My Superhero Can’t Be This Jerk

Chapter 2: hero or asshole

Before Wei Chen Chuan, he specialized in gymnastics. He was the kind of master who could do 100 big loops on the horizontal bar without panting.

Fatty tilted his head, and with the speed of a raptor, he turned around and punched Wei Chen.

Wei Chen was on his guard early, he slammed his head back, and Fatty's punch was thrown into the air.

But because he didn't hold back his strength, he punched the plane's bulkhead with a punch.

The bulkhead shook violently!

Fatty's **** snapped.

Wei Chen even heard the cracking sound of broken bones.

His fingers were injured, and Fatty seemed provoked, turned over and kicked Wei Chen with one leg.

Wei Chen was kicked in the waist and abdomen, bounced back to his seat, and then bounced up again.

The waist seems to be injured, and the knees are aching.

The blonde beauty helped Wei Chen up, "Are you... are you okay?"

Her green eyes were like a wounded deer, and she looked at Wei Chen with concern.

"not too good."

Wei Chen turned over, picked up the towel on the beautiful woman's lap, and rushed towards the fat man.

Fatty was also tired of playing with this kid, so he picked up the art knife and stabbed Wei Chen.

The two faced each other, Wei Chen threw out the towel and slapped Fatty on the face.

Fatty's most vulnerable eye was hit, he cried out in pain, and the art knife in his hand fell to the ground.

Wei Chen jumped up again, exerting strength on his upper body, clenching his fists tightly, and hitting Fatty in the face.

Fatty's face was not as strong as his balls, and he was KO'd directly by Wei Chen, and he lay down beautifully.

Fortunately, he learned rope exercises when he practiced gymnastics with the senior sisters in the gymnastics academy. Otherwise, facing a superhuman with a knife, he would not be able to solve it so easily.

The first class cabin was silent.

Several passengers looked at him with expressions of gratitude, admiration, fear and other complicated expressions in their eyes.

Harper stared blankly at Wei Chen, who was so powerful, that his small mouth could fit a cherry.

The robbers in the economy class heard the movement here and came to check.

Wei Chen bent down and picked up the art knife, ready to fight to the death.

It's too late to go back now.

The footsteps of the robbers "da da" gradually approached.

Wei Chen hid behind the curtain, holding the art knife tightly, his heart beating like a small motor.

The moment the robbers were about to lift the curtain, the safety door in the middle of the plane was suddenly torn open from the outside.

The difference in air pressure inside and outside caused a strong pressure wind, and the things in the cabin were sucked out like a vacuum cleaner.

The passengers let out a piercing cry.

At an altitude of 40,000 feet, the safety door of the plane was opened, which was an absolute disaster.

The pressure in the cabin quickly lost, and Wei Chen's eardrums and nostrils felt as if they had been pricked by a needle.

The temperature dropped suddenly, like being in the severe winter of Siberia, and every breath seemed to have ice **** pouring into his throat.

The gust of wind kept pulling him outward, Wei Chen clung to the cabin seat tightly, like a life-saving straw.

A deafening rumble erupted from the tail of the plane.

The suitcases above the head were all collapsed, and the round, flat-bottomed yellow plastic bowls bounced up and down and hung on the top of each passenger's head, with a transparent tube attached to it.

When the passengers screamed, a person jumped in through the security door.

It was a superhero in a leather coat and a headband—Queen Maeve.

Like lightning, her figure quickly moved to the front of the black robber wearing a North Carolina cap and strangled him by the neck.

The ferocious robber was in her hands before, like a quail waiting to be slaughtered, with a look of horror on her face.


The robber's throat was snapped by Queen Maeve.

The South American robbers at the tail of the plane saw Queen Maeve's great power and backed away in fright.

A beam of red laser hit the South American robber's chest, like iron juice poured on wood, and the robber's chest burst into flames instantly.


The robber cried out in pain.

His ribs and heart were all melted away by the laser.

The one who killed the robbers with lasers in his eyes was Queen Maeve's partner and the leader of the Super Seven - the motherland.

The motherland grabbed the safety door and pulled it forward. The safety door, which can only be closed with hydraulic or hydraulic appliances, was easily closed by him.

The safety door was closed and the cabin returned to normal.

"Okay, everyone, it's over. Everything is safe, you'll be fine."

The blond, with a sunny smile from the motherland, clapped his hands lightly.

Wearing a blue tights with a gold emblem embroidered on his shoulders and an American flag-style cape, he looks just like the Superman Wei Chen knew: powerful and American.

The frightened passengers in the economy class looked at the sudden rescue, with expressions of the rest of their lives on their faces.

Under the leadership of someone unknown, the passengers all clapped their hands.

"Thank you, native of the motherland!"

A passenger stood up and excitedly thanked the people of the motherland.

The natives walked up to a little girl holding a rag doll, bent down, and patted her shoulder, "Are you okay? My dear."

The little girl nodded shyly, "Yes."

The smiles on the faces of the motherland became more and more sunny, "Hey, let's give a warm applause for Queen Maeve!"

The applause from the passengers was even louder.


"I love you! Maeve!"

There were whistles in the crowd, and everyone who lived after the disaster was very relaxed.

"Hey, you have to come and have a look, there seems to be some problem with the cab."

Maeve walked over and said that the cab could not be opened, as if someone had locked it from the inside.

The natives came over and pulled open the cabin door of the cab.

I saw that in the cockpit, the captain was shot in the forehead, and he was lying on the driver's seat covered in blood.

The co-pilot held a pistol and aimed at the intruding motherland and Maeve.

It turns out that the co-pilot is also a robber!

"Hey, relax, relax!"

The natives signaled the co-pilot to calm down.

As soon as he finished speaking, red lasers were emitted from his eyes and shot at the co-pilot.

The co-pilot was laser cut from the right shoulder to the heart, the upper body was directly separated from the body, and fell to the ground with a "click".

The laser hits the aircraft operation panel unabated, destroying all the operation panels.

The plane immediately issued a high-pitched siren!

The cockpit was full of fire, and the overhead panel lights flashed like ghosts.

The strike of the motherland completely destroyed the flight system of the aircraft.

Maeve immediately picked up her earphones and shouted to the tower for help: "ATC (air traffic control), ATC!"

"No, the UU reading signal is cut off! Can you fly a plane?"

Maeve's breathing was rapid.

The native frowned, "I can't drive, and it's not important anymore."

He pointed to the operation panel damaged by the laser.

Maeve's fists clenched, "You have to go outside and hold up the plane."

"Hold the plane up? How to hold it, there's no place to stand outside, it's full of **** air."

Maeve's anger kept rising, "I don't know, fly on it and hit the plane straight!"

The native shrugged, "At the current speed, either I will overturn the plane, or I will crash through the plane."

Maeve's nose shook violently, took a deep breath, and said, "OK, then, send the passengers back to the ground one by one."

"Hahaha..." The native laughed, as if they heard some funny joke, "And then what? Back and forth 123 times? Maeve, think about it..."

His smile turned into a sinister sneer, he turned and walked towards the cabin door, "Our mission is over."

The plane made a louder roar, and the fuselage turbulent more violently. Some people who found something wrong shouted to the people of the motherland: "People of the motherland, do you want to abandon us?"

"No, no, I just went to check near the cabin door."

But the passengers obviously didn't trust him. The plane was overturned like this. The siren in the cockpit kept ringing like a ghost. If you say it's fine, who the **** believes it?

The crowd started rioting again.

"Maeve!" He shouted at Maeve who was still in the captain's room, motioning her to follow him out of this hellish place.

Maeve was fighting an ideological struggle in her heart. She took a step and walked slowly in the direction of the motherland.