My Stunning Beauty Tenant

Chapter 833: mafia

Arnold doesn't think Chen Yang can help, but Chen Yang doesn't care, and asks: "First of all, what's going on, I have a few friends in Europe and may be able to help."

Arnold was silent. Although he was hopeless, he told the story again.

After listening, Chen Yang knew that the cause of the incident was actually Lin Rou.

It turned out that when the crew was filming, a mafia executive saw Lin Rou and got his heart on it. He found Arnold and offered to buy Lin Rou a night.

What Chen Yang didn't expect was that although Arnold was a bit annoying, in the face of this situation, he still kept his own floor and rejected the mafia leader.

Unexpectedly, he did so by offending the mafia leader.

In the following days, the crew did not have peace, and they were repeatedly harassed by the mafia, and injured many people.

Later, the Mafia came straight and blocked the venue directly, causing the crew to stop working.

Arnold went to negotiate and made plans to break the fortunes, but unexpectedly he was broken by a broken hand and foot and was admitted to the hospital.

And the mafia let out the words, the crew did not want to complete the filming, even if they changed the venue, they will continue to harass.

Speaking of these things, Arnold was depressed.

"I didn't expect you to betray Rourou."

Chen Yang smiled and glanced at Arnold with some surprise.

Arnold proudly said, "I'm not Arnold."

Chen Yang asked, "By the way, which family member is harassing you?"

Arnold said: "The Wassi family."

The Wassi family, Chen Yang knows that this is a very powerful Mafia family in Europe and belongs to one of the four Mafia families.

He had contact with the Wasi family before when he was at Black Flag.

However, his relationship with the Wasi family is not good, and it can even be said that he has hatred.

In particular, the leader of the Wasi family, Cournot Vasi, cut off one ear and hated him.

The events of that year, Chen * Ben did not take it seriously.

However, he did not expect that he had withdrawn from the black flag for so long, and now he still had the opportunity to confront the Waxi family.

However, with the improvement of the realm and the broadening of his knowledge, his state of mind is completely different from before.

The power of the Waxi family is huge, but in the eyes of Chen Yang, it is nothing.

He is now a figure confronting the Wolf Fortress, the Medgu family, and the Dark Holy See, but in the Western world, the Waxi family is lower than those three forces by many levels.

However, Chen Yang was a little puzzled. According to the usual style of the Waxi family, if Arnold did not surrender Lin Rou, they would surely **** Lin Rou.

But why didn't they do it?

He turned to Carla and asked, "Have anyone ever looked for Lin Rou?"

Karla said: "Four people from the Waxi family have been to the hotel before, and they want to take Lin Rou away. I drove them away and revealed my identity. After that, they never came."

The ordinary men of the Wassi family are certainly not the opponents of the world-class killer Carla.

But Karla's name is not enough to deter the Wasi family.

But they didn't look for Lin Rou later, just for trouble of the crew.

This matter is somewhat strange.

Perhaps behind it, someone guarded Lin Rong Cara.

Chen Yang looked at Arnold and asked, "Who did the whole thing come from?"

"Mayo Vasi."

Arnold glanced at Chen Yang suspiciously, how he felt that he was familiar with the Vasi family.

"It's the brother of Cournot Vasi, this guy is a pervert, and it doesn't hurt a woman." Chen Yang smiled with a playful smile on his face, and said, "This bastard, dare to hit my family's soft idea, I really want to die . "

Arnold frowned. "Do you know Mayo?"

Chen Yang laughed: "You call him and say the God of the Black Flag, come and talk to him."

"God of the black flag?"

Arnold's expression was bewildered, and where did he know what the black flag was?

He was cast in both hands and couldn't call.

The assistant next to him took out his mobile phone and passed it to him.

"Arnold, I already told you, we didn't have to talk to each other. You can't make this film anymore. Don't ask me why, I just want to get angry."

Just after the call was connected, Arnold didn't have to come to speak in a hurry. There was a roar from the receiver, and the whole room could hear clearly.

Arnold frowned. "Mayo, I'm not talking to you, it's black ..."

"Fack, have you found a helper, right? I tell you, this time I will not give anybody's face, but I will not let you film, I want to say this. You want to talk about it, hum, I will People come to the hospital to talk to you. "

"Beep ... beep ... beep ..."

The call was hung up, and Arnold looked at Chen Yang with a gloomy face: "No way, I haven't reported your name yet, and he's hung up."

Chen Yang laughed: "It doesn't matter, doesn't he say that people will come over to talk? I'll wait here."

Arnold said with a worried face: "But he sent someone over, just because of bad intentions."

"Rest assured, I will fix it."

Chen Yang's face was calm, and he really didn't look at a few mafia characters.

And Mayo Vasie shameless, he did not intend to just let it go, it was to help Arnold vent, after all, he did not hand over Lin Rou at first, but was also hospitalized for this.

Lin Ruan Carla also sat down, waiting for Mayo's hand in the ward.

The Wasi family base is in Paris. They have a lot of staff in Paris. Within 30 minutes, someone arrived at the hospital.

Five men in black trench coats and felt hats entered the ward.

哐 Dang.

The door was locked by them, and the curtains on the transparent glass at the door were closed.


The leading man, speaking French with an Italian accent, looked at Arnold lying on the bed.

After waiting for Arnold to answer, the man clamped the cigarette in his mouth and pointed at Arnold, and said to the four people behind him: "Remove his plaster ~ ~ make him fracture more . "

The man spoke very naturally. Obviously, this kind of thing was done.

His eyes lingered on Lin Ruan Carla's body, and his eyes were strong.

But thinking of Mayo's warning, he dismissed his thoughts.

How dare he provoke a woman who may not even touch Mayo.

As for Chen Yang sitting next to him, the man chose to ignore it.

With his order, the four men behind him sneered towards Arnold on the bed.

"Get out, I don't want to do it, let Mayo and Courne come to see me. Tell them that I'm their old friend, Chen Yang."

Suddenly, the humble Asian next to him said something very arrogant.

The five mafia members all stunned, and then laughed, as if to hear the best jokes in the world.