My Stunning Beauty Tenant

Chapter 834: Chance of revenge

"Hahaha, this idiot even told us to get out!"

"He thought he was who he wanted to see our party leader and second boss."

"The second boss said Arnold called a helper, wouldn't it be this Asian kid who hasn't grown up yet?"

"Just his body, I can kill with one punch."

Five mafia members mocked Chen Yang for a while.

Chen Yang sat on the chair, unmoved, lit a cigarette, spit out a ring of cigarettes, and calmly said, "Last time, get out! In addition, the hospital bans smoking, so you can kill the smoke."

Are you smoking yourself, but let others extinguish it?


One of the mafia yelled and shouted, and punched Chen Yang.

Waiting for Chen Yang to start, Carla kicked out next to him.

Although the mafia was tall, he couldn't bear Carla's kick. He was flung out by the cricket, hit the wall, and couldn't stand up.

The other four mafia, all of a sudden complexion, looked at Carla with vigilance.

"I advise you, don't force Chen Yang to take a shot, otherwise you will be worse."

Carla chuckled and shook her finger at the other.

"Carla, sit down. I can help you with my hand."

Chen Yang stood up, patted Carla's shoulder, put the cigarette in Carla's hand, and smiled: "Help me for a second."

Carla took over the cigarette **** and Chen Yang moved.

Bang bang bang.

Four blasts, everyone has not seen how Chen Yang shot.

The remaining four mafia members all lay on the ground, wow blood, and a smell of blood filled the air.


Chen Yang smiled at Carla, took back his cigarette butt, took a sip, and said to the mafia members who had been aggressive: "Now you can get out."

The five mafia glanced at Chen Yang, where they dared to brash, leaned against the wall, and stumbled out of the ward.

"Fack, without a gun, otherwise I'll kill him with one shot."

"Hurry up for treatment. I feel my stomach is kicked."

"I called the second boss. The second boss will never let go of this kid. By the way, he just said what his name was."

"Chen Yang."


Outside the door, the voices of several mafia gradually drifted away.

In the ward, Arnold's gaze toward Chen Yang changed completely.

He thought Carla was strong enough, but Chen Yang opened his eyes.

He asked tremblingly, "Huaxia Kung Fu?"


Chen Yang nodded, signalling Arnold's peace of mind, saying: "Waiting here is a waste of time. I'll find a way to contact the Waxi family."

After speaking, he took out the phone and called to Heiqi.

Soon, he got the phone number of Cournot Vasi and called directly.

"Hello, I ... I'm Mr. Cournot's secretary, ah ... ah ... Excuse me, what do you do?"

As soon as he heard this voice, Chen Yang knew that Cournot must be slapping with his secretary now.

He said, "Let Cuno answer the phone."

"Mr. Cournot said, hey ... ah ... he's inconvenient to answer the phone. What do you have, please ... please tell me."

Chen Yang frowned. "Tell him, I'm Chen Yang, Chen Yang of Black Flag."

The phone was silent, and a somber voice came: "Chen Yang?"

"Yes, it's me."

"I remember your voice, it really is you. My dear friend, do you call me, is there anything wrong?"

Dear friends?

Haha, hateful enemies, right.

Chen Yang sneered at the corner of his mouth, told the crew about it, and then said, "Take your people away."

"I'm so sorry, that's what happened. Don't worry, I immediately told my brother Mayo to let him evacuate people. By the way, where are you? This is my Wasi family wrong. I came with my brother Apologize to you and Arnold. "

"Want to know where I am, ask your brother."

"Dear Chen, I will be here soon. Please wait for me."

"Ok, I will wait for you."

Chen Yang finished talking and hung up.

Arnold heard Chen Yang calling the other party Cournot, he was shocked: "You ... you are calling the party leader of the Waxi family."


Chen Yang nodded, and said to Carra: "You will protect Lin Rou later, leave the rest to me. By the way, be careful they shoot."

When they heard this, the crowds froze.

Lin Rou wondered, "Isn't he saying he wants to come and apologize?"

Chen Yang said: "That **** is not so good at talking. The reason why he said that is to stabilize me. I am afraid that now he has rushed over with weapons and soldiers."

Hearing that Lin Ruanluo had nothing to do with Carla, Arnold was startled.

He panicked: "I ... would we like to call the police? The Wassi family is fierce. Will they kill us?"

"Alarms are useless. The Vassi family is huge. The French police have their eyeliners. Even if the police are out, they will definitely be after they leave the hospital."

Chen Yang smiled, walked over and patted Arnold's shoulder: "Relax, it's all right with me."


"Chen Yang's **** has come to France. Haha, he really wants to die."

Hanging up Chen Yang's phone, Cunuo touched only half of the ears on the left, and sneered sneerly on his face.

At that time, he bullied a woman, and Chen Yang even cut his ears. He has always been resentful, and now the opportunity for revenge has finally come.

Beside him, a beautiful blond girl, holding her full **** and stunned, said softly, "Dear, what happened?"

Cunuo said nothing, grabbed the secretary's hair, pressed her head down, and said with a **** smile: "Hurry up your mouth, I still have things, get me hurry up."

Soon, Cournot disarmed.

He immediately put on his clothes and, as he stepped out, he called his brother, "Mayo, what's going on with Arnold?"

"That bastard, I don't know where to find a thug. I sent a few younger brothers in the past and they were badly injured by him. I am now planning to take someone over."

"Do you know who the thug is?"

"Who? It looks like Chen Yang."

"Think about who the people we know are Chen Yang."

"Ah! God of the Black Flag! Brother ~ ~ What are you going to do?"

"Hey, of course, get revenge on him."

"Brother, this is a bit complicated. Let's meet and discuss it before making a decision."

"Complicated? Okay, I'm going to find you now."


Half an hour later, in a law firm belonging to the Wahi family.

Cournot frowned, surprised, "What, you guys at Wolfsburg, came forward to keep those two women?"

Mayo nodded his head and said, depressed, "Yes, otherwise you thought I would let go of those two beautiful girls?"

Cunuo groaned: "You said ... Will Chen Yang have something to do with Wolf Castle?"

"Should not." Mayo said: "Even if there is, we don't have to worry about it. Our Wassi family is also a subordinate force of the Holy See, and Wolf Castle does not dare to treat us."