My Supernatural Life of Leisure

Chapter 1906: lead the tiger to devour the wolf (2

The latest website: Lingjie.

The forest was covered with snow, and the temperature dropped several degrees after the sun went down.

The cold wind was blowing, and the trees without many leaves shook and made noises.

A tall figure hid behind a big rock, looking up at the bright full moon hanging high in the night sky.

The pig-head captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead became more cautious after seeing the blue star.

After the enemy left, he waited for a long time, and the night became dark before considering action.

"The time should be almost here, and they won't be found by going to the woods."

There were a few ordinary birds on the trees in the distance, making strange calls. They noticed a figure on the small hill coming out from behind the boulder, and walked quickly to the foot of the hill.

The captain of the pig-headed man with a brown birthmark on his forehead who decided to act, watched all directions, listened to all directions, and walked cautiously towards his destination.

When he approached the woods, the weird big trees immediately reacted, shaking one after another without the strong wind blowing.

There is a strange big tree closest to Captain Pig with a brown birthmark on his forehead, and an ugly face grows from the trunk.

"Woo woo woo..."

Continuous screams came from the mouth, and at the same time the vines on the tree trembled a few times, this was to prepare to attack Captain Pig who had a brown birthmark on his forehead.

The silver-white moonlight poured down on the ground. The pig-headed captain standing in front of the forest with a brown birthmark on his forehead noticed that the strange tree was about to attack him, so he stepped back a few steps to get out of its range.

Following the movement of the first strange big tree, other strange big trees also produced movements, like a chain reaction, faces emerged one after another, and thick vines danced one by one.

The pig-head captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead frowned when he saw the strange big tree like a group of demons dancing wildly, and then took out a small jar from the basket on his back.

When the lid was opened, an unpleasant smell wafted out of the jar. With the help of the moonlight pouring down from the sky, one could see that there were many green pastes in the small jar.

The pig-head captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead reached out and dug out a lot of green paste from a small jar, and spread it evenly on his face.

Although the smell is very pungent, it is necessary to apply these ointments, otherwise, the next action will not be carried out smoothly.

After smearing green ointment evenly on his face, the pig-head captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead stepped forward and approached the forest where the demons danced wildly again.

This time he walked into the woods, and a surprising scene happened. Those weird big trees, like a group of demons dancing wildly, didn't attack him when the pig-head captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead approached him.

It was a weird big tree with an ugly face growing on its trunk. When the pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead approached, his face twisted, as if a scorpion was approaching him.

Then the ugly face growing on the trunk disappeared, and the whole restless tree became quiet again.

"Although the smell of this ointment is very unpleasant, it is still very useful to restrain these guys."

The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead looked at the strange tree in front of him that had returned to tranquility, and murmured to himself.

Then he raised his head and looked at the canopy of the weird big tree that had returned to silence in front of him, looking for something carefully.

"This tree doesn't have one."

He didn't find what he wanted, and the pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead immediately changed to another tree to look for it.

With the help of the smelly ointment, the pig-head captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead walked calmly in the woods.

"Yes." Seeing a black fruit the size of a fist hanging from a branch of the tree, and a brown birthmark on his forehead, Captain Pig's face showed joy.

Then he jumped up, hugged the trunk, and then exerted strength with his limbs, and quickly climbed to the crown of the tree.

Although the fruit hanging on the branches of the strange tree is unremarkable, it is an essential material for making frostbite ointment.


The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead stretched out his hand to pick a fist-sized black fruit from the branch. He sniffed it closely, and a fresh fragrance wafted from the fruit.

Put the picked black fruit into the big basket behind, and then reach out to pick other black fruits.

These weird big trees with ugly faces grow on their trunks, some have black fruits, some don't, and the big trees with black fruits don't have a high yield, each tree has three to four at most.

The captain of the pig-headed man with a brown birthmark on his forehead, wanted to fill all the baskets on his back with black fruits, and it took a lot of work to get it done.

As time went by, the pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead, who was working in the forest with the help of moonlight, picked more and more black fruits, which already filled half a basket.

Jumping down from a big tree, intending to continue looking for the black fruit, at this time, a gaze suddenly fell on him from a distance.

With a brown birthmark on his forehead, Captain Pig's heart skipped a beat, and then he looked sharply at the place where his eyes appeared.

At this time, he thought that his whereabouts were discovered by the Blue Stars, and he was very nervous, his nerves were tense, and his muscles were stiff.

And when he saw clearly who was staring at him from behind, he immediately relaxed.

A creature covered with snow-white feathers stood on a branch and looked at the pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead. It only emitted mid-level first-order psionic fluctuations.

"Trough, startle me."

With a curse in his mouth, the pig-head captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead continued to pick the black fruit.

A strange beast with a mid-level psychic energy fluctuation is not a threat to him at all, so don't bother with it, just keep doing your own thing.


The screaming snow-white strange beast was very angry when he saw that the pig-head captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead was still picking its winter food.

But when it gets angry, it doesn't dare to go forward and attack the other party.

Because the pig-headed captain had a brown birthmark on his forehead, the aura generated by the psychic fluctuations just now made him very frightened.

His not-so-smart mind is running fast right now, racking his brains to figure out how to deal with this **** who is robbing him of winter food.

Two or three minutes later, the snow-white beast soared into the air, and then let out a piercing scream.

The temperature is extremely low now, and the surroundings are quiet. When this snow-white strange beast screams, its screams can be heard in a large area around it.

The captain of the pig-headed man with a brown birthmark on his forehead who was picking black fruits in the woods suddenly frowned when he heard a sharp and piercing cry.

He stopped his right hand, which was about to pick the black fruit, and looked at the strange beast that was making this sound in the sky in the distance, with a look of astonishment on his face.

"What is this guy crazy about?"

As soon as the words fell, the astonished expression on the face of the pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead disappeared instantly, and then he looked anxious.

Because he saw that snow-white strange beast that was screaming harshly, flying towards the strong enemy's camp. Such an annoying scream would definitely attract the attention of the Blue Stars.

At that time, it will attract the blue star people here, won't he be exposed when he is active in the woods?

"Made, is this guy crazy? If I knew it, I should have killed him just now."

The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead was worried that the snow-white strange beast would really welcome the blue star people, so he decided to retreat for the time being out of safety considerations.

So he quickly jumped down from the tree, carried half a basket of black fruits on his back, and quickly evacuated.

The situation developed as he had imagined. Not far from the strange woods, the investigators who were on guard on the night shift were immediately attracted by the piercing calls. When they looked up, they found that the calls were constantly making The snow-white beast.

The fluttering snow-white beast wanted to lure the wolf into a wolf, leading the investigators to the woods to deal with the **** who were robbing it of food for the winter.

"It's so noisy." The investigator, who was wearing cold-proof clothing and exhaling mist from his mouth, frowned and looked at the snow-white strange beast flying in the sky.

"I remember this guy lived in that strange forest, why did he come to us and yell at us at night?" Another investigator asked suspiciously.

"Maybe it's because I ate too much in the evening and my stomach was full."

"This cry is too loud, let me kill it!"

"It lives in that strange forest. It may be of research value to researchers. We just need to drive it away."


The two investigators standing guard discussed it, and finally they decided to drive the annoying beast away. One of the investigators took off the spiritual weapon crossbow from his back and shot an arrow at the snow-white beast in the sky.

Because he didn't want to kill the opponent, the arrows he shot didn't aim at the opponent's vital parts, but just flew by.

The snow-white beast that originally wanted to lure wolves to devour it found that its calculations had been emptied. It was so frightened by the arrow that it almost fell from the sky. It immediately closed its mouth and flew to its own residence.

"This guy is quite interesting." The investigator said with a smile when he saw the snow-white beast escape.

"What's so interesting? It's obviously timid, and it scares it away with one arrow." The investigator who used the spiritual weapon bow to drive away the beast muttered.

Above the weird woods, the snow-white beast that fled back in fright did not fly into the woods, but hovered over the woods for a while.

Originally, he wanted to see where the guy who snatched the winter food from him was, but unexpectedly found that he had disappeared.

I was very happy that there was no annoying guy snatching my winter food, and then flew into the woods and landed on a tree trunk to rest.


In the silent and desolate forest, in the middle of the night, the occasional wind that blows around makes the movement very scary.

Under the darkness of night, a forest carrying baskets moved quickly in the snow, and a series of footprints appeared on the ground.

For safety reasons, the pig-headed captain, who had a brown birthmark on his forehead, was forced to evacuate from the strange forest. He moved eastward for more than ten kilometers before slowing down the speed under his feet.

"It's all to blame for that strange beast, otherwise, I'll be able to collect all the things after I've been busy for a while."

The pig-head captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead felt that he had reached a safe area. He stopped and took a few quick breaths to calm himself down.

Because the collection task was interrupted by a sudden change, he now had to rethink what to do next.

There is a bright moon above the head, surrounded by silent forests, and a piece of white snow under the feet. It would be a little scary for other people to perform tasks in such a place.

The experienced captain of the pig-headed man with a brown birthmark on his forehead thought about it seriously. He felt that the matter of collecting black fruits could not be delayed, and he had to fill the big basket he was carrying tonight.

"It can't be delayed until tomorrow. If it is delayed for a long time, it will easily change. I will go there later."

The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead decided to find a place to settle down and eat something.

When the sun was about to set, he found a forest where he collected black fruits. Later, seeing the blue star people disrupted his rhythm.

As a result, he didn't even eat dinner. After such a long time, he was still very hungry.

Fortunately, there are many hills around here, and the cave can be easily found.

A few hundred meters ahead, at the foot of a hill with sparse vegetation, a narrow cave was found.

The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead entered the cave to see if there were any strange beasts living in it. After confirming that there were no strange beasts, he looked around for some branches.

The swaying flames of the burning bonfire drove the shadows reflected on the ground to dance.

Looking from the outside to the entrance of the cave, you can see signs of fire, UU reading www. Because the location here is relatively remote, I am not afraid of being discovered.

The pig-head captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead rummaged through the baskets for the food his friend had prepared for him, and put it next to the fire to heat it up.

Hungry growling, gorging on the heated food, my body that felt a little cold suddenly warmed up.


"When you're full, take a nap to refresh yourself, and collect all the black fruits in one go in the middle of the night."

The pig-head captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead felt a little sleepy after eating a full stomach. He lay down by the campfire and closed his eyes for a nap.

Although the cave with the bonfire was simple, it was not a bit better than the windy snow outside.


(end of this chapter)


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