My Stunning Beauty Tenant

Chapter 6528: Battle Declaration

"Zheng Ye wants to fight Chen Yang. He is waiting!"

"This is interesting. Zheng Zheng has not shown real strength so far, but he will never be weaker than Zhen Xue."

"Chen Yang is in danger."

"I thought his five light nodes were an advantage, but now it doesn't seem to be the case."


At this time, everyone began to worry about Chen Yang.

Zhen Xue's previous performance was so eye-catching, so no one dared to despise his brother Zheng Zheng.

Chen Yang can beat others, but it is difficult to be Zheng Zheng's opponent.

If there are only four battlefields, then Chen Yang's current advantage is almost locked first.

But the fifth battlefield will become a hurdle for him.

"Brother Zheng, are you waiting for me?"

Chen Yang also found Zheng Zheng's anomaly and asked Chuan Yin with a smile.

"Hey, exactly."

Zheng Zheng smiled, and then said seriously: "At that time, I will not be merciless, and you must not have any reservations. I would like to see how strong your real combat power is."

"I have done my best." Chen Yang laughed.

"I don't believe these." Zheng Zheng shook his head and said, "I can see that you were at ease in the previous battles. Your star power, immortal, and magical powers have not exerted their true power. At least, you are still hiding 30% of combat power. "


Chen Yang smiled and said nothing, looking at the central light ball that Bronze Ding was getting closer.

Suddenly he thought of a problem.

He came to participate in the Dixian Taoist meeting only because of the original plan, not to ask the Emperor Xing Xingchen where.

Then, it won't make much sense to win the first place in the Dixian Taoist Association and meet the emperor.

As for the emperor's instructions, Chen Yang asked himself.

Although "The Book of Immortals and Magic" is only a book, it is the essence of Wu Shidi's life. Chen Yang feels that it is enough.

The upcoming emperor may not be more useful than this book.

"It seems that I still have to ask, what rewards are there at the Dixian Dao. If there is no good thing, why should I go for the ranking."

Chen Yang was thinking so, and the old Li in the sea said: "Your boy does not know the power of the emperor, but dares to despise the emperor. I have lost my memory, and I have only this ability. Other emperors, please point you at random, you There is bound to be endless benefits. "

Seeing Lao Li suddenly speaking, Chen Yang said, "I haven't encountered any problems. Even after the emperor, let them give me some pointers?"

"This ... too."

Lao Li was speechless, showing his thoughts, and suddenly wondered: "Smell boy, I suddenly found a problem. You can understand the runes and secret methods in" The Book of Immortals and Magic "at a glance. It's too easy. Even if you are so talented, it won't be so. It's like ... those things, you would have been. "

"There is also a gap between geniuses." Chen Yang laughed: "You don't have to look at it. At the Fairy Talks, all of them are top geniuses in the Supreme Reality World. But among them, Zhen Xue and Zheng There is no one who can fight except for a long time. "

"The others are among the top immortals, but you are too perverted." Old Li rolled his eyes, thoughtfully, and seemed to want to say something, but stopped talking.

At this time, Xiang Lei and Li Ziqi activated the light node, and the central light ball just stopped spinning, and the two played against each other.

Chen Yang's gaze was gone, although he was looking at the battlefield, but his mind was not here.

The words of Lao made him confused.

He knew everything in the Daodian at a glance, and learned it as soon as he learned it.

This point, he had long felt strange.

Lao Li said that he seemed to have learned these things long ago, and he felt the same way.

This made him even more worried whether he would really be a distraction of Hao Lan.

If so, what then?

The compassion and Lao Li's inability to perceive themselves may be due to some special reasons.

But Hao Lan's other distracting thoughts have now merged and almost reached the state of the heyday of that year. Isn't it still impossible to sense himself?

What if the other party comes to your door?

If Emperor Tong happened to find himself, would it be because he found something, otherwise it would be so coincidental.


Chen Yang sighed sighing, for a moment it was as big as a fight.

The battle between Xiang Lei and Li Ziqi soon ended.

In the case of Li Ziqi's exhaustion and injuries, he was not Xiang Lei's opponent at all, and was quickly defeated.

After two more battles, Chen Yang's bronze tripod activated the light node again.

Seeing this, Zheng Yong's long-awaited bronze tripod advanced.

When the node on that light was shining, everyone's previous guesses were confirmed, Zheng Zheng really wanted to play against Chen Yang.

However, this time the central light sphere was not obedient and did not stop spinning.

Until Xiang Lei, Zhen Xue, and Yu Chengze's bronze tripods approached their respective light nodes, the central photosphere remained spinning.

Seeing this, Zheng Zheng was anxious for a moment.

He frowned, and arched to Xiang Lei and Yu Chengze: "Brother Xiang, Yu brother, please stay with me for the battle with Chen Yang."

In fact, even if Zheng Zheng didn't say, Xiang Lei and Yu Chengze were unwilling to mix in.

Because they fought with Chen Yang and Zheng Xuan, they were defeated.

At that time, the bronze tripod returned to the starting point and stopped before this moment, instead it had an advantage.

This is also the characteristics of the rules of the final decisive battle. You need to think about how to fight to gain an advantage.

Now that Zheng Zheng speaks, Xiang Lei is naturally willing to be a good friend.

"Where Brother Zheng speaks, we let you."

"I really want to see Brother Zheng fight with Chen Yang."

Xiang Lei and Yu Chengze agreed, but for Zheng Zheng, the difficult thing was Zhen Xue.

Zheng Zheng looked at Zhen Xue. He knew that he was a sister and would like to challenge Chen Yang head-on, and he might not agree to temporarily avoid him.

Before waiting for him to speak, Zhen Xue said: "Zheng Ye, don't think about it, I'm going to fight with Chen Yang solo. Later, if the three of us are fighting together ~ ~ You look around Then, don't get involved in my battle with Chen Yang. "

Since admiring the teacher, Zheng Ye has kept his only teacher and sister, resulting in Zhen Xue being in awe of Zheng Ye.

This makes Zheng Zheng feel helpless at the same time.

He heard Zhen Xue's words at this moment, but he was a little bit unhappy.

He glanced at Chen Yang, and he couldn't help but fight his heart and quickly made a decision.

His face was solemn and he conveyed to Zhen Xue: "Sister, I am ordering you in the name of Brother, and you are not allowed to interfere in my battle with Chen Yang. If you want to fight, I will defeat you first, and then I will defeat Chen The First World War. "

Upon hearing this, Zhen Xue's body shivered, and she seemed a little scared, and said, "Zheng Ye, do you really want to do this?"

Zheng Zhengzheng said: "So far, in the same stage, Chen Yang is the only opponent I have encountered and cannot see clearly."

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