My Stunning Beauty Tenant

Chapter 6435: Night Niang

Update the latest chapter of my amazing beauty tenant as soon as possible!

"It turned out to be the ancestor of the ancestor Thunderbird." Chen Yang understood it, glanced at the red wolf flying away, and said, "It looks like this wolf howls, knowing the purpose of Lei Yuan to Kuhaizong. Because of Daoji, he Find me. "

Xia Lan groaned: "Ku Haizong and the Thunder Tribe formed a beam. Even if Wolf Xiaotian and Lei Yuan had no relationship between teachers, they would definitely target Kui Haizong. At that time, if you encounter the demons of the Thunder tribe, you must be careful. "

"Master, they dare not openly kill people at Xinjie Conference, right?" Su Wu learned.

Xia Landao: "Although the Xinjie Conference bans injuries, there are exceptions."

Su Wuxue worried, "Ah ... wouldn't I be dangerous like this?"

Xia Lan said: "There is no injustice, no one will kill the killer, you can be careful of the Thunder Tribe, you don't need to worry too much."

Chen Yang wondered, "Can you kill people here?"

"The rules don't allow it, but if the parties volunteer it, the organizers will not stop it."

After explaining, Xia Lan glanced at Song Shu shirt and Song Shenyu sitting not far away.

Obviously all are Ku Haizong people, but because of the relationship between Xia Lan and Song Shu shirt, they have not talked since they set off from Ku Haizong, as if they were people from two worlds.

"Yanniang is here."

"I came for Ye Niang, and she finally showed up."

"She is the first beauty in Xingyun Star Domain."

At this moment, the ring-shaped stand suddenly boiled, and the focus of everyone's discussions became a person called "night maid".

Immediately afterwards, a woman with a **** figure in tights was seen holding a long leather whip in her hand, rising from the bottom and reaching the center of the venue.

No one knows the name of this Jurchen, only known as the "night maiden", rumored to be the most beautiful woman in Xuyun.

But now, wearing a butterfly mask, she only showed her eyes and chin, and could not see her true face.

But with those ecstasy eyes alone, I don't know how many people can be fascinated.

"I'm back at the Xinjie Conference of Xuyun Star Domain. I don't know which little guy this time will be able to get the first place."

Ye Niang's voice is very sweet, ringing in the sky.

She has a special status as a referee for Xinjie Conference.

In addition, she has served for sixteen consecutive referees.

As her voice spread, the audience shouted even louder, apparently she had many followers.

Ye Niang looked at the lotus leaves where the forbidden Taiwan was located, and smiled and said, "Zhao Wanji, hurry up and announce the start, but I can't wait."

Because the Xinjie Conference is jointly hosted by various forces, according to the rules, the first place of the previous Xinjie list was announced.

Forbidden Taiwan is a peak true immortal, wearing an ordinary robe with a long beard of more than a meter long, looks very weird, some like monkeys.

The faint aura released from him shows that he should be a demon.

Zhao Wanzhen slowly stood up, hands behind his back, without a nonsense, calmly said: "I announced that the virtual cloud star field astral convention, officially started."

After speaking, Zhao Wanzhen sat down.

His voice spread throughout the venue.

"Forbidden Taiwan is so prestigious!"

"Looking at this momentum, Zhao Wanzhen didn't put others in his eyes, thinking that the first place was in the bag of the forbidden Taiwan again."

"They have pride."


"All contestants, come forward."

The referee Ye Niang seemed to be an impatient, pointing at the huge lotus leaf floating in front of her, loudly.

Disciples of various forces and casual practitioners came forward.

Zheng Zheng, who had previously claimed to win the first place, arrived at the lotus leaves where the players gathered, and finally was taken away by the true immortal.

He didn't chatter anymore, but the surrounding contestants could still hear him muttering, "I will let you know that the first place is mine."

"There are more than 300 people. Want to fight one by one?"

Chen Yang looked around, hoping to be able to directly determine the top few like the bitter Haizong emerging battle, otherwise it would be too time-consuming.

When he heard what he said, Su Bu said, "Brother Chen, I'm already lazy enough. You're actually lazier than me. Don't you know a little bit about the Xinjie conference?"

Chen Yangdao: "I've learned that the top three can participate in the Supreme Immortal Seminar."

Su Wuxue said badly: "I mean the rules of Xinjie Conference."

"Isn't she about to announce soon?" Chen Yang pointed at Ye Niang.

At this time, Ye Niang threw out more than 300 spirit stones forged by Lingshi and shouted, "Why little cub, come up and draw."

Everyone came forward and chose a puppet.

After activation, a number will be displayed, representing your own number.

"Old man, what are you doing?"

As the lottery was drawn, Ye Niang suddenly shouted.

I saw her unhappy expression, staring at Yang Pei who had just taken Ling Zhi into her hand.

Among the many contestants, Yang Pei is indeed an old guy.

Of course, other people are not too young, but everyone is at least young.

Yang Pei looked embarrassed, but did not dare to offend Ye Niang, and bowed down, "Senior Ye Niang, I ... I just have a slightly mature face. In fact, I have only advanced in the last 50 years ..."

"Are you mature? You are old now."

When Ye Niang interrupted Yang Pei, she said impatiently, "Go and go and stand behind the crowd. I'm annoying when you see such a bad old man."

The corner of Yang Pei's mouth twitched, and he retreated back to the crowd.

Seeing this, Chen Yang curiously asked Su Bu: "Sister Su, what is the origin of this night maiden, and she will not show it to Fanxian at all."

Su Bu learned: "No one knows the true background of Ye Niang.

But I heard that her master seems to be a very powerful person, only a mile away from the emperor.

So no one dared to provoke her in the entire Xingyun Star Domain.

By the way, what is your number? "

"Twenty-seven." Chen Yang took out his own puppet and wondered if he had a relationship with "twenty-seven" ~ ~ Most of the draws were on the twenty-seventh.

Su Bu learned: "I am 326."

Soon after all the contestants had completed the draw, Ye Niang announced: "Because of the large number of participants this time, the first round of melee was adopted.

The rules are very simple. According to your lottery number, there are four groups in total, and each group is promoted to eight people.

The conditions for defeat are loss of combat power, falling out of the combat area, and admitting defeat.

In the end, eight people stood on the battlefield and advanced to the top 36. "

After hearing that, many people showed solemn appearance.

After all, the difficulty of melee is much higher than one-on-one.

Someone asked: "Sister Ye Niang, there are a total of 50 people on the Xinjie list. What if the top 36 are decided, what will be the remaining 14?"

Ye Niang laughed: "So, there are only thirty-six people on this new list."