My Superhero Can’t Be This Jerk

Chapter 91: Because I'm Batman

The poison ivy girl wanted to activate her super power and control the plant vines to block the metal box that hit her.

However, he suddenly discovered that his super powers had failed!

This is the first time she has encountered such a situation since awakening her super powers.

Just like a hunter who enters the forest, with his proud archery, he thinks that he can fight any beast. I just met a tiger, and when I was about to shoot an arrow, I found that my bow was lost!

There is nothing more frustrating than this!

Under the sudden drastic change, the poison ivy girl stood dumbfounded, forgetting even to avoid it.

She finally understood the meaning of what Batman said just now, "All my superpowers about Walter were taken away by their newly created gadgets."

It turns out that the bald robot can block the superhuman abilities!

Looking at the metal box that was getting closer and closer, the Poison Ivy Girl closed her eyes.

I never thought I would die here!

Turns out, I'm a downright weakling! Without my superpowers, I couldn't do anything, and the fear that flowed from my heart kept my legs from moving.

She sighed with some lament, preparing to meet the fate of death to come.


The incoming collision was unexpectedly less painful, on the contrary, it was somewhat soft.

However, softness is also relative. Although it is very hard, it is much lighter than the imagined metal impact.

While thinking wildly, he found that his body flew to one side uncontrollably.

Opening his eyes, he found that he was holding Batman.

With his right hand around his shoulder, he held a grappling gun in his left, swinging towards the other side of the room.

The bat suit on the right shoulder was slightly scratched. It seemed that when he flew to save him just now, he was accidentally hit by the metal box.

The two of them swung towards the entrance of the room together, and behind them was a metal box that smashed against the wall and made a loud bang.


Eric fell to the ground with Poison Ivy in his arms.

The Poison Ivy Girl looked at Eric, who was wrapped in a black suit, and suddenly an inexplicable emotion rose in her heart.

Enveloped by this emotion, she had an urge to lift his mask.

A kiss, a sincere kiss, I want to reward him!

She found that she had a bit of an inclination to spring out, not the kind who acted on the scene, but the kind with a little sincerity.

Eric put the poison ivy **** the ground, put away the hook gun, and rushed towards the iron slag.

"and many more!"

After the poison ivy called to save the person, Eric was cold and silent.

She was suddenly at a loss for words, and the small mouth, who used to be good at speaking, suddenly became at a loss.

"Uh, isn't your superpower also blocked? Why...will..."

She didn't know why she asked this question. She wanted to thank him.

However, she is also a little curious about this matter. What is Batman's superpower? Why is he still unaffected by robots that can interfere with superpowers?

A ridiculous thought arose in the Poison Ivy Girl's heart. Could it be that he is really an ordinary person?

Eric's hoarse voice came from behind the mask, "Because I am Batman. (BecauseIamBatman

Poison Ivy: "..."

Eric, who pretended to be forced, raised his cloak and quickly ran towards the iron slag.

During the sprint, he took out a special electric shock finger tiger from his belt and put it on his right hand.

It came whistling like an electric light. When Eric was still two meters away from the iron slag, he turned and jumped into the air, throwing his whole body at the opponent like a javelin.

He gathered all his strength on his feet and kicked the opponent's head violently.


Iron Slag gritted his teeth and raised his arms to block Eric's kick.

The attack failed. Using his powerful waist and abdomen strength, Eric turned around and twisted his waist in the air to adjust his posture.

The right fist shrunk back, and then poured power into it, shook out an arc curve, and slammed into Iron Slag's head.


The finger tiger completely poured into the opponent's chin, accompanied by a flash of electric light.

A strong high-voltage current spewed out.

The power attack coupled with the electric shock instantly knocked the opponent out.

The sturdy body fell backwards like a hill.


There was a violent tremor in the ground.

The floor squeaked loudly as it hit.

"Wow! A complete home run!"

The Poison Ivy, who was in the audience, let out a cheer.

However, her pride came too early, and Iron Slag quickly stood up again.

Except for the few small holes in his face that were cut by a tiger, and the dark skin that was electrocuted, there seemed to be nothing serious.

"Huh, it doesn't look so easy."

The poison ivy girl blew in frustration.

It seems that she enjoys the mentality of being a spectator.

Eric still kept his calm thinking, he immediately stepped back if he could not hit a single blow.

The iron **** robot seemed to be provoked. After standing up, it roared up to the sky.

There was a faint flash of red light in the dangerous eyes.

"Ah! It doesn't look good."

Following Poison Ivy's words, a red laser was instantly released from his eyes and shot at Eric.

The high temperature burns the air, making a "Zizi" sound.

The Red Death cut the space and swept towards Eric.

If you accidentally stick a little on it, I am afraid it will directly turn into fly ash.

The poison ivy girl looked at Eric worriedly. She wanted to go up and help, but she couldn't help herself.

He stomped his feet hurriedly.


Eric put his feet on the ground and turned back.

Just like a dexterous lightly jumped over the red laser and jumped to the side of the wall.

With his feet on the wall, he jumped in front of Iron Slag in three or two times.

While his laser eyes had just finished using and entered a cooling state, Eric took out two **** of plaster-like things from his belt to cover his eyes.

After the paste was applied, he quickly stepped back.

"Well, Batman, I'll be honest, I don't think you can block him by sticking two oilcloths on his eyes."

Poison Ivy said to Eric in a suspicious tone.

Eric didn't turn her back either. He took out a small remote control from his arms, tapped it, and pressed the button.

It's sizzling!

A yellow flash flashed from the plaster that covered the iron slag's eyes. He was shocked by the strong electric shock and roared. He stretched out his hand to grab and tear the thing off.


A strong explosion sounded.

The two-picture plaster exploded directly, as if two high-explosive bombs were ignited and exploded at the same time.

The explosion instantly destroyed Iron Slag's head.

Black blood and parts spurted out of the surroundings along with the strong air.

After the explosion stopped, Poison Ivy opened her eyes and found that the Iron Slag Robot had lost its head and fell to the ground with a bang.

"Uh, plastic explosives seem to be able to block him."

The poison ivy girl swallowed.

Why does this guy seem to have no super powers, but no matter who he fights, he always seems to have the last laugh.

He's like the kind of warrior with a strong heart, you can knock him down in the first round, but he can always fight back in the second round.

Eric, who was stared at by Poison Ivy with a strange gaze, walked to the front of the glass jar, took out the 'Julie Stone', stared at it for a while, and put it into a small metal box.
