My Stunning Beauty Tenant

Chapter 5933: 8-tone Qianlong Bell

"Brother, I started.

Tian Han reminded Chen Yang, and then began to retell what he had heard and still remember.

He whispered a word, often stuck, paused, and sometimes his tongue was knotted, making it difficult for him to finish his words.

By the time he finished speaking a few words, half an hour had passed.

And Chen Yang heard the fog in the clouds and felt that each note was very mysterious and special.

After Tian Han finished speaking, he was even more surprised that he didn't really remember a syllable.

This kind of thing exceeds his cognition.

"Strange, why can't you remember?"

Chen Yang frowned and groaned: "Are there some magic in these pronunciations that can erase our memory of sound? But I don't feel anything."

Tian Han said: "If you learn the specific meaning of pronunciation, you can remember it, otherwise, you forget it."

"It's mysterious."

Chen Yang sighed, saying in the sea of ​​knowledge: "Old Li, do you have any opinion on the pronunciation of Tian Han just now?"

"Forget it all, what insights can you have."

Lao Li rolled his eyes, then opened the "Fairy Magic Tao Code", and then said: "However, I found this strange language just now, there are related records in the Tao Code."


Chen Yang was overjoyed, and his consciousness immediately entered the sea of ​​consciousness, watching "The Book of Immortals and Magic".

Tian Han saw that he was lost in thought and did not bother, standing respectfully beside him, although his head was lowered, his eyes looked away.


When he saw the stele, he noticed the text above, his face was surprised, and he murmured, "Strange, isn't this the magical power of the old man written on the wall?

Seems like ... yes, it's "Eight Sound Qianlong Bell".

I remember that this magical power seemed to be used with bells.

But why, the magical secrets are here.

However, the name changed to "Baoyin Qianlong Town", which is ridiculous. Who is in your town? "

After muttering, Tian Han said to Chen Yang: "Brother, the cheat on this stele is‘ fantasy ’. I do n’t know why, it actually appeared here. I guess Bayin Pavilion may have something to do with‘ fantasy ’.

Although Chen Yang could hear Tian Han's voice, he didn't bother, because at this moment he saw that in the "Book of Fairies and Magic", information about the language was recorded.

Just forget it, this is a description of the original Mozu language.

Today's Mozu language has been different from the original, and more languages ​​such as demons, human races, and common languages ​​have been combined to form the current Mozu language system.

In the primitive period, the language of the demons was unique, only the demons could understand it, and people of other races would immediately forget it.

Unless you have studied it for a long time and have a thorough understanding, it is difficult to understand the original Mozu language.

Moreover, you must be someone with a very high level of language talent to be thorough.

These characteristics are the same as described by Tian Han.

Chen Yang looked away from "The Book of Immortals and Magic", and said to Old Li: "Is 'Fantasy' a Demon? And is it the most primitive Demon?"

Old Li said: "It should be so."

"The words of the Demon Clan should have the characteristics of the Demon Clan. I asked Tian Han to paint me a‘ fantasy ’look, and I should get some clues.”

Chen Yang's consciousness returned to reality, and Tian Han was now talking about it.

He interrupted Tian Han's words and said, "You should still remember the appearance of" Fantasy ", you can paint it for me."

"yes, Sir."

Tian Han bowed and said, then jumped up, the figure quickly passed in the air, energy left an image.

The blue star power depicts a handsome young man, wearing a wide robe and a sabre around his waist, like a chic ranger.

In the youth's forehead, there are indeed two protrusions, but they are hidden by hair and difficult to find.

There is no doubt that this youth is a demons.

In this case, Chen Yang can be sure that the young people use the primitive language of the demons, so the phenomenon of forgetfulness will appear.

However, Tian Han is indeed very talented in language. He actually obtained some information through his own research.

Chen Yang withdrew his thoughts and said to Tian Han: "Aren't you saying, 'Fantasy' is an old man, how are you young?"

Tian Han said: "This old guy is at least ten thousand years old. His appearance is nothing but changeable. His true face must be old-fashioned, and you are one hundred thousandth handsome without your brother."

Chen Yang ignored Tianhan's flattery, and asked, "No one has appeared in a secret cave except 'Fantasy'."

Tian Han said: "He has been alone and occasionally left, but no one has ever entered the secret cave."

"Strange," Chen Yang muttered, "What's so special about the Death Desert. Why should he set up a base in the Gedo Oasis? Is it related to what he is looking for?"

Tian Han said: "Brother is right.‘ Fantasy ’is a very intelligent person. He will never do anything without purpose. He must have a reason to build a dense cave in Gedo Oasis.”

"You don't make a bullshit, nobody thinks you are dumb."

Chen Yang turned his eyes to the cold, and then said, "In addition, you were a ninth master in the past. Could you have a little dignity as a strong man?"

Tian Han was aggrieved and said, "My Master Jiuzhong is all made by" fantasy ". Moreover, I have been staying in a dense cave and have never tried the taste of being a master. Later I left Geduo. Oasis, but without the ability. Therefore, it is difficult for me to be a master. "

Chen Yangqi didn't hit one spot, but he was not good at saying: "You said just now that the cheats on the stele are" magic ", what do you know?"

"This is the" Eight Sound Qianlong Bell ". It can be used in conjunction with a bell. Its power is endless."

Tian Han glanced at the stone tablet, his face was disdainful, and said to Chen Yang: "I don't know what these stupid people think of Bayinge, actually changed the name to" Baying Ganlong Town ", and some of them seem to be Made changes. "

After hearing the words, Chen Yang's eyes brightened, and he secretly said: "Use with bells! Is this the reason why" magic "is left for me? Is it for the" Eight Music Qianlong Bell "? Why? ~ Did Tao Qiuyue change the cheats? "

Withdrawing his thoughts, Chen Yang said to Tian Han: "Where are the monuments that are different from" Eight Sound Qianlong Bell "? Do you remember?"

"of course I remember."

Tian Han laughed and said, "In the beginning," Fantasy "allowed me to cultivate this magical power, but Yuexian was proficient in the rhythm, and I let her cultivate it. The effect was very good."

After speaking, Tian Han jumped up, pointed to some paragraphs on the stone monument, and said, "Here, here, there ... there are problems in these places."

Chen Yang threw a cold stone to Tianhan and said: "You carved a cold stone and recorded the whole cheat for me."

Tian Han immediately complied, holding the prepared maggot in both hands and sending it to Chen Yang, sulking his face: "Brother, look at me so loyal to you, my demon Yuanzhu, when will you give me Yeah? "

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