My Stunning Beauty Tenant

Chapter 6436: rumor

Update the latest chapter of my amazing beauty tenant as soon as possible!

"What, only thirty-six people!"

Many people's faces became uglier when they heard Ye Niang's words.

The position in front of the new rankings is fierce.

Therefore, most people do not aim their eyes at the first few, the top twenty or thirty.

More is to strive to enter the new list.

Even the bottom of the rankings can be significant.

But now, the 50th place becomes the 36th place, and the difficulty of competition has increased by many times.

"Okay, don't talk nonsense, start quickly."

Ye Niang ignored the surprised contestants, and the leather whip swept around, forming a strong wind, blowing out the lotus leaves carrying the immortals of various forces, suspended above the ring-shaped stands, and evenly distributed.

Of course, standing in the lotus leaf of a contestant is no exception.

Then, the whip in the hands of Ye Niang quickly waved to form a ball of light, which expanded continuously to reach a diameter of hundreds of kilometers, just stuck inside the ring stand.

This ball of light may seem ordinary, but it has a pattern of lines and has an extraordinary defense force, which can block the energy impact of the earth fairy.

Ye Niang herself is a pinnacle true immortal, and having such a means is nothing to her.

Because to reach such a state, as long as you know the way of formation, forming a void is very simple.

"Numbered one to ninety, enter the battlefield."

Ye Niang loudly.

On the lotus leaf, a total of ninety people crossed the boundary of the light sphere and entered the huge sphere battlefield.

On the side of Ku Haizong, in addition to Chen Yang, Song Shenyu also entered the battlefield, her number is eighty-nine.

Song Shenyu was defeated by Chen Yang before, and has been unwilling. At this moment, she flew to Chen Yang and said coldly, "I tell you, don't expect me to help you."

"I didn't say you want to help, right?" Chen Yang laughed. "In addition, I have no injustice with you. Why should you fight me everywhere?"

"You are Xia Lan's apprentice." Song Shenyu said coldly.

Chen Yangyao glanced at Xia Lan, and then looked at the Song Shu shirt sneaking at Xia Lan next to him, shook his head helplessly, and said to Song Shenyu: "Have you ever thought about it, some of the information you got before is Wrong, in fact, Xia Lan was the injured person. "

"She wants to take my father, she is a bad woman." Song Shenyu said with confidence.

Chen Yang said: "Someday you will know the truth."

"All I know is the truth." Song Shenyu turned around and flew away. "After crossing the robbery and becoming an immortal, I'm no longer the same as before. Don't think that you have brought about fourteen thunder robbery, how powerful it is. There is nothing to do with the vision created by the emperor's distraction of the Tao. "

"Well, I hope you can beat me." Chen Yang smiled bitterly.

At this moment, suddenly, Chen Yang heard the voice: "Chen Yang, Song Shenyu, no matter what your grievances are, now you represent the suffering Haizong, you must work together to advance to the top 36."

Song Shenyu, who was far away from Chen Yang, took a footstep, glanced at the distant Tianhai people who heard the sound, and then stared at Chen Yang fiercely, apparently he did not intend to execute the orders of the Tianhai people.

Although Song Shenyu usually behaves well, there are times when he is stubborn.

However, her expressions were not seen by the maritime people and Song Shushan, otherwise she would have to preach to her.

Chen Yang didn't hesitate to order the maritime people. If Song Shenyu was really in danger, he would certainly not sit idly by.

After all, Song Shenyu is not bad by itself.

Ninety earth gods are distributed in the spherical battlefield, and everyone keeps a certain distance from each other to guard against each other.

However, there are a few more special ones.

These immortals came from several top forces, such as Tian Shengzong, Forbidden Taiwan, and Wanmen. The others around them kept a long distance.

The audience on the ring stand is already analyzing who will be promoted to the top 36.

Although these newly born celestial beings do not have much fame in the entire Xingyun star field, some of the top geniuses are still a little weak.

These people are naturally favored by everyone and regarded as seed players.

Of course, Chen Yang is also the focus of attention.

Many people want to know how powerful this legendary super genius has attracted fourteen thunderstorms.

Is it true or not?


A loud noise came from the whip waving from Ye Niang's hand, suppressing everyone's voice.


Ye Niang announced the start of the battle in a concise manner, and her voice was full of excitement. It seemed that she liked watching the fight very much.

At the moment when her voice fell, the ninety players who had already been ready to go, immediately moved.

Various energies, immortals, magical powers, and rays of light flicker in the battlefield of light balls.

Everyone was excited.

At the beginning, someone was eliminated.

I saw a Dixian wearing bitter Haizong costume, who was hit with a knife from behind, and was cut directly in half, shot with blood, and died on the spot.

The man who shot it couldn't help but stunned. He didn't expect that the other party would be defenseless. He killed someone with one shot.

Ku Haizong is a well-known fairy gate in the Xingyun Star Field, and the disciples under the gate are too weak.

According to the rules, no one can be killed.

But in this case, it seems that you can't blame yourself.

"Look, it turned out that Chen Yang was killed!"

"Sure enough, it's all rumors. The so-called 14 thunderbolts are all false. Otherwise, how could this person be so weak after he became an immortal."

"Who in this world can lead to fourteen thunderstorms. Perhaps the rumors are propagated by Chen Yang himself."


There was a lot of talk in the crowd, and many people had an expression of "I already knew this".

However, the true immortals of various forces present at the scene, many people have witnessed Chen Yangdu Jie firsthand. Since Chen Yang is still alive today, that is a successful crossing.

How could the fairy who was baptized by fourteen thunder raids be so vulnerable?

No matter how bad it is, it should be okay to escape the knife just now.

Many true immortals are very puzzled ~ ~ Releasing sensation and want to confirm the situation.

However, in the spherical battlefield, the battle was very fierce, the energy scattered and impacted, and Chen Yang split into two halves was crushed instantly, leaving no residue.

If this is an illusion, a clone, what about the ontology?

It was not found throughout the battlefield.

Man, really dead?


The People's Congress at Tianhai was surprised. He had high hopes for Chen Yang, but the scene in front of him made him stupefied.

Song Shushan was also bewildered. At the beginning, he also witnessed Chen Yang's robberies, but this ... Where should he be?

"Sister Xia, this ..."

Song Shu-shirt turned to look at Xia Lan, and he just asked, but Xia Lan ignored him and walked to the side of the Tianhai people, saying: "Uncle Tianhai needn't worry, Chen Yang will be promoted."