My Stunning Beauty Tenant

Chapter 722: Eyeball monster

At this point, seeing the blood-yang sword in Chen Yang's hand, it was necessary to stab Weng Ying's left eye.

Suddenly, Weng Ying's left eye had no pupil white, sliding in the orbit, as if a sphere turned around and turned away.

When the eye white that originally faced inside was exposed, a mouth appeared in the middle of the eye white.

The mouth is only the size of a little finger, and it is open with two dense rows of teeth.

Suddenly, Xueyang Jian stabbed his eye.

No, it should be in the eyeball with teeth.

The "eyeball" protruded outward, and the two rows of dense teeth were closed tightly, but they actually hit Chen Yang's blood-yang sword.


The Blood Yang Sword did not pierce the "eyeball", and the "eyeball" failed to shake the Blood Yang Sword back.

Both sides seem to be evenly matched.

However, seeing such a strange scene, Chen Yang took the initiative to retract his sword and stepped back, looking at Weng Ying.

"Hum, aren't you fast? Come on, pierce my eyes."

Weng Ying was covered with poison and she couldn't see her expression, but she could tell from her tone that she was quite proud at the moment.

As she spoke, her left eye "eyeball" surged, protruding her eye sockets, and got out of them.

This is not an eyeball, but a strange creature with a spherical body.

The pale white sphere is covered with bloodshot, with eight feet below it, and in front is a mouth full of dense teeth.

Other than that, this monster has no other organs.

After the monster crawled out of Weng Ying's eyes, other poisons crawled to the eyes, completely covering Weng Ying without leaving a gap.

Seeing this, Chen Yang, Shangguan Yun and Lin were all surprised.

They also understood that Weng Ying's left eye was not an eyeball, but a strange poison.

It's disgusting to keep poison in your eyes and pretend to be eyes.

Weng Ying's voice came from the human form of poison: "Are you dumbfounded, hahaha ... this is my most precious poison, and I named it the eyeball."

Chen Yang pouted: "How did you raise such a disgusting thing like Nima?"

"Nausea? Huh, my eyes aren't sick at all."

Weng Ying snorted. At this moment, she didn't seem to be worried about Chen Yang's attack, and hurriedly showed off:

"It took me a lot of effort to cross five kinds of highly poisonous things to get one. It was hard, fast, and extremely poisonous. I killed a Nanyang Baoyuan late, Just rely on it. Eyeballs are my secret. Today you saw my secret and you all have to die. "

Chen Yang shrugged: "You have said this several times, but we are not dead yet."

"Jack, I'll kill you first."

Weng Ying growled, raising her right hand full of poison and pointing at Chen Yang.

Suddenly, the extremely disgusting monster "eyeball" actually grew a pair of small meat wings from behind, fluttering the wings, and flew towards Chen Yang.

"Nima, this disgusting thing can still fly."

Chen Yang frowned. It was not easy to deal with flying things.

Immediately afterwards, he discovered that the monster's eyeballs are more powerful than just flying.

When the monster's eyes flew up, it turned into a residual image and rushed towards him.

Such speed is not inferior to him.

"How can this monster be so fast?"

Chen Yang cursed, making a phantom step, moving sloppily, and avoiding monster eyes.

Since the monster's eyeball is the poison at the bottom of Weng Ying's box, the toxicity of the monster's eyeball must be very strong. Chen Yang dare not let himself be bitten.

While dodging, the blood-yang sword in his hand cut the monster's eyes.

However, the size of the monster's eyeballs is too small, and they can fly, and the speed is extremely fast, but the Blood Yang Sword cannot hit.

"Damn, this stuff is hard to deal with."

Chen Yang cursed, constantly dodging, and entangled with the monster's eyes.

Weng Ying heard Chen Yang's words and said proudly: "Boy, you ate my bloodscale python, then you will become the food of the eyeballs."

After speaking, she looked at Shangguanyun and Lin Jun, and sneered: "When the boy dies, it's your turn."

Shangguan Yun and Lin Jun were frightened at this moment, and the scenes before them repeatedly exceeded their expectations.

At this moment, Chen Yang and the monster's eyes are in a stalemate, and the situation is very unfavorable to them.

Shang Guanyun looked at Chen Yang, who was flickering everywhere, worried. "I didn't expect that the old poison woman had such a monster. I don't know if Chen Yang can handle it."

Lin Jun waved his sword to kill the poison next to him, and Ning voice said to Shangguan Yun: "That monster's eyeballs are not easy to deal with. If we are not careful, we may all die here. I cover you, you leave first."

"Let me steal life alone, I can't do it."

Shangguan Yun shook her head and rejected Lin Jun's kindness.

Lin Jun faced with anxiety and frowned, "Well, you were kind to help each other. Who knows that you saved my life just now, but now you might put your life in."

"You two, are you discussing how to escape?"

Weng Ying sneered and came over to Shang Guanyun and Lin Jun.

She was covered with poison, and the form of those poisons alone was stronger than other poisons.

Obviously, today she used all the means to press the bottom of the box.

"The poison on her body is not easy to deal with." Lin Jun whispered to Shangguan Yun and said, "You should go now, don't hesitate."


Shang Guanyun said firmly.

The expressions on the two faces were very dignified. They never expected that one person in Wengying District was refining, but the use of poisonous insects suppressed the three embracing Yuanyuan.

It seems that there are so many strange things in the world, and the methods that can improve the combat effectiveness are indeed more than just cultivation.

"Well, I can't beat it. This bug is too fierce."

Suddenly, Chen Yang screamed and heard in the distance.

Weng Ying turned her head in the direction of the voice, and the poison on her face was scattered ~ ~ exposing her face.

When I saw her face with a raised eyebrow and exhalation, Chen Yin said to Chen Yang: "Boy, you dared to hurt me just now, this is your end."

Chen Yang said anxiously, and continued to shout, "Old poison woman, you are such a terrible bug, I'm afraid no one in this world can fight it."

Weng Ying's eyes were full of rapture, sneer: "Of course, with this poisonous insect, I am sweeping Huaxia without any hindrance."

"Ah! I was bitten by a poisonous insect!"

Chen Yang screamed in pain.

Listening to Shangguan Yun and Lin Jun's ears, their hearts were suspended.

Weng Ying laughed again and again: "Ha ha ha ha ha, bitten by the eyeball, the toxin will invade your nerves within thirty seconds, and you will die immediately!"

"Ah! I'm going to die."

Chen Yang shouted in pain: "Old poison woman, before I am dying, can you tell me how to get rid of this eyeball?"