My Stunning Beauty Tenant

Chapter 894: Terror

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The "iron bucket" of the elephant mammoth, a mammoth beast, reached the late innate, and it was much stronger than other mammoths of the elephant spirit tribe.

The black light sword gas banged on the chest of the iron bucket, banging, a burst of blood mist burst, the flesh completely opened, exposing the bones.

Such a serious injury, if it is another strange animal, how can it be affected a little.

However, the iron bucket did not respond.

And his eyes became fiercer in an instant, and the speed of rushing to Chen Yang also accelerated a lot.


The remaining elephant elephants and mammoths also attacked Chen Yang, blocking all directions he could avoid.

Several mammoths ran, and the ground made a violent vibration, making a rumbling sound, as if the sky was falling apart.

Chen Yang did not meet the elephant shrew, and his body moved, attacking to the left.

He waved the black light broken sword and cut to the left, while breaking a virtual palm and blasting forward.

Jianqi sadism, palm shadow violent.

Heiguang Jianqi beheaded and killed two elephant spirits and killed them on the spot.

The broken virtual palm bombarded the head of a mammoth strange beast, the red and white flowed out, and the mammoth strange beast died on the spot.

Although the broken virtual palm is strong, but it is just an introduction, the power is not as good as the black lightsaber gas. It is reasonable to say that the mammoth strange beast has a strong defense.

However, Chen Yang discovered the weakness of Mammoth Beasts, their heads.

As long as you break your head, no matter how strong your vitality is and your nerves become numb, it will lose its effect.

In the blink of an eye, Chen Yang killed two elephant spirits and four mammoth beasts.

At this time, they realized that the outsider in front of them was not as weak as they wanted to be.

This person must not be treated as an ordinary inborn.

Xiang Xiang shouted, "Everyone be careful, use the animal formula quickly, don't let this guy succeed."

"Beast tactic: Weevil."

The remaining elephant elephants immediately used the beast tactics.

I saw a vague appearance of a mammoth strange beast around their bodies, covering their bodies into qù.

At this moment, they gave people a feeling that they were firm and hard to shake.

Obviously, the role of "weevil" is to improve their defense.

However, Chen Yang noted that although this "elephant armor" improved the defense of the elephant spirits, their mammoths and beasts were somewhat weakened.

"It seems that they are extracting the energy of the strange beast to strengthen themselves."

"Although these elephant spirits are strong, their IQ is not very good. This move has caused the mammoth beasts to be weakened, wouldn't it have caused them to die."

"That being the case, I'll kill the Mammoth first."

As soon as Chen Yang thought, he would do what he said. He broke the sword with a black light in his right hand, broke his palm with his left hand, and rushed towards the mammoth beast.

He made a phantom step, extremely fast.

& nbsbsbs The Xiangling tribe, even if the concubine was born late, could not catch up with him.


Breaking the virtual palm, smashing another mammoth's head, his brain splashed and died on the spot.

Seeing this, his lungs would be exploded as if suffocated.

"Stop me!"

He was anxious. If Chen Yang was allowed to continue to kill, wouldn't all the inborn mammoth beasts be dead.

However, if he asks Chen Yang to stop, will Chen Yang stop?

This is of course impossible.

He gritted his teeth, waved the bone stick in his hand, and threw it out.


The ground was smashed into a deep pit, and the bone rod was spinning, flying back to him

In the hands.

The power of this stick is very strong, but unfortunately, it failed to hit the target.


Xiangxi was so angry that he shouted, jumped off the back of the iron bucket, and chased up towards Chen Yang.

& nbsbsbs, but two meters tall, with long legs and high realm, so Kankan can catch up with Chen Yang.

However, Chen Yang's agility is not something he can match.

Every time he felt that Chen Yang was going to be caught, Chen Yang turned around and was able to pull away from him by dozens of meters, which made him feel very helpless.

For a time, Chen Yang turned into a residual image, passing in the middle of the battlefield.

Behind him, he followed Xiang Xiang, far and near, but couldn't touch him.

He broke the sword with black light in his left hand and broke his palm with his right hand.

A series of black sword qi was released, and broken palms appeared out of thin air, making those mammoths want to dodge, it was too late.

Within a few tens of seconds, the remaining mammoths were also killed by Chen Yang.

At this moment, everyone was completely stunned.

All this is completely out of everyone's will.

Previously, the arrogant and arrogant, who did not put Chen Yang in his eyes, had more serious expressions on his face than one.

They looked at the corpse of the mammoth strange beast lying on the ground, and all mentioned their throats.

The main combat power of the beast spirit clan is to rely on alien beasts.

Now that the beasts are dead, their fighting power has been weakened by at least 50%.

Not to mention weakening by 50%, even if not weakened, only Chen Yang's share can be left.

The strength of this outsider is too scary!

After beheading and killing the nine-headed mammoth beast, Chen Yang didn't stay. While avoiding the chase of Xiangyu, he broke his virtual palm and attacked the "iron bucket" of the innate period.

Above the iron barrel's head, the void trembled, and a huge palm shadow emerged out of thin air, falling abruptly.

This blow is stronger than those of the broken palms just now.

After all, the iron bucket was innate late, and Chen Yang didn't dare to underestimate.


With a loud noise, a violent qi engulfed a strong wind, the energy waves trembled, and the air seemed to ripple.

The iron bucket lowered his head heavily, the black long hair on the head fell, the scalp exploded, and blood came out.

It shook its head, stood upright, a pair of huge eyes, full of anger.

"I rely, the defense is so strong that I just suffered some skin trauma!"

Chen Yang was startled, and immediately shifted his target and attacked the remaining elephant spirits.

Xiang Yang couldn't stop Chen Yang, his eyes were full of unwillingness.

He glanced at the people at Xiaoran, Jiuxing, and Wolf Castle, and took his heart to the side. He couldn't take pride in himself anymore, and shouted to his clan, "Hurry up, hold on to the outsiders."

I heard that the remaining seven members of the Xiangling clan all ran over in the direction of Yun Xiaoran, Shangguan Yun, and others.

But ~ ~ they obviously forgot, and there are five other monster wolves, staying here.


Gu Feng gave a roar, and the remaining four wolves that were injured in the battle just now slammed and rushed towards the beast spirits.

The four giant wolves could actually deal with seven elephant spirits, but because of their injuries, they could only stop one elephant spirit.

The other three elephant spirits, very tacit, caught Shangguanyun, Xi Xiaoran and Nie Wushuang respectively.


Chen Yang sighed angrily, waving both palms at the same time.

Two broken palms killed two elephant spirits.

But the elephant-spirited man who was grappling to Nie Wushuang arrived at Nie Wushuang's side and reached out to grab Nie Wushuang's neck.

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