My Superhero Can’t Be This Jerk

Chapter 252: The Fallacy of Poison Ivy

After expressing some sighs, the competitive competition in the field is about to start.

The narrator is a warrior among Queen Hippolyta's maids.

Her leather armor was replaced by a formal dress worn by women in modern society, with a star hairband and short black hair, which was very charming.

A female Amazon commentator appeared on the TV in the VIP box.

"The 1st Amazonian Athletics Olympiad has officially begun!"

As the commentary announced the start of the game, the female fighters in the sports booth let out a thunderous cry.

The emotions of all the audience were very high.

The Queen took the initiative to explain to Eric, "According to the tradition of the Olympus Athletics on Paradise Island, we select the most heroic and strong warriors to participate in the competition. The competitions include running, climbing, strength, horseback riding, Archery and many other competitive activities.”

"Oh, it's a lot like the sports of the modern Olympics."

Poison Ivy shrugged.

"The Amazons are more demanding of themselves, and our goal is to go beyond the limits of our bodies, not to dig deep in a certain field."

The queen explained, "Comprehensive ability is the criterion for judging whether a warrior is qualified."

"So -- it's a competition that combines all the projects together, and the Amazons need to be at the highest level in every aspect, and that's what we're going to do with the competition."

There was an inexplicable brilliance in the queen's eyes, which was the pride of the Amazons.


A gunshot rang out, and dozens of female fighters in tights and hot figures rushed along the runway.

The one in the middle, who was obviously faster than the other Amazon female warriors, was a relatively young girl.

Wearing a pale golden tights, with long black hair, the Amazon girl of about fifteen years old ran, like a gust of wind, and quickly pulled the others behind her.

Queen Hippolyta also turned her attention to the girl who ran ahead.

"Courtney, the most advanced of the Amazons."

The queen smiled, "She once defeated Aleika and other good players in the long-distance running competition, with agile speed and surprising reflexes. Besides Diana, she should be the second person to make me feel infinite possibilities. warriors."

The Queen's words were filled with pride for Courteney.


Courteney turned into a bolt of lightning the moment she heard the starting gun, and she had the fastest speed among the Amazons, easily leaving the others behind.

Her long black hair jumped with her rhythmic breathing, and her eyes were aimed at the row of horizontal bars in front of her like falcons.

The horizontal bar is adjusted to a height of four meters, which is difficult for ordinary people to catch even if they want to.

Courteney ran to the front of the bar, used her feet, jumped into the air with a swish, and grabbed the bar.

With her body hanging on the horizontal bar, Courteney needs to use her body flexibility and the strength of her waist and abdomen to swing to the next horizontal bar.

Taking a deep breath, Courteney exerted strength from her waist, and at the same time released the horizontal bar she was holding with both hands, swinging her body to the other horizontal bar in front of her.


Grasp the horizontal bar tightly with both hands.

Then repeat the same action, swinging to the next one.

Her waist and abdomen strength and body coordination are amazing, and she completed this action quickly.

However, the other female warriors who followed closely followed suit.

Especially the second place, Aleika who followed her closely.

Although Aleika lost to Eric, she is also a powerful warrior with rich fighting and competitive experience.

With her effort-saving skills on the horizontal bar, she quickly caught up behind Courteney.

The two are only half a body apart.

The female Amazon warrior who was the commentator shouted excitedly: "Kourteney and Aleika are chasing! Although Courteney ran to the first place with the advantage of speed, it is clear that Aleika will not give up the first position. Give up. Two people chase each other and try, who will be the final winner!"

The Amazon female warriors who acted as the audience watched the wonderful competition between the two, and cheered for the two.

"Go away!"

When Aleika was about to catch up to Courteney, she pushed her aside.

Courteney staggered, slowed down, and was caught up by Aleika.

"Courtney was overtaken by Aleksa, and Aleksa is currently ahead!"

The narrator reports to an emotional broadcast.

Alika turned her head and glared at Courteney fiercely, "You still need to practice for two more years! Now the first place is my bag!"

Courteney, who fell behind, glared back at Aleika. She was a girl who refused to admit defeat. Even if she was threatened by Aleika, she would not give up her persistence easily.

The third item is rope climbing.

Contestants need to climb ropes tens of meters high and climb to the top of high rings. Then take the rope back and throw it on the ring more than 20 meters away to form a rope bridge.

Competitors need to climb the rope bridge to the opposite ring.

It can be said that this is the most dangerous project. Regardless of whether it can use the strength of the upper arm to maintain the balance of the body, the height of more than ten meters can make ordinary people terrified.

Although the sand is covered with fine sand, even if a strong Amazon accidentally falls, he will be thrown into a mess.

"Who do you think will win?"

In the VIP box, the relaxed poison ivy girl asked Eric.

"The warrior named Courteney."

Eric pointed to the fighter who was running in second place.

The Poison Ivy girl had a different opinion, and the corners of her mouth showed a charming arc, "Oh? But I don't agree with you. I think that the female warrior named Alika who runs first is the most likely to win."


"Women's Eric thinks this reason is unacceptable." If everything is prevaricate with a woman's intuition, it should be the most boring and unacceptable. "

"OK, then I'll give my reasons," the poison ivy girl picked up a cup of coffee and took a sip, "Competition is a simple exercise to beat others and win first place, then... ..don't you get first place by keeping the others out of the race?"

Poison Ivy seems to have her own set of delusions, "If it was me, I would let other people competing with me inhale some strange toxins, and then I would not be able to compete, and then I would loosely win the first place."

"And that warrior named Aleika has similar thoughts to me. Competitive competitions must have such an awareness!"

Eric was silent for a moment, feeling that the thoughts of the woman in front of him were getting more and more crazy. I have to worry about whether she will poison herself at any time.

Fortunately, the poison ivy girl does not have the charm of the original DC world poison ivy girl, otherwise, wouldn't this woman want to go to heaven?