My Supernatural Life of Leisure

Chapter 2029: Stolen (2

"Boom, boom, boom..."

There was a knock on the door suddenly, and the pig-headed logistics captain with a handsome face was pouring tea into the cup. When he heard the knock on the door, he immediately turned his head and looked towards the door.

"Come in."

The people outside the door pushed the door open after hearing the sound, and a pig-headed warrior with an anxious expression on his face walked into the warm cabin.

"What happened?" The pig-headed logistics captain with a handsome face asked when he saw the anxious expressions on his subordinates' faces.

Sitting aside, the pig-head captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead frowned at the pig-head warrior, also waiting for the other party to say why.

"Captain, a hole has been dug out of our warehouse, and some dried meat is missing." Said the pig-headed warrior with an anxious expression on his face.

"How could this happen?" the handsome pig-headed logistics captain asked with a frown.

Now he has to patrol around the camp every day. If he finds out about digging tunnels secretly, he will have discovered it long ago.

Now suddenly someone came to him and told him that not only the tunnel was dug through, but also the food was lost, which made him a little unacceptable.

"I don't know why this happened. When I was sorting things in the warehouse just now, I found a hole in the corner, and then the dried meat on the nearby cabinet disappeared." The pig-headed warrior said.

"..." The pig-headed logistics captain with a handsome face pondered for a moment, then he stood up.

"Take me to have a look."

"Yes." The pig-head warrior nodded, and then led the handsome pig-head logistics captain to the warehouse.

The pig-head captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead immediately followed when his friend went to check the warehouse.



The wind was blowing outside the house, and heavy snow like goose feathers crashed from the sky.

After the three pig-headed men came out of the warm cabin, they walked quickly towards the location of the warehouse.

When they entered the warehouse, the other two pig-headed warriors in charge of guarding the warehouse were talking a lot, and there was a very obvious pothole on the ground in front of them.

The pig-headed logistics captain with a handsome face came to the pothole, squatted down and looked at the pothole in front of him.

The pothole that appeared in the corner of the warehouse has obvious paw prints on the edge. From these signs, it can be known that the creature that dug out the pit has a pair of very sharp claws.

"The creature that dug this hole is not very big..." the pig-headed captain standing aside with a brown birthmark on his forehead said, also observing the pothole that appeared in the warehouse.

"Fortunately, the guy who sneaked into the warehouse is not very big, otherwise we would have lost a lot of food..." said the handsome pig-headed logistics captain and stood up. He glanced at the cabinet next to the stolen dried meat.

Then, speak to the three pig-headed warriors who are in charge of guarding the warehouse.

"Go find something, fill this hole, and then take turns to take care of the warehouse, and don't let the guy who steals jerky succeed again."

"Yes." The three pig-headed warriors nodded, and they all breathed a sigh of relief after hearing what the handsome pig-headed logistics captain said.

The warehouse theft is considered a serious dereliction of duty. I thought I would be scolded.

As a result, the handsome pig-headed logistics captain did not reprimand them, but told them to pay attention and stop this kind of thing from happening again.

After explaining the matter, he left the warehouse. The snowflakes outside the house fell on the head and shoulders of the handsome pig-headed logistics captain, and the biting cold instantly enveloped the whole body.


The pig-head captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead let out a breath, and a white mist formed instantly.

He turned his head to look at his friend beside him, and said to him, "I patrol the camp every day, but in the end I was succeeded. It's hard to guard against..."

"Yes! I'll go outside to find the pothole on the other side." The handsome pig-headed logistics captain said, and then walked towards the gate of the camp.

The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead followed, and he said to his friend, "Didn't you put a spiritual artifact in the warehouse? Why didn't you get any reminders when the tunnel was dug this time?"

"I'm not sure about this, I checked just now, and there is nothing wrong with that spiritual weapon.

When the thief invaded, the spirit weapon didn't respond at all, indicating that the thief who sneaked in must have some means to prevent the spirit weapon from finding it. "The pig-headed logistics captain with a handsome face thought for a while and analyzed.

"This thief has some tricks to make the spirit weapon undetectable." said the pig-head captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead.

"It succeeded this time and successfully stole some jerky. It will definitely come again later. How should we deal with it next?"

The cold wave shrouded the forest, and it was very difficult to find food under the heavy snow cover.

Just like the pig-head captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead said, a thief who succeeded once would definitely want to sneak in again to steal food later.

"Now we can only strictly guard it. If the three of them still can't guard the warehouse and prevent it from being stolen, we will increase the number of people in the future." The handsome pig-headed logistics captain said.

Although the method of increasing manpower is somewhat inflexible, it is currently the most effective way to prevent thieves.

"Step, step, step..."

Dull footsteps sounded in the snow. After coming out of the camp, the two pig-headed captains moved slowly in the thick snow.

"Let's look for it separately, so it will be faster." The handsome pig-headed logistics captain said.

"Yeah." The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead nodded, and then the two of them ran in opposite directions, looking for another pothole around the camp.

It took more than ten minutes for the two pig-headed warriors to search in the snow against the cold wind and snow, and finally found another pothole in the China Unicom warehouse.

"This thief is good at digging!" The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead sighed as he looked at the pothole some distance away from the camp.

The pig-headed logistics captain with a handsome face said, "I didn't expect it to start digging at such a long distance instead of choosing to dig near the wall. I never thought of it..."


The pig-head captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead raised his foot and stomped towards the pothole a few times, and the huge force immediately caused the pothole to collapse.

The handsome pig-headed logistics captain watched his friend destroy the tunnel, he turned his head and looked into the distance.

There were some footprints on the snow, but because of the strong wind and snow, those footprints have been covered up, which makes it impossible to track down the thief.

"Now this tunnel has been destroyed, let's go back!" said the pig-head captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead.

Without tracking clues, staying outside is nothing but freezing, so the handsome pig-headed logistics captain returned to the camp with his friends.


After closing the door, the two pig-head captains who returned to the warm cabin returned to the table and sat down.

After staying in the freezing environment for a while, the hands and feet were numb from the cold. Now that they returned to the warm cabin, the two of them felt comfortable.

Take a few sips of hot tea to warm up your body faster.

Suddenly, the captain of the pig-headed man with a brown birthmark on his forehead who put down the teacup had a flash of inspiration in his mind, and he said to his friend who was drinking tea.

"I have a way to catch the thief who sneaked into our warehouse to steal things."

"Huh?" The handsome pig-headed logistics captain who was drinking tea was stunned for a moment, then he put down the teacup in his hand and asked curiously, "What can I do?"

The pig-head captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead didn't say anything, but reached into his pocket and took out a small porcelain bottle containing anesthetics and put it on the table.

The handsome pig-headed logistics captain looked at the small porcelain bottle of anesthetic on the table, and immediately knew what his friend said was the way to catch the thief.

"You mean, we release the anesthetic in the warehouse, and after the thief sneaks in and smells the anesthetic, we can easily catch him."

"Yes, I have tried the effect of this anesthetic just now, even after I smell it a little, I feel weak all over and my head is dizzy.

If we seal the warehouse and put narcotics in it, once the thief sneaks in, he will pass out after smelling the narcotics. " said the pig head captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead.

"This method is feasible. Afterwards, the anesthetic can be removed without any adverse effects." Said the handsome pig-headed logistics captain.

"I didn't expect that this anesthetic would come in handy so soon." The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead laughed.

Afterwards, the two pig-headed captains discussed in detail how to use anesthetics to catch that nasty thief.

In the quiet pig-headed camp, a little farther away, a white creature poked its head out from behind a big dry tree, looking intently at the distant pig-headed camp.


This white creature, which looks a bit like a squirrel, was holding a thick piece of jerky in its hand while observing the pig-headed camp in the distance, and was eating it with relish.

The previous success allowed this white creature that looked a bit like a squirrel to find a place where he could get food for a long time. At this moment, he was planning to eat the jerky in his hand and sneak into it again to get some food.


The cold wind blew violently, and the big bare tree shook violently.

The snow from the trees was shaken off and landed on the white creature that looked a bit like a squirrel, burying it.


Crawling out from the snowdrift, it called a few times, and then this white creature that looked a bit like a squirrel turned around and left immediately.

Now it has just eaten, so there is no rush to sneak into the pig man's camp to get food, and it will not be too late to go later if it is hungry.


"Crunch, crunch, crunch..."

The bare trees of the Zhou Dynasty shook and made loud noises.

In front of the huge collapsed pothole, a group of investigators spread out to guard the surroundings.

The researchers who were sent here to investigate used various instruments to investigate the inside of the pit.

Snowflakes kept falling from the pitch-black clouds, falling on the investigators and researchers.

Although today's weather is not very good, because a strange beast crawled out of this pothole and headed towards the camp yesterday, it is necessary to investigate further today.

"The psionic energy fluctuations in the depths of this pit are much stronger than before." The researcher who led the team looked at the data fed back by the instrument in his hand and said with a frown.

"The second-order peak is much stronger than the previous second-order initial stage!" A girl wearing glasses said anxiously, "It's not certain later, this huge pothole will really run out of the third-order peak and above. beast."

"If it's really possible to run out of a beast above the third-order peak, then find a way to deal with it." The researcher leading the team said.

The location of the stronghold is not very far from this collapsed pit. If you really want to be threatened by alien beasts, then find a way to solve the source of the danger, and it is impossible for your side to give up the stronghold.


The wind is getting stronger and the snow is falling more and more. Under the influence of the two, it is very difficult for the researchers who are working on the edge of the collapsed hole.

"The weather is getting worse now. If we continue to stay here, there may be danger. We should go back." The investigators in charge of protecting the researcher's investigation here observed the changes in the weather and said.

"Hmm." The researchers also knew that the weather was getting worse and worse, so they didn't ask the investigators to extend the time just because they wanted to stay where they were and conduct an investigation.

Afterwards, the group of researchers packed up all the instruments and returned to the camp under the **** of the investigators.

The person in charge of the gathering point has sent the news back to the base camp about the attack of the alien beast last night.

After learning about the situation, the base camp immediately convened personnel from various departments to analyze the situation, and then drew up a plan in a very short period of time. UU Reading www.

As everyone imagined, after knowing what happened to the stronghold in the base camp.

An investigator with the peak strength of Tier 3 set off with some people to the stronghold to support, in case the collapsed pothole ran out of a strange beast that the people staying at the stronghold could not deal with.

It will take some time before the arrival of the support personnel, and they should be able to reach the stronghold before dark.


In the depths of the collapsed pit, after the investigators and researchers left, there were bursts of dull animal roars sounding one after another.

There was a vibration at the edge of the pothole, and some gravel rolled down into the bottomless pit.

The fluctuations of spiritual energy observed by researchers using instruments before have been further strengthened at this time.


(end of this chapter)