My Stunning Beauty Tenant

Chapter 6434: "Master is like a cloud"

Update the latest chapter of my amazing beauty tenant as soon as possible!

"Ah! Isn't this Chen Yang of Ku Haizong, why is he alive?"

"Who is this? Chen Yang?"

"You forgot? I told you before that the robbery attracted fourteen thunder robbers, and each thunder robber was comparable to the suffering Haizong disciples attacked by the gods. But he was beaten to death by thunder robbers, how could he survive? And become immortal. "

"Can you read it wrong?"

"Impossible. At that time, the immortals of Kuhaizong, Fanxianmen, and the Thunder Tribe all said he was dead."

"Perhaps those masters misjudged."

"It turned out that he was Chen Yang! However, the rumors may not be true."

"Nine out of ten are false. Who can lead to fourteen thunderstorms? A rumor upon hearing it."


Although the enthusiasm of Chen Yangdu Jie has passed for some time, this will suddenly bring him back to life and appear in front of everyone, immediately causing a lot of sensation.

He walked down the street along the way, and many people pointed at him.

Some were surprised, unexpected, and awed.

But more, he questioned the rumors and did not believe that he was capable.

"Brother Chen, otherwise, let's go back. So many people stare at you, just like watching a monkey."

Su Wuxue stunned for a moment, and looked upset.

Chen Yang laughed: "Sister Su, they are not staring at you, why do you care?"

Su Bu learned: "They're staring at you, I'm upset."

"Ignore them." Chen Yang went forward, and he did not care about the eyes of others.

But suddenly, he felt a sharp gaze, locking him with a sense of chill.

This is not an ordinary practitioner, but a fairy.

Chen Yang looked in the direction of his eyes. Among the crowd, he saw an acquaintance, Yang Pei of Fanxianmen.

At the beginning of the Baimo Dojo, it was Yang Pei that made Chen Yang go to Fanxianmen.

Although Chen Yang finally got away smoothly, he made a note of this feud.

Unexpectedly, actually here, met Yang Pei.

Su Bexue came over, looked at Yang Pei along Chen Yang's eyes, and asked, "Brother Chen, do you know him?"

"At the time of Wan Venus, it was this person who ordered me." Chen Yang said.

Su Wuxue raised her eyebrows and said, "It turned out that he was Yang Pei. I heard that he is Qi Zhe's disciple. He is very strong and seems to be participating in this Xinjie conference.

Chen Yang laughed: "Last time he wanted to kill me. If Xinjie General Assembly met him, he would just teach him."

"Of course this person is not your opponent."

Su Bexue covered her mouth and smiled, glancing at Yang Pei gloatfully.

Everyone in Kuzhuyuan knows the details of Chen Yang, and naturally understands that the immortals attending the Xinjie Conference are far inferior to Chen Yang.

After all, the real state of Chen Yang is the peak of Dixian.


There is no cloud in the sky, only the transparent blue, can see the vast stars in the infinite star sea.

The ring-shaped bleachers with a diameter of hundreds of miles rose slowly from the ground and stopped in the air for five kilometers.

In the ring stand, the practitioners who came to watch the Xinjie Conference could not wait any longer, and they were all shouting in excitement at this moment.

Then, huge lotus leaves flew up from the sky, floating in the center of the ring stand.

On each lotus leaf, there were several immortals.

These immortals come from various forces in the Xingyun star domain.

There are a total of seventy-three lotus leaves, that is to say, there are seventy-three of the Zongmen who participated in the Xinjie conference.

The immortals of these ancestors are of all races.

Human, demon, demon, spirit, ghost, spirit ...

Among them is the Thunder Tribe that has grudges with Ku Haizong.

In addition, other forces are not weak.

For example, Heavenly Sect, Wanmen, Forbidden Taiwan ... The strength of these sect gates is obviously stronger than that of other sect gates. The immortals under the gates often occupy the top ten of the new hero list.

After all, these ancestors have profound knowledge and high apprenticeship requirements, and the disciples coming out of the door are naturally outstanding.

At the Xinjie conference, it was very difficult for other gates to compete for the top ten.

Many Zongmen Dixian set their goals at the top 50, because they can enter the new top list after entering the top 50.

At this time, the elders of each of the gates talked to each other with a happy atmosphere, but the new earth gods who were about to participate in the war were those who secretly observed the other gates.

Because they are all new to the immortals, they do n’t have much information and do n’t know each other. Everyone is cautious.

Of course, there are also earth gods with very high self-confidence, and they don't take other people into account.

Among them, the disciples who proscribed Taiwan were especially prosperous.

Because the disciples who have banned Taiwan have won the top spot of Xinjie for four consecutive years, they are full of confidence.

The disciples of Tianshengzong and Wanmen, although not as arrogant as those who forbid Taiwanese, are also full of self-confidence and regard the competition as the goal.

At the time when the participating disciples observed each other, the casual practitioners who registered for the war took a lotus leaf and flew into the air.

On this lotus leaf, there are more than sixty people, all of whom are outstanding martial arts of the stars.

It is often difficult for casual repairs to enter the list of new heroes, so the immortals of each gate just glanced at them and stopped looking at them more.

"Hahahaha ..."

Suddenly, someone laughed loudly on the lotus leaves gathered by San Xiu.

Suddenly, everyone's attention was drawn to the past.

I saw a young man who came out of the crowd and stood at the front of the lotus leaf. His sharp eyes glanced at everyone, and he shouted cheerfully: "You all listen to me. My name is Zheng Zheng. My name is mine! "

The audience was silent.

Then everyone's eyes retreated. No one paid attention to the declaration of such a handsome man, and everyone continued to talk.

"Hey, I'm talking!"

Zheng Zheng shouted.

Unfortunately, no one paid attention to him.

He frowned, and Starring Roared, "I ..."

You Zhenxian threw down a sound-proof array, sealed Zheng Zheng around, and immediately became quiet.

"Using a soundproof array!"

Zheng Yan looked angry and wanted to get out of the sound insulation array, but found that the sound insulation array had been following him.

He tried to break the sound barrier, but couldn't touch the lines.

I saw him scolding in the soundproof array, but no one knew what he was talking about.

"I did not expect that there was a neurosis in the fairies ~ ~ Chen Yang glanced at Zheng Zheng, and smiled and learned to Su Be beside him.

As Su Baxue ate the pastry on the table in front of him, he replied, "Listening to others, there are a lot of such self-righteous people at every Xinjie conference."

At this time, someone flew towards the side of Ku Haizong, who was a monster tribe of the Thunder Tribe.

The demon clan did not manifest the human form, but showed people in the form of a demon clan, resembling an evil wolf, but with double horns and fiery red hair.

The demon clan stopped in front of the lotus leaves and locked his eyes on Chen Yang, saying: "I heard that the foundation of the distraction without the emperor is used by you. I hope you will not let me down at the Xinjie conference.

After that, the demon race galloped away.

"Who is he?" Chen Yang looked blank.

Su Bexue has read the roster for the contest and said to Chen Yang: "The first ancestor of Thunderbird Thunderbird Thunderbird, Wolf Xiaotian."