiding?

He has never seen me. Why did he leave me precious elixir and weapons after deducing his name and origin?

Is there some relationship between him and me?

Don't humiliate him, what does that mean?

For a time, Chen Yang's mind was full of questions, but could not be answered.

Du Qi, who was next to him, was staring at Chen Yang in horror after a moment of suspicion, and said, "Chen Gongzi, why ... the owner of the secret cave tens of thousands of years ago will know your name? And he and you seem to have a close relationship? "

"Where do I know the answer?" Chen Yang withdrew his thoughts, smirked, and shook his head: "I think the question you asked is strange."

Du Qizheng was thinking, but could not understand the slightest clue, and the master of the cave was more and more awed.

Chen Yang walked towards the stone cabinet where the elixir was placed, and said to the old Li in the sea of ​​knowledge: "What does this 'magic' have to do with me, why didn't he let me lose face?"

Lao Li frowned, and said, "Only such a master, parents, and elder brother can say such things, does it ... he has something to do with your father? Or, are you his offspring?"

"Offspring ..."

Despite this possibility, Chen Yang felt that the evidence was insufficient and not very reasonable.

He analyzed: "If I am a descendant of" magic ", then he should not leave us in the lower-order star field. Moreover, he said that he would change the future, as if in me, predict something about himself. "

Lao Li said: "In order to understand all this, we must first know the identity of 'Fantasy'. However, 'Fantasy' should no longer be in Zhonghao Realm."

Chen Yang walked to the stone chest, opened the stone chest, and saw that there was a dan bottle inside.

The Dan bottle is faint green and translucent, even if you don't open it, you can see an elixir inside.

"Lao Li, I always think that my life may be strange."

Chen Yang said to the old Li in the sea while picking up the Dan bottle.

Lao Li said: "At most it is because of the origin of your Chen family that there should be no strangeness in your life. After all, the identity of your father and mother is true."

"I really want to get confused."

Chen Yang sighed, not thinking, and opened the Dan bottle.

The elixir in the bottle is different from ordinary elixir. It is not a sphere, but a flower. It has five petals in total.

The color of the elixir is scarlet, which is very bright red, as if the color on it is going to flow down.

A faint scent of fragrance emanates from the dan bottle, giving people a sense of relaxation and joy, as if being in a quiet flower bush, which makes people relax physically and mentally.

"Zhu Xuan is magical!"

Chen Yang looked at the elixir in the dan bottle, and at one glance he recognized that it was coming, with a surprise on his face.

Upon hearing this, Du Qi was busy approaching: "What kind of elixir is this?"

Chen Yang explained: "Information on elixir, 'magic' did not lie.

This is Zhu Xuan Ling Miao Dan, a very mysterious elixir.

After taking this dan, as long as it can withstand the force of medicine, it can allow the Earth Master to enter the realm of Heavenly Master within three months.

Of course, when you cross the star threshold, you still need to understand the stars. "

Hearing that, Du Qizheng was horrified, and groaned, "He really left you elixir, this ... is too strange."

After a pause, Du Qizheng asked, "Did you say there was still a weapon in the lingering moment?"

"Not in the stone chest."

Chen Yang looked back at the stone cabinet, then put away Zhu Xuan Ling Miao Dan, and began searching the entire room.

When he removed the stone cabinet, he suddenly noticed that there was a hidden door behind it. After opening, the narrow and short passageway could accommodate a person to bend over.

"Since 'Magic' is left to die, then there should be no danger to me after this."

Chen Yang immediately walked into the aisle, crossed a distance of more than ten meters, and reached another stone house, which was larger than the previous one, with a length of thirty meters and a width of seven meters.

However, this stone house is very empty and has no furnishings.

"Look, there is a rune here."

As soon as Du Qizheng came out of the passage, he pointed at the ground and shouted at Chen Yang.

The pattern on the ground, Chen Yang noticed earlier, was not a rune, but a relief that resembled a unicorn.

The engraving process is very superb. Although Kirin is not three-dimensional, it gives people a vivid feeling.

Without waiting for Chen Yang's response, Du Qizheng himself could see clearly, and frowned, "It turned out to be a relief, not a rune."

"Look around and maybe find something."

Chen Yang walked forward, intending to see if there were any hidden doors or something at the end.

However, he had just entered the range of relief, and suddenly a faint light projected from the ground.

Worried about the danger, he hurried back and reached the edge of the relief.

The rumbling sound came from the ground, only to see the relief on the ground split into many pieces, like a puzzle.

The "puzzle" on the ground began to move piece by piece. The speed was extremely fast. After a while, the light disappeared, the "puzzle" was still, and everything was calm.

"What's going on?" Du Qizheng wondered.

Chen Yang stared at the relief on the ground, took a breath, and groaned, "It really became a rune."

The runes are composed of special lines, which contain the power of heaven, and cannot be divided at will.

However, the runes in front of him can be recombined without affecting the power of the runes in any way. Chen Yang has never seen this in "The Book of Fairies and Magic".

Perhaps it is only when you open a higher-level chapter in the Daodian that you have relevant knowledge.

But at least for now, the split runes have surpassed Chen Yang's cognition.


Du Qi was surprised and asked, "Is it the main rune that controls our desert wolf?"

Chen Yang observed and nodded: "Yes."

Along the way ~ ~ Finally found the main rune, Du Qizheng was overjoyed, and said, "Can you break this rune, Prince Chen?"

"Watch first."

After researching the main rune and deciding the type, Chen Yang breathed a sigh of relief and said to Du Qizheng: "It is not difficult to crack the rune, but this rune is a bit weird, not like it is targeted at your desert wolf, but like It is the suppression of a powerful practitioner, you are only implicated. "

"What does this mean?" Du Qizheng said blankly.

Chen Yang said: "This rune is called the" Ten Evil Suppression Squads ", which is used to suppress and seal, and has magical effects on the demon. This formation method has a special feature, or a loophole. After the formation method is activated, it will All blood-like targets have an effect, either a permanent seal or an area limitation. "

(End of this chapter)

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