My Stunning Beauty Tenant

Chapter 800: Dragged out and killed

Hearing that someone stopped himself, Chen Yang only took it as a breeze.

If you want to hit, hit him. Chen Yang never fears anyone.


Chen Yang's feet went down, and the third man in the Northland Three Eagles was trampled by his face, blood on his face.

He never relents against his enemies.

Moreover, the Northland Mitaka can save its life, it should thank the Kunlun faction.

Seeing that Chen Yang didn't listen to dissuasion, he still smashed the face of Beidi Sanying, and everyone around him showed a smirk.

This boy, you can provoke others, but this person just appeared, but you can't handle it.

This person is jealous and hateful. If you look at him in front of him, you are simply trying to die!

"You murderer, you are too arrogant. If I don't cut your prestige today, where's the justice!"

A loud drink came, and Chen Yang heard footsteps from behind.

Lightweight, fast, and powerful.

Is a master, at least hold Yuan late!

"Good guy, who likes to be so nosy?"

Chen Yang snorted in his heart, without a word, turned around and greeted the person behind him.

The onlookers brightened their eyes, thinking that a big war would happen.

Suddenly, Chen Yang and the man who had just arrived were both caught on the spot.

"It's you!"

"It's you!"

The two exclaimed at the same time, with surprise in their eyes.

"Brother Lin Jun!"

Chen Yang called out, but he did not expect that the person who interfered in blocking himself turned out to be Lin Jun.

"Chen Yang, it's you."

Lin Jun has missed Chen Yang quite a bit since the last time he met. At this moment, he could not help showing a smile on his face.

When everyone saw this, they were all disappointed. They dared to feel that the two were good friends, and they seemed unable to fight.

But at this moment, Lin Jun stole the smile on his face, and said harshly to Chen Yang: "Chen Yang, last time you helped out and killed Weng Ying, it was my life-saving benefactor. I thought You are a gentleman. I didn't expect you to do such a wicked thing. I'm Lin Jun relying on righteousness, and I will punish you for this evil behavior anyway. I hope you don't blame me and offend you. "

As soon as the words fell, Lin Jun attacked Chen Yang.

This guy is really a deadhead.

Chen Yang frowned, remembering what Shang Guanyun had said when he introduced Lin Jun.

"Lin is a man of integrity. He walks the world and punishes evil for adultery. He has a very good reputation in the ancient martial arts. However, this person follows the tradition, is old-fashioned and does not know how to adapt. He is particularly distinguished between good and evil. . "

Thinking of this, Chen Yang understood it. Because of his actions just now, Lin Jun seemed to hate himself and regarded himself as a bad person.

This guy really does not recognize people, but I am also your life-saving benefactor.

"Brother Lin, slow, listen to me explain."

Chen Yang shouted quickly, he did not want to fight with Lin Jun.

Lin Jun wasn't in a hurry. He put his fists upright and said with a stern face: "Chen Yang, if you have anything to say, I will not be lenient afterwards."

Chen Yang pointed to the northern three eagles and said, "These three people are collectively referred to as the northern three eagles. Just now they ..."

"What, they are the Three Eagles of the North!"

Before waiting for Chen Yang to finish his speech, Lin Jun's face changed suddenly, and the eyes of the three eagles looking north were full of anger.

He turned back, showing guilt on his face, and arched to Chen Yang: "Chen Yang, I'm so sorry. I thought you were bullying people. It turns out that you are punishing evildoers, and I blame you. Eagle, killed many people in the north and raped women. I have hunted them down today. I didn't expect them to dare to appear in Kunlun Mountain, Chen Yang. You did a good job. "

The sudden change caused Chen Yang to twitch his lips, and Lin Jun became too fast.

However, he felt that Lin Jun's frankness was quite cute.

As for the others, I felt a little disappointed again. I thought I could fight, so why did I die?

This feels like riding a roller coaster.

Every time he thought Chen Yang was going to suffer, he was fine in the end.

Lin Jun walked towards the Three Eagles of the North, and said coldly, "Since I have met you, I cannot let you live and continue to harm others."

After all, Lin Jun was going to kill the three eagles in the north.

"Brother Lin Jun, slow."

A Kunlun disciple shouted cautiously.

Lin Jun stopped and turned back: "What is it?"

"In Kunlun faction, private fighting is not prohibited, but murder is not allowed."

Hearing that Lin Jun frowned, his face was depressed, and killing was not allowed. What should I do?

At this time, Chen Yang said, "Brother Lin, this is easy. You can drag the three eagles from the north to kill them. You just don't have to."

Well, this kid is bad enough.

Everyone heard the words of Chen Yang.

Lin Jun's eyes were bright, and he smiled, "It's a good idea to drag out and kill! Ha ha, since Kunlun faction doesn't allow it, I will take them out and kill again. Kunlun faction should not blame me."

Then, he looked down at the two of the three northern eagles next to him and grabbed one of their feet with his left and right hands.

But there is only one person left in the North Eagle Mitaka. He looked up to Chen Yang and said, "Chen Yang, help."


Chen Yang responded, grabbed one of the remaining man's feet, and dragged away.

Northland's three eagle bones have long since fallen apart, and they are so painful that they are dragging on the ground at the moment, and they even scream.

Seeing Chen Yang really wanted to drag them out and kill them, they were really scared and they begged for mercy.

"Knight Lin Jun, Knight Chen Yang, we were wrong, please don't kill us."

"We won't do bad things in the future. You can let us do anything."

"Just give us Master Zhao Han's face and let us go."

Facing the begging for mercy by the three eagles in the north, Chen Yang and Lin were unmoved.

Especially when they heard that Zhao Han was brought up, Chen Yang and Lin Jun both showed disdain on their faces. It was delusional to try to scare them with Zhao Han.

A bloodstain was rubbed on the ground, and people around him dared to avoid it.

The atmosphere is depressed ~ ~ silent.

Chen Yang and Lin Jun dare not provoke anyone.

The Kunlun disciples were at a loss, so the two men dragged out the Kunlun guests and killed them. Even if the northern three eagles were evildoers, what was the face of the Kunlun faction.

When Kunlun sent his disciples, a group of people came outside the square.

Seeing the man who walked in the forefront, Kunlun sent his disciples immediately relieved.

Someone finally came to the rescue.

"Who is so bold and dares to bully my family and don't want to live?"

An arrogant cold drink came, four or five people, walking aggressively towards the square.

The leader, with a arrogant temperament and a fast pace, unleashed a powerful coercion without reservation, and was actually a master of the late Yuan Dynasty.

Strangely enough, this person's facial muscles are stiff, and that face is just like a fake one.