My Stunning Beauty Tenant

Chapter 6527: look forward to

"Chen Yang is fine."

Ma Liangpu's eyes brightened, he put away the defensive cover to protect Ren Lingjie, and looked towards a void in the battlefield.

That place was where Chen Yang was hit by the runes.

Others don't know what happened, but everything is under Ma Liangpu's perception.

He is now more and more interested in Chen Yang.

"He's okay?"

Hearing the words of Ma Liangpu, Ren Lingjie was relieved, but also very confused.

Under such a powerful rune attack, can Chen Yang be all right?

At the same time, everyone was searching for Chen Yang in the battlefield, but found nothing.

They don't understand why Ma Liangpu didn't do anything to save Chen Yang?

Just then, somewhere on the battlefield, a blue vortex suddenly appeared in the void, forming a space door, and Chen Yang came out of it.

He was unharmed, as if nothing had happened.

"This ... what's going on?"

"Where did he hide, the portal?"

"No, that doesn't seem to be a portal, there is a huge space inside."


There was a burst of suspicion and speculation.

After all, most of the people present were immortals. Soon, they understood that Chen Yang came out of the small world.

Such things as the small world are not rare in the fairyland.

Even powerful immortals have strong strengths and can create different degrees of space.

However, most heterogeneous spaces are not balanced and require a fixed energy source and matrix method to make them stable.

So it's almost impossible to take a small world with you.

But Chen Yang took a small world with him.

This can not help but make everyone wonder, where did he get the small world?

Or, is it his own creation?

At this time, some people said: "The secret treasure of the star field contains a small world, but Chen Yang can never have the secret treasure of the star field."

The topic of Starcraft Treasures has not been deepened, because no one thinks that Chen Yang owns such top-level treasures.

After all, not even the Emperor has a secret treasure of the stars.

"The rune just came under siege. He entered the small world, so he avoided the rune attack?"

Xiang Lei thoughtfully, groaning: "It seems that he has been prepared for a long time, otherwise even if he carries the small world with him, it will be difficult to open quickly.

Li Ziqi shined her eyes and secretly said, "Hum, if you kill you, your little world is mine."

"It's just a chance."

Zeng Yunling said coldly, he always believed that his talent was not lower than that of Chen Yang, but his luck was worse.


In the voice of everyone's discussion, what happened just now was finally revealed.

Rune siege, Ren Lingjie wanted to fight a draw, but Chen Yang cleverly resolved, let Ren Lingjie himself be trapped in the rune siege, and eventually lost.

"Chen Yang, win!"

Ma Liangpu announced the results.

The audience cheered.

After Chen Yang overcomes the two difficulties of Xiang Lei and Ren Lingjie, no one has questioned his strength.

Moreover, everyone was expecting a little more from him.

If Chen Yang can defeat one of Zhen Xue and Zheng Xunzhong, then this is the true proof of his value in crossing the 14 thunders and thrones, and it proves that he is the only pride of heaven and hopes to become emperor in the future.

Otherwise, even Zheng Zheng and Zhen Xue will not be able to pass the fourteen thunder raids.

"Brother Chen ... commit."

Ren Lingjie gave Chen Yang a hand and smiled bitterly. "I didn't expect Xuyun Starfield Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. There is a peerless genius like Brother Chen, but I have no idea."

"Brother Ren talked a lot, and I was just lucky."

Chen Yang modestly said that the two flew out of the battlefield side by side, but did not become incompatible due to a battle.

In this situation, everyone was more willing to see, and immediately cheered.

"I knew you were fine."

When Chen Yangfei landed on the light curtain platform, Zheng Xie laughed.

Zhen Xue poked his lips, looked at Chen Yang from afar, and muttered, "If you change to me, you will never give you a chance to hide in a small world. However, the space energy of this small world is somewhat unique, like It ’s like that somewhere. ”

Suddenly, Zhen Xue remembered that when he was young, his father took her to visit an emperor.

The emperor, she remembered, seemed to be "Dragon Emperor".

Dragon Emperor has a small world that he carries with him, and it is the interior space of the secret treasure of the stars.

At that time, Boxing Emperor and Zhen Xue both entered that small world.

There are special energy fluctuations in the small world. Zhen Xue still remembers it, which is very similar to the spatial fluctuations leaked out of the space door that Chen Yang just opened.

However, there are many differences.

She heard her father boxer say that the secret treasure of Starfield is a very special existence.

The entire Xinghai is dominated by the Tao of Heaven. All natural laws, runes, cultivation, and so on, must follow the Tao of Heaven.

But the starry secret treasure has its own world. The person who controls the starry secret treasure in the starry secret treasure world is the master of the heavens. It is an absolute will, and can change everything in the small world at will without being controlled by heaven.

The only shortcoming in the Starcraft Mystery World is that it has no original energy.

There are no sources of stars, no stars, no resources such as stars and mines.

Otherwise, the small world of Starfield Mystery can be an independent world.

"Is Chen Yang's star secret?"

Zhen Xue suddenly burst out of this idea.

But she quickly shook her head to veto, and secretly said: "Even my dad doesn't have the Starcraft Treasure. Where did he get the Starcraft Treasure. However, my father said last time that there is a copy of the Starcraft Treasure. It seems that there is also internal space, but It ’s a lot worse than the real star secret. I do n’t know if this is in Chen Yang ’s hands. ”

At the time of Zhen Xue's suspicion, Chen Yang's bronze tripod moved forward. Although not far away, it had reached four-fifths of the entire route.

As long as he wins one more match, Chen Yang is bound to win the first place in this fair.

But this last scene is not so easy.

Although Chen Yang successively won and performed amazingly, everyone did not think that he could sweep the audience.

After all, there are Zhen Xue and Zheng Zheng.

However, judging from the current distribution of bronze tripods ~ ~ Zheng Ye and Zhen Xue are not easy to meet Chen Yang.

Especially Zheng Zheng, the bronze tripod is right in front of the light node, and the next battle is about to happen. It is almost impossible to meet Chen Yang.

As for Zhen Xue, just lost to Ren Lingjie, the bronze tripod returned to the starting point, and there is still a short distance to activate the light node.

In this way, Chen Yang's greatest possibility is to encounter one of Zeng Yunling, Xiang Lei, and Yu Chengze.

But all of a sudden, everyone found that Zheng Yong's bronze tripod did not move forward, but stayed in front of the light node.

What does this mean?

Everyone felt strange.

Looking at Zheng Ye's eyes again, he was looking forward to Chen Yang.

Is this posture waiting to fight Chen Yang?

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