My Stunning Beauty Tenant

Chapter 910: 8 more channels

Suddenly, Chen Yang and the two-winged icy leopard slammed together.

He punched and hit the chest of Bing Ning Leopard.

Bing Ning Leopard waved his claws and patted his head.


There was a loud noise, and the hard defense of the pure body also set off a violent air, rushing to all directions, the surrounding ice wall trembled violently, and it pinged, all cracked.

next moment.

The body of the double-winged ice leopard flew backwards, until the chain was straightened, and then it was pulled back and stopped.


Bingning Leopard made a huge cry, both painful and angry.

I saw that his chest was actually sunken, the skin was fluffy, and the blood was flowing wildly.

It lowered its body, staring at Chen Yang with vigilance, his eyes full of doubt.

It obviously can't figure it out. The human beings in front of it are obviously only in the middle of the congenital period. Why is the physical strength stronger than its monster?

On the other side, Chen Yang's head was also shot by Bing Ning Leopard.

The Bahuang Pa body not only improved his strength, but also improved his defense ability, which gave him the confidence to hardly resist the frozen ice leopard.

However, although his head was not broken, he was also shot with horror and dizziness.

Fortunately, the characteristics of Bing Ning Leopard are speed and Bing Ning. If it is good at strength, I am afraid that Chen Yangtie will be seriously injured.

"carry on!"

As soon as Chen Yang moved, he suddenly attacked the Bingning Leopard again.

Bing Ning Leopard knew that his body was strong, and he no longer bumped against him. He moved and wanted to distance himself.

However, Frozen Leopard is locked by an iron chain and restricted to a small range. Neither the speed advantage nor the long-range attack advantage to release cold air can be exerted.

Moreover, the shaking of the ground iron chain allows Chen Yang to know clearly the trajectory of Bing Ning Leopard.

In this way, after all the changes, Bing Ning Leopard is not Chen Yang's opponent.

Chen Yang caught up with Bing Ning Leopard, one person and one beast, and started a hand-to-hand battle.

After playing for ten minutes, the entire central area of ​​the square was condensed with a thick layer of frost by the cold air of the ice condensing leopard, as if turning into a ski resort.

In the end, Chen Yang finally defeated Bing Ning Leopard.

Many injuries were left on his body, and an area of ​​his right arm was frozen into frost by the cold. Although the frost was melting, his muscles were still frostbite and it took a while to recover.

"Come here."

After solving the ice condensation leopard, Chen Yang breathed a sigh of relief and shouted at Shangguan Yun, Lang Xiaoran, and others.

A big battle just now is thrilling.

Until Chen Yang shouted, all the people came back.

Bing Ning Leopard's combat power, terrifying, but still not Chen Yang's opponent.

You know, Chen Yang has crossed two small realms and defeated the frozen ice leopard.

Others are geniuses, he is evil!

Everyone sighed secretly, converging to the center of the sinking square.

"Although Bing Ning Leopard does not have eight wings, it does have blood of monsters and monsters. It should have Nedan."

Chen Yang thought so, and cut open the body of Bing Ning Leopard with a black light broken sword, and found an energetic Nedan in his head.

This inner Dan is the size of a baby's fist, but the energy in it is much stronger than he had previously obtained.

"What is this?"

Gu Yanbao looked at Nei Dan in Chen Yang's hand and asked curiously.

Chen Yang explained: "This is the inner Dan of the monster, which has the energy of the monster. It can be used to make elixir or take it directly."

Neidan, the term has never been heard by anyone present.

Everyone looked at Chen Yang suspiciously, and that thought came to mind again. Why did Chen Yang understand everything?

"Let's open the middle door and go in."

Chen Yang's words pulled everyone's thoughts back.

Everyone worked together to break open the frozen ice layer and lock it in locks. Then they pulled up the stone door and opened the middle door.


Chen Yang took the lead and walked towards the inner gate.

Everyone took out their lighting tools and illuminated the front. The stairs, which had never seen the end, could finally see the end.

There are more than 500 steps on the stairs. After everyone went down, they were shocked to see the sight in front of them.

I thought it was just an ordinary crypt, but I didn't expect it to be an underground palace.

Everything around is made of stone. The architectural style is rugged and majestic. Various animals are carved on the walls and stone pillars. The painting style is simple and ancient.

I saw that there was a horizontal stele just above the ground palace.

The stone monument is engraved with two words: the Summer Palace.

Chen Yang's eyes brightened, and he groaned, "It's just to hide people's eyes from the outside, this is the real Daxia relic."

He knew that treasure hunting had only really begun now.

He looked forward and saw a corridor in the center of the stone pillars, which extended deep into the earth palace.

On the ground, there are chaotic footprints, which should be left by the beast spirit people who came in previously.

"Go, move on."

With an order from Chen Yang, the crowd went on.

I walked along the corridor of the underground palace for about half an hour, except that the stone carved patterns on the walls were different, and nothing else changed.

Just when everyone thought it would be repeated like this, a fork finally appeared.

There are a total of eight forks, all of which are separated into independent passages.

Each channel is about ten meters high and ten meters wide.

Above the passage, there are crooked stone carvings, like text, but no one can understand.

Others didn't feel anything, but when Chen Yang saw this, he remembered the crypts under Komi's virgin forest, which was also the eight channels.

He turned his gaze and looked at the stone inscription above the passage, his heart suddenly jerking.

Because those stone inscriptions are Oracle, he didn't study much about Oracle, but he knew the meaning of these characters.

From left to right, they are one, three, three, four, four, five, land, two, and two.

It is no coincidence that the same eight channels are also arranged numerically.

"This underground palace is definitely related to the crypts of the Komi Primitive Forest."

Chen Yang made a judgment in his heart, he did not believe it was a coincidence.

"It seems that the same person who built this underground palace and the crypt was the same person, and it must be a Chinese person ~ ~ Chen Yang thought for himself, and his eyes fell on the channel" 柒 ".

I walked here last time, and he decided to choose this number this time.

He believes that seven is his lucky number.

Of course, there is another reason.

Channel 7 has dense footsteps, which means that the beast spirits who came in before also chose this channel.

If the underground palace and the crypt are really connected, then there must be guardians of monsters in the passage.

He doesn't know how strong the monsters are inside, but there are the beast spirit races in front of him. He chooses this channel, which can undoubtedly avoid unnecessary trouble.

"Come here." Chen Yang stepped towards Channel 7 and said to everyone: "Be careful, there is some danger inside."

The crowd followed him, Lang Xiaoran wondered: "Chen Yang, how do I feel, you seem to have been here?"