My Supernatural Life of Leisure

Chapter 1980: Creatures in the hot spring lake (2

"My Supernatural Leisurely Life"

On the way to the mission site, a team of several investigators suddenly heard a loud movement in the distance. They stopped temporarily, and then rushed to the place where the movement occurred to check.

"According to the traces at the scene, it should be two strange beasts fighting here just now, not a pig-headed man."

"In broad daylight, there are actually two strange beasts fighting here. This is really rare!"

"As long as it's not a pig-headed man."

"Let's keep going!"

The investigators who came to check the situation searched the scene, then set off again, and quickly disappeared in the snow.

In the hidden cave, the pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead was lying on the ground, carefully observing the blue star outside the cave.

When he saw those blue star people leave, the tension in his heart disappeared immediately.


After taking a long breath, the pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead got up from the ground. He leaned on the wall with his right hand, frowning and looked at the direction where the blue star disappeared.

Just a short while ago, the sudden appearance of this team of blue stars scared the pig-headed captain who had a brown birthmark on his forehead.

Beads of sweat oozed from his forehead, and his hair was soaked in sweat and stuck to his skin.

The cold sweat from the back also wet the clothes, and now I feel a little cold.

"To meet those blue star people here, it seems that the fighting movement of the two strange beasts just now attracted them.

If I had returned to the cave a little later just now, I am afraid that I would have to meet those blue star people head-on, it would be terrible. "

The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead recalled that if he had wasted some time, he might have met the Blue Stars, which made him afraid for a while.

"Why do these blue star people come here? This place is very close to the edge of the forest, such a remote location, logically speaking, in such freezing weather, those men should not come here yes…"

The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead had previously discussed with his friends whether he would encounter a blue star in this place.

Both of them agreed that under such severe weather conditions, those blue star people would definitely hide in their stronghold and would not come out.

And the camp they built is in a very remote place. Under such bad weather conditions, the probability of those Blue Stars coming here and finding the camp can be said to be extremely low.

But now, the captain of the pig-headed man with a brown birthmark on his forehead who was temporarily sheltered from the wind and snow and couldn't go back, encountered a group of blue stars passing by.

This made him a little worried, afraid that in such bad weather, if the Blue Stars frequented this area, they might find their camp.

Just now, he secretly observed those blue star people from a long distance. The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead did not dare to use his perception to detect the strength of those blue star people.

However, with the prudent behavior of the Blue Stars, if they dare to travel in such bad weather, the strength of the fighters will definitely not be inferior.

Once such a blue star combat team with more than ten people finds the camp in the pig-headed valley, the possibility that the pig-headed side will be wiped out in the end is extremely high, with a probability of at least 90%.

"Damn it, in such bad weather, what are those blue star people doing if they don't hide in the stronghold to recuperate?" the pig-head captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead said cursingly to himself.

The cold sweat that flowed out of his body due to nervousness earlier made his body feel colder and colder after a while. The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead frowned, and then walked into the cave.

The swaying campfire had been burning for a while, and the added wood was almost burned out.

Captain Pig, with a brown birthmark on his forehead, sat down and reached out to pick some wood from a large pile of firewood and put it in the campfire.


He opened his mouth and blew a few breaths into the campfire, and soon, the flames became vigorous.

The heat from the bonfire hit his face, making Captain Pig who felt cold with a brown birthmark on his forehead immediately warm up.

Leaning against the wall, facing the bonfire that is close at hand, I feel warm all over my body.

The pig-head captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead looked at the swaying bonfire in front of him, thinking about the thoughts in his mind, all about the blue star people he saw just now.

"This **** snowstorm is really a waste of time... When the snow stops, I have to go back to the camp immediately, tell him about seeing the Blue Star man, and make plans early."

The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead thought for a while, feeling more and more worried.

Now he desperately hoped that the storm outside would stop, as soon as the snow stopped, he would set off and return to the camp as soon as possible.


The investigators were flying quickly in the sky. The spiritual weapons on their bodies emitted light, forming barriers to cover their bodies, resisting the attack of the violent wind and snow.

The bracelets on their hands radiate heat, keeping their bodies at a suitable temperature, and they will not lose their body temperature due to the cold surrounding temperature.

After receiving the information from the superior, it was said that a huge hot spring was found in the northwest of the forest, near a stronghold near the hot spring. After receiving the information from the superior, they immediately organized people to check it.

After more than an hour of rushing, according to the information at hand, the team of investigators quickly saw a large area covered by hazy white mist in the distance.

"Here we are, the area ahead should be where the hot spring we are looking for is located." An investigator said with a smile.

"It should be. Under such freezing conditions, such a large area can still be covered by water mist. There is no other possibility except for the heat wave generated by the hot springs to cause such a scene." The lead investigator nodded.

Then, a group of investigators accelerated their flight speed and rushed towards the area covered by a large area of ​​water mist in front of them.

About two or three minutes later, a group of investigators arrived at the destination.

Everyone looked down at the area below, and as far as they could see, there was a very large hot spring.

This hot spring is about the size of three football fields, with bursts of hot air wafting from the huge hot spring lake.

There are bright and emerald green plants growing around this hot spring lake. Think about it, because of the influence of the hot spring lake, the plants in the surrounding area are not damaged by the cold wave and can survive very well.

"Let's go down and take a look!" an investigator suggested.

Everyone looked at the lead investigator, who nodded, and then all the investigators flew to the hot spring lake below.

After landing on the ground, investigators began to collect information on the scene.

"The water temperature in this hot spring lake is thirty-five degrees, not too hot." An investigator measured the water temperature in the hot spring lake with a thermometer, and said to his companion behind him.

The investigator who was using a spiritual tool to record images of plants around the hot spring lake said with a smile, "The water temperature is very suitable for soaking in hot springs."

"In the future, we can get the approval of the superiors to build a stronghold here. In the future, everyone can come here to relax in the hot spring when they are on vacation." An investigator said with a smile.

"It's a good suggestion. I'll report this suggestion when I go back." The lead investigator nodded, and then he carefully perceived the surrounding situation.

Through one party's investigation, the investigators did not find any dangerous strange beasts around, which surprised them.

"It's really strange. There are no strange beasts in this place. It's incredible."

"Yeah, the weather is so cold now, and in such a warm place, there should be a lot of strange beasts."

"Let's do this first! It's almost time, we should go back."

Afterwards, a group of investigators took off again and flew towards the location of the stronghold.

After the investigators left, a huge figure suddenly appeared in this warm hot spring lake. He looked at the group of investigators who disappeared into the sky with a look of vigilance in his eyes, and then quietly sank into the water again.

"Wow, wow, wow..."

The water splashed, and the waves caused spread to the surroundings. When the hot spring lake returned to calm, the surroundings fell into silence again.


In the remote valley, the pig-head camp once again remembered the sound of beating gongs.

In the warm cabin, the pig-head warriors who were hungry and growling quickly walked out of the room, and then lined up to get their meals.

At this time, the goose-feather-like snow falling in the sky gradually became smaller. Judging from this posture, the snow stopped earlier than expected.

The wind and snow have stopped, which is a very happy thing for all the pigmen.

The handsome pig-headed logistics captain came to the gate of the camp after lunch, and looked into the distance. In the distance, he could see swollen snowdrifts. In these snowdrifts, all the giant monsters killed by them not long ago were buried. Toad strange beast.

"Step, step, step..."

There was a sound of footsteps behind him, and a pig-headed soldier came to the handsome pig-headed logistics captain.

"Captain, looking at the trend, the snow should stop in a while. Should we clear the snow in the camp first, and then go and dispose of the corpses of those giant toads and strange beasts in the distance?"

The handsome pig-headed logistics captain thought about his subordinate's question, then nodded, and said, "You can ask everyone to come out and clear the snow in the camp, and I will go around to see the situation."

"Yes." The pig-headed warrior nodded, and then he immediately went to gather his companions.

"Everyone, come out and clear the snow."

The pig-headed warriors had just eaten and drank enough, and they were very energetic. Everyone started to clear the snow in the camp in full swing.

Because the snow is often cleared during this period, everyone is very skilled, so the efficiency of snow clearing is very high.

The handsome pig-headed logistics captain walked out of the camp and circled around the camp a few times. He carefully checked the situation outside the camp, hoping to find the loopholes and make up for them all.

"Very well, there is no damage to the surrounding fence."

The handsome pig-headed logistics leader walked around, but he didn't find any damage to the fence around the camp, but he also found many footprints in some places.

The pig-headed logistics captain with a handsome face was already very familiar with these footprints, which were left by some weak creatures.

In fact, they don't pose much threat to the camp, but these weak creatures seem to be very interested in the food stored in the warehouse in the camp, so they will run to the outside of the camp every now and then to find opportunities.

"These little things are really annoying!" The handsome pig-headed logistics captain looked at the footprints in front of him and muttered to himself, and then he returned to the camp.

After such a short time, the snow falling from the sky stopped, but the wind was still quite strong.

The pig-headed logistics captain with a handsome face had thought about it before, and after the snow stopped, he would start to deal with the corpses of those giant toads and strange beasts outside the camp.

After the pig-headed warriors had cleared all the snow in the camp, he began to direct his men to move out and transport the dead giant toad monsters out of the valley.

The small hills formed by the giant toads covered in heavy snow were first cleaned off by the pig-headed warriors with tools, and then the frozen giant toads were exposed inside~ Everyone first use The vines tie up these toads..." the handsome pig-headed logistics captain began to say to his subordinates, and then everyone immediately **** these dead giant toads with vines.


A group of several people worked together to carry the corpses of the giant toads to the outside of the valley.

After a lot of effort, the corpses of the giant toad monsters one after another were transported out of the valley by the pig-headed warriors.

The pig-headed logistics captain with a handsome face stood on the shore of the lake, looking thoughtfully at the broken lake.

"Captain, those strange beasts really came out of this frozen lake." The pig-headed warrior standing next to the handsome pig-headed logistics captain said with a smile.

After a fierce battle with the incoming giant toads, the pig-headed warriors all speculated that these guys ran out of the abnormally frozen lake outside the valley.

Now the frozen lake surface is completely shattered, and the floating ice undulates in the lake water, verifying everyone's guess.

The pig-headed logistics captain with a handsome face nodded, staring deeply at the lake full of ice floes in front of him.

"Captain, there are so many giant toads and monsters this time, do you think there will be some weird things coming out of this lake in the future?"

The handsome pig-headed logistics captain thought for a while and said with a smile, "I don't know that, but even if there are some strange beasts running out of the lake, we'll just defeat them all."

"Hmm." The pig-headed warrior nodded upon hearing this, with a confident smile on his face. Everyone was full of confidence after winning big victories these few times.
