My Superhero Can’t Be This Jerk

Chapter 417: Nightwing in the Cage

Eric could easily take care of these guys if he wasn't in a hurry, but now he has more important things to do.

That is to race against the clock to rescue Nightwing.

There's not much time left for him, so there's no way he's here to fight the guys who succumbed to the crime syndicate.

"Annie, Aleika, Leslie, and Queen Maeve, I'll leave it to you here!"

Eric hugged the weak raven, gave a command, and rushed forward quickly.

"Don't think about it!"

The invisible woman moved quickly in front of Eric.

"The battle between the two of us hasn't counted yet!"

The invisible woman gnashed her teeth and looked at Eric.

The last time I was fighting in the sewer, I was teased by the other side. Thinking of this invisible woman, my teeth itch with anger.

For this, she has worked hard for a long time, just to be able to be ashamed one day.

"Unfortunately, I don't have time to settle accounts with you."

Eric held the raven in one hand, and threw out the bat dart with his right hand, throwing it at the Invisible Woman.

The extremely fast bat dart was easily dodged by the invisible woman.

And while she was dodging, she moved forward a distance, getting closer to Eric.

The invisible woman constructed a transparent shield in front of her to block Eric's next attack from the hook gun.

"I've become stronger! Attacks of this level can't hurt me at all!"

The invisible woman moved in front of Eric, shook the air, and used the air shock wave to attack Eric.

She can manipulate the air to form a protective shield, and can also form an air shock wave.

In terms of talent, he is one of the strongest people in the world of black robes.

However, he was facing Eric who was on the hook, so this ability was naturally not enough.

Facing the incoming air shock wave, Eric immediately took out the shock gun from his belt.

This is the weapon that has always accompanied Diana in his world.

Powerful and easy to carry.

And in terms of the effect of air utilization, it is not inferior to the invisible woman at all.


The two air shock waves collided with each other, producing a strong hedging effect.

Eric wrapped himself and the raven in a cloak, so that the two of them did not suffer much damage.

But the invisible woman who faced the air explosion was miserable.

Before he could open the protective cover, he was hit head-on by the blasting air wave.

The air shock waves collided with each other, generating a powerful energy, and the air seemed to be ignited, making a loud noise.

It was followed by a transparent shock wave visible to the naked eye, constantly swinging around.

The strong vibration effect almost makes the people around you stand unsteady.

The invisible woman was directly shocked backwards.

The uniform on her body, the light blue uniform that was **** and highlighted her figure, was affected and shattered into pieces.

The figure of the invisible woman was revealed.

White and reverie skin is presented in front of everyone.

Even if the key parts were not exposed, it made everyone stunned.

All the two sides in the melee stopped immediately and looked at the invisible woman with a slightly strange look.

Eric also did not expect such an effect, so that he did not react for a while.

Just widened his eyes and looked at the invisible woman.

After the slightly dissatisfied raven tugged at the flesh on his waist, he reacted, and immediately turned his eyes away with a guilty conscience.

However it was too late.

Invisible female general Eric's bad performance was all seen in his eyes.

Embarrassed and angry, she wanted to rush up and hack Eric to death.

But when he thought about his embarrassed appearance, he had to restrain his impulse.

After giving Eric a hateful look, she covered her upper body with her hands and quickly fled the battlefield.

After repelling the Invisible Woman, Eric immediately bypassed the melee crowd and rushed forward.

At the same time, the OS that pretended to be forced inside said: I am ashamed of the enemy, I will take off his clothes!

Teng Teng Teng!

Walk quickly to the last floor.

Put down the raven you are holding and look at the surrounding environment.

The raven stood aside, looking at Eric with a strange look.

"What's the matter? Why are you looking at me like that, Ruiwen, no, Milian."

Don't mind Ruiwen's name, Raven brushed the shattered hair in front of his forehead and asked carefully, "Eric, do you like the way you used to fight... just now?"


Eric felt that his image might have been affected, and immediately denied it, "No, Milian, it was just an accident, an accident no one expected. You know, I'm not that kind of person."


The raven only replied "um", and did not speak again. Eric felt that it might be a little bad. He wanted to explain again, and suddenly found a strong energy wave coming from the room on his left side.

Appears to be pulsed energy.

Eric immediately moved to the place where the energy emanated.

It was a flashing metal door.

"According to Starlight's information, Nightwing is likely to be locked in this vicinity, you can give it a try."

Eric immediately took out the "universal answer" necessary to open the door. This is the lock-picking tool he used in Diana's world and once opened Omega's Wayne Building.

Adjust the frequency, quickly open the door, and enter the cell.

Eric and Raven were all stunned by the sight in front of them.

A huge machine bound Nightwing and locked half of his body into the machine.

The top of the circular dome-like machine is illuminated by lights, and something like a robotic arm hangs down from the Several robotic arms control Nightwing and fix him in an oval container.

Nightwing was shirtless on the upper body, and the lower body was completely submerged in the oval container.

It looked so miserable.


Eric cursed secretly, and immediately ran to Yewing to check his situation.

At the same time, the "outsider" Alfred also noticed that the Syndicate base had been invaded.

"Sir, some of the surveillance cameras were cut off, and someone broke into the syndicate base."

Ye Xiao, who was in the distance, immediately walked to an unmanned corner after receiving the message of the "outsider" and said to him: "Before I arrive, protect Ye Yi, and no one can hurt him! We'll deal with it later."


The tone of the "outsider" became a little hesitant, "Master Thomas, even if we can save Nightwing from Speedmaster, what about the prisoner in the Syndicate Base? If he escapes, he will... .."


Ye Xiao's tone became stern, and he was a little impatient, "I don't have time to worry about any 'prisoners' now, Alfred. Protect Richard Grayson, that's what you should do!"

The "outsider" in a purple trench coat and hat shook his head.

He walked to a secret cell, determined to go against Ye Xiao's words, "I'm sorry, sir, but this time I have to disobey your orders."


"You've lost almost everything, Sir Thomas, and I won't let you hurt again!"

"The Outsider" murmured, walking towards the dark cell.

Dangerous human beings in the whole world are imprisoned there.