My Stunning Beauty Tenant

Chapter 632: Bright and just killing

Three days passed in a flash, and it was time for Qiwu to officially begin.

During these three days, a lot of people from all walks of life came to Huaxia.

However, many major factions such as Shaolin, Wudang, Emei, and Qingcheng did not send anyone.

I don't know if they haven't received the invitation letter, or they have received it, and are unwilling to come.

Of course, the Emei faction will definitely not come, they and the Bloodthorn faction are the deadly enemies.

Most of the people who came here this time were major families and small martial arts.

大 Large factions like Huashan just sent Xiaobei and two other inner disciples to join in the fun.

But even so, there are hundreds of people gathered in the manor house.

During the trance, Ye Zi has been searching for Tang Yuyun's trace, but he has not found it yet.

However, since Tang Yuyun joined the Spiny Blood faction, and the Spiny Blood faction invited Ye Zi again, then both sides know that a battle must be inevitable.

The Qiqi Wuhui meeting place is located in a hall in the middle of the manor house. This hall is large, beautifully decorated, and can hold thousands of people.

Chenyang four went to the venue, found a place to sit down, and began to look at the surrounding environment.

The front third of the hall was covered with curtains, and nothing was visible behind.

In front of the curtain, there is a small stage, and the Ceremonial Ceremony of the Spinosaurs will be held here.

Chen Yang looked elsewhere, most of them were already seated.

He was among the crowd and saw Qiu Menglei.

Qiu Menglei and the Qiu family sat together, and when he saw him, beckoned and beckoned with a smile, looking very excited.

Chen Yang said hello to Qiu Menglei and then looked elsewhere.

At this time, everyone was seated, everyone was watching the small stage in front, and even if someone was talking, they were very quiet.

The whole hall seemed very quiet, and was a little weird.

There was a feeling of tranquility before the storm.

Chen Yang knows that today ’s Qi Wu Hui will never be that simple. The storm will definitely come, depending on how violent it can be.

"Everyone, please be quiet."

I squinted to see that the people had arrived, and a Lianzhen of the Bloodthorn faction stepped onto the front stage.

After everyone's eyes gathered, the man continued: "Below, please invite us to take charge of the Bloodthorn faction, and Mr. Kang Mao will say something for everyone."

中 A middle-aged man stepped onto the stage and it was Jie.

He has a smile on his face, a calm look, and a suit, like an ordinary business elite.

Ji Kangmao walked to the microphone and said, "Hello everyone!"


As soon as the words came out, there was a warm applause from the audience.

This weird scene makes Chen Yang feel incredible.

Everyone who was present at the scene knew Kang Mao and gave him such a face before applauding.

"It seems that the spines have long communicated with various forces, and those who applaud now are supporters of spines."

Chen Yang secretly said in his heart, looked closely, and found that most of the applause.

It seems that the Spiked Blood has spent a lot of effort and has attracted a lot of forces.

At the same time, Chen Yang watched those who didn't applaud, and he wanted to find people from the Yanhuang Temple.

After all, the Spinosad is evil, Yan Huang Dian will never condone it.

And the big head also said that even his father, Yan Huangdian, the vice palace owner, felt that the spines had a conspiracy, why would he not send people?

However, Chen Yang did not find any clues.

Of course, he doesn't know all the people in Yanhuangdian.

I may be there, but he doesn't know.

However, today ’s incident, the more he thought about it, the more wrong he became.

But who is stronger on both sides?

On the surface, Yan Huang Dian has deep foundations, a lot of masters holding Yuan, and a mysterious master.

I can be so brazen, and I definitely have a hole card, and my strength is by no means weak.

"This is really troublesome."

阳 Chen Yang shook his head, no longer thinking about it, looking towards the stage.

I am the head of Kang Mao, speaking in a calm tone: "Thank you all for coming, Spinosads, as a re-established sect, hope to get your support in the future."

It's all a cliché. No one listens.

After about half an hour, applause rang again and again, and Kang Mao's nonsense was finally finished.

宣布 He announced loudly: "Bloodblood, formally open up!"

As soon as the chanting came down, the monitors on the sides of the hall showed that the red cloth covering the plaque at the entrance of the manor had been torn off, and a plaque with black characters on the gold background was exposed, with the three vigorous characters "Spirit Blood".

Outside the hall, crackling firecrackers sounded, the atmosphere was festive, and it took more than ten minutes to stop.

The firecrackers stopped, followed by thunderous applause.

The atmosphere at the scene was warm and everyone seemed to be applauding for the establishment of the Spinosad.

After the applause, Kang Mao continued: "Below, enter the most exciting part of Qiwu Association, the free challenge!"

The curtain behind the stage pulled up, revealing the scene behind.

I saw there, there was a ring platform, and under the spotlight, the ring platform looked very sacred.

Kang Maodao: "Next, all guests can freely exchange martial arts experience. In addition, there are friends who want to show their fist, can go up to the ring, and challenge at will. Everyone can discuss with each other, don't hurt people. I'm injured, so please take more time. "

"It ’s inevitable that death and injury will be caused by fighting. If you go to the ring, who can blame anyone?"

"It's interesting. Today's platform depends on who wants to go."

"If someone challenges me, I will be killed, and I will admit it. I will never blame the Spiny Blood."

Chen Yang heard these words, and felt that this was a gang of support. Obviously, he took fifty cents and was talking to the spines.

He secretly said, "Freedom Challenge! What kind of ghost idea does the Spiky fight, and want to take this opportunity to kill people brightly?"

Xiao Xiaobei said, "The Spike Blood faction is afraid of not having a good idea."

Big head sneered: "This method is clever. In front of so many people, whoever is challenged will be embarrassed to refuse, making it clear that the Spinosad wants to take this opportunity to deal with some people.

Just as they were talking, a figure jumped onto the platform ~ ~ They all looked at it with some surprises, because the first person to enter the platform was Tang Yuyun.

The leaves looked bright, stood up, and looked at Tang Yuyun aggressively.

His right hand is gone. Although now psychologically accepts this fact, Tang Yuyun's revenge still has to be reported.

And he said that he would kill Tang Yuyun himself, and he would do it.

"Duan Chenfeng, I want to challenge you."

此时 At this moment, Tang Yuyun pointed to the crowd and shouted.

A man in a bunny costume walked towards the platform, jumped onto the platform, and whispered, "Huh, you spine-blooded pretending to be a ghost, I want to see what you have!

From this person's attitude, he should be an opponent of thorn blood.

Uh ...