My Supernatural Life of Leisure

Chapter 1756: 1 pedestrian who can't see the light (

After breakfast, Wu Yin continued to go to her garden to water the flowers she had planted, while Zhang Xiaohua and the three began to clean the manor.

Outside the manor, a magnificent carriage drove in the distance, and there were some guards around the carriage.

Li Xiaoxiao and Li Rongrong opened the curtains of the carriage first, and looked at the manor that was getting closer and closer to them in the distance. The two sisters whispered a few words, then sat back on their seats, waiting for the destination to arrive.

Zhang Xiaohua swept the fallen leaves on the ground and came to the gate of the manor. At this moment, she heard the sound of wheels coming from a distance.

He raised his head and looked outside the gate of the manor, and saw a familiar carriage parked at the gate of his manor.

Li Xiaoxiao and Li Rongrong got out of the car, Zhang Xiaohua walked up quickly, greeted each other, and then led them into the manor.

"Miss Wu." Li Xiaoxiao and Li Rongrong called out when they saw Wu Yin watering the flower field.

Hearing someone calling her, Wu Yin turned around and looked, then said with a smile.

"Wait for me for a while, I'll leave after watering the remaining flowers."

Li Xiaoxiao and Li Rongrong nodded, then sat down in the gazebo beside them, quietly waiting for Wu Yin to water the flowers in the flower field.

"Miss, let's have some tea!" Zhang Xiaoyu brought a tea tray from the villa and poured a cup of tea for Li Xiaoxiao and Li Rongrong.

The tea at home was given by Li Xiaoxiao and Li Rongrong. They drank the tea brewed by Zhang Xiaoyu and tasted the familiar taste.

After waiting for a while, Wu Yin finished what she was doing, and then walked into the gazebo.

"let's go!"

"En." Li Xiaoxiao and Li Rongrong nodded, and then the three of them walked out of the manor together.

Sitting in the carriage parked at the gate of the manor, escorted by a group of guards, they began to go to a very lively neighborhood in Tapshi City.

The carriage moved forward in an orderly manner. Wu Yin looked at the guards riding horses through the window, then turned to Li Xiaoxiao and Li Rongrong and said, "How many more guards did you bring today?"

Li Rongrong and Li Xiaoxiao had already revealed their identities to Wu Yin a few days ago. Knowing that these two girls were the daughters of the Lord of Tashi City, Wu Yin was surprised at the time, but recovered quickly.

If you were an ordinary person in this world and knew that the two friends you knew were the daughters of a city lord, you would be shocked and unable to look at each other for a long time.

After all, the concept of dignity in this world is quite strong. As the daughter of a city lord, her status is very high. Ordinary people will inevitably panic when facing such nobles.

But Wu Yin from Blue Star doesn't have this kind of thinking, and she is also the president of an organization, and she is also very strong, so she doesn't feel that her status is inferior to the other party.

"Yes, I added three today." Li Xiaoxiao nodded.

"Originally we wanted to bring fewer guards, but our father said that it is a troubled time recently, and he would be more at ease with more guards, so we stopped insisting." Li Rongrong explained the reason for bringing more guards today. .

After hearing this, Wu Yin showed a puzzled expression on her face, and she asked, "Troublesome, did something happen?"

Li Xiaoxiao glanced at her younger sister, thinking that her younger sister would really spark the conversation, then she said to Wu Yin.

"Miss Wu, the thing is like this. Didn't I tell you before? Recently, His Majesty the Emperor sent a large army to wipe out the Fangfang organization, and the Fangfang organization was scattered and fled.

Just this morning, the army to suppress the Fang Fang organization sent envoys to tell our father that there are elders from the Fang Fang Organization fleeing towards us with the surviving team, let us prepare early and beware..."

After Wu Yin finished listening, she nodded, thinking that this fang organization is really the same as a cockroach! Not long ago, I just killed a few of them, and now I'm going to find them again to make trouble.

"Miss Wu, that... I have a merciless request." Li Rongrong said at this time.

"What's the matter?" Wu Yin asked.

"That is, if the elders of the Venomous Fang organization come later, they really lead the remaining team to destroy our Tap Rock City.

At that time, I would like to ask Ms. Wu for your help to deal with them together. "Li Rongrong said.

"That's right! Yes!" Now that she has decided to live in Tashi City for a long time, Wu Yin naturally hopes that there will be a long-term peace and stability here. If the people from the Fang Fang organization destroy Tacheng and make it impossible to live here, It's also a problem for her.

Li Xiaoxiao and Li Rongrong agreed when they heard Wu Yin so easily, with happy smiles on their faces. Although they knew that Wu Yin would most likely agree, it was beyond their expectations that it went so smoothly.

"By the way, Miss Wu, why doesn't your friend see him?" Li Rongrong asked.

She was a little curious about the handsome young man who didn't pay much attention to him who hadn't shown his face for a long time.

When Wu Yin heard Li Rongrong ask Lin Fei, she immediately explained the reason as she did to Zhang Xiaohua and the other three.

"So it's a long trip!" Li Xiaoxiao and Li Rongrong nodded, and then stopped asking about Lin Fei, and then chatted with Wu Yin about the block they were going to go to next.

"Miss Wu, there is a restaurant over there, and there is a chef who is very good at cooking, especially good at making pastries.

I have sent someone to the restaurant in advance to tell their shopkeeper that after we finish eating at her house, we will pack some pastries. "Li Rongrong said.

"Cakes! It just so happens that my three maids are going back to their hometown. I will buy more and bring them a portion, so that they can take it home to eat for their relatives at home..." Wu Yin said.

Li Xiaoxiao and Li Rongrong heard Wu Yin said that she would bring pastries to the three maids at home, and they thought that Miss Wu was really kind!

It's actually quite normal for these two people to have such thoughts. After all, it's extremely rare for the master to bring food to his maid.

The three chatted while sitting in the carriage, and soon arrived at their destination.

After getting off the carriage, a group of guards wanted to follow closely beside the two ladies to guard them, but they sternly refused.

On the way out from home before, it would have been nice to have them protecting them, but now a lot of people are following them, which greatly affects their shopping, and isn't it because Wu Yin is by their side?

All the guards together are no match for Wu Yin, so they are safe without these guards by their side.

Many of the guards who came out with Li Xiaoxiao and Li Rongrong had experienced the dangerous crisis before, so they naturally knew Wu Yin's strength.

So they didn't force them all to keep up. The guards proposed to send two people to follow them. This was the biggest concession they could make.

Li Xiaoxiao and Li Rongrong readily agreed, but if they don't agree, it won't work! After all, these guards were under his father's subordinates, and it was already very good to be able to make such a big concession.

Afterwards, the two guards followed the three talking and laughing girls, and went shopping one shop after another in this bustling commercial district.


Hundreds of kilometers away from Tap Rock City, there is a piece of undulating hills.

There are many strange beasts living in this hill. Usually, when caravans pass by here, they will avoid this hill and take a detour.

Today, there is actually a team of more than a hundred people appearing in this hill.

A meandering river flows from far away, enters the hills, and then flows further away.

A group of more than a hundred people hid in the hills and was drinking water by the river.

The leader is a middle-aged man, not tall, only about 1.7 meters.

"Elder, where should we go next?" A member of the Venom Organization with gauze wrapped around his arm came to the middle-aged man who was not tall and asked.

This middle-aged man, who was not tall, was the elder of the Venomous Fang organization, and was the third elder that the flying cavalry captain had told Li Xize not long ago.

With the remaining men, he broke out from the siege of the imperial army, fled eastward all the way, and came to hide in this hill.

"A few hundred kilometers ahead is Tapshi City." The third elder said.

"Elder, what do you mean, we will go to Tapshi City to escape the encirclement and suppression of the imperial army?" asked the member of the Fang Fang organization with gauze wrapped around his arm.

"Yes." The third elder said.

The members of the Venom Organization with gauze wrapped around their arms heard the words, and expressed their worries with a worried expression.

"Elder, I heard that the city lord of Tashi City is very difficult to deal with. Now we are taking people to Tashi City to avoid the encirclement and suppression of the imperial army. Will the city lord of Tashi City find out?"

"It's possible, but don't worry too much, Li Xice, the lord of Tashi City, is as powerful as me.

Even if he found our tracks, he didn't dare to attack us with all his strength, because as long as we counterattacked, the loss that Tashicheng would bear was beyond his ability. "The third elder said.

The members of the Fang Fang Organization with gauze wrapped around their arms heard these remarks, and the worry on their faces disappeared a lot.

"This time I chose to go to Tap Stone City to avoid the encirclement and suppression of the imperial army. On the one hand, there are some of our strongholds in Tap Stone City.

Some of the materials hidden in those strongholds are enough for us to maintain the next difficult days. "The third elder said the reason why he decided to go to Tapshi City.

The Fang member with gauze wrapped around his arm nodded, and then looked up at the big golden sun hanging in the sky.

Pale golden aura bloomed in his eyes, and the distant scenery quickly appeared in his eyes.

It turned out that the member of the Venom Organization with gauze wrapped around his arm was not looking at the sun in the sky, but a small black spot that appeared in the direction of the sun.

Members of the Fang Fang organization with gauze wrapped around their arms using their abilities could clearly see the appearance of the small black spots from a distance of more than ten kilometers.

The little black dot is a flying cavalryman. Judging by his attire, he is obviously a soldier of the imperial army. At this moment, he is flying towards the direction where everyone is hiding, while scanning downwards.

You don't need to guess about this behavior, you are looking for their hiding place.

"Elder, the flying cavalry of the imperial army is flying towards us." The member of the Venom Organization with gauze wrapped around his arm turned his head and said to his superior.

Hearing the subordinate's report, the third elder's expression suddenly sank, and then he followed the direction he pointed and looked towards the direction of the sun. In his line of sight, he could only see a small black dot.

However, he knew the effect of his subordinate's ability. He reminded q1 that there would be no problem, so he immediately issued an order to let all the drinkers hide in the woods.

"The flying cavalry of the imperial army came, and everyone hid immediately."

Following the order of the third elder, the members of the Venomous Fang Organization who had just drank the water immediately tensed up after a little relaxation, and everyone immediately ran to the woods not far ahead.

After all the members of the Fang Fang organization hid in the woods, after a while, the flying cavalry flying from a distance flew over the hill.

"Where did those guys hide? Why is there no sign?" the flying cavalry looked at the hills below and muttered.

At this time, the communication spirit device in his pocket vibrated, and then he stretched his hand into his arms, took out the communication spirit device and activated it, and contacted his superior.

"Have you found the remnants of those fang organizations?" A steady voice came from the communication spirit tool.

"Captain, I haven't found any remnants of the Fang Fang organization in this direction." The flying cavalry who flew over the hill reported to their superiors.

"Okay, I see, let's do this first, if you find anything, report to me immediately."

"Yes, Captain."

After finishing the contact, the flying cavalry put the communication spirit weapon in their hands back into their arms, and continued to fly forward.

In the quiet hills, where Fang Fang organized a group of people to hide, it took about ten minutes after the chasing flying cavalry left, and they came out of the woods.

In the past few days, being chased and killed by the imperial army all the way, everyone lost a lot of brothers, the nerves have been tense, and they are almost on the verge of collapse.

The third elder looked at the haggard and uneasy look of his subordinates, and knew that everyone had reached their limit, and they had to find a safe place to rest and recuperate, otherwise, the hundred or so surviving troops would be destroyed by themselves. Falling apart.

"Elder, UU Reading When are we leaving for Tap Rock City?" asked the member of the Venomous Organization with gauze wrapped around his arm.

He also noticed that his companions were about to reach the brink of collapse, and he actually hoped to leave later, so that he could rest up here.

"The flying cavalry is patrolling all around. The sky is bright now. It is easy to be spotted by him when we go to Tapshi City, so we will set off when the sun is about to go down." The third elder said.

The member of the Venom Organization with gauze wrapped around his arm nodded, and then went to tell his companions about the upcoming itinerary.

When the members of the Fang Fang organization who were about to collapse heard that they would set off again in the evening, they couldn't help but feel a little happy.

And hearing that everyone can go to Tap Stone City to take a good rest, everyone's confidence was rekindled.


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