My Supernatural Life of Leisure

Chapter 2054: going well (2

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unknown world.

Standing in mid-air, Lin Fei looked at the many rainbows that appeared in front of him, his eyes were full of admiration.

"Wow, wow, wow..."

Splashes of water rose from the turbulent sea, and water jets rose into the sky one after another.

During the few minutes Lin Fei stayed here, he had already seen several waves of water jets rising into the sky.

The water column rushed to the sky and spread out, and then the patter of rain fell from the sky and landed on the table, making continuous noises.

"Let's go." Lin Fei glanced at the rainbows on the scene, and then continued to fly forward.


A deafening sonic boom sounded, and Lin Fei's figure quickly flew into the distance.

Water jets suddenly appeared on the turbulent sea, rushing towards the sky quickly, Lin Fei dodged beside him, avoiding the soaring water jets.

After hiding for more than ten times in a row, Lin Fei raised his flying height, and now the water column from the sea could not touch him.

After crossing rainbows and leaving the extremely turbulent sea, Lin Fei continued to fly forward at a faster speed, and the rainbow behind him quickly moved away.

After a while, Lin Fei looked back, but he couldn't see those rainbows anymore.

When Lin Fei continued to fly forward, he suddenly saw a small black thing appearing in the sky.

"Huh? What's that?"

The two sides walked towards each other. When Lin Fei approached and saw the appearance of the dark things clearly, he found that they were a group of creatures covered with black feathers.

Say he is a bird? Obviously not, because their appearance has nothing to do with birds.

With a round head, a slender body, and two pairs of wings growing on its back, the purple eyes flashed pale golden light from time to time.

When these strange beasts saw Lin Fei, their eyes were full of vigilance.

Soon, these guys began to show malice, they divided into two groups, and quickly surrounded Lin Fei.


Harsh beast roars came from the **** mouths of these strange beasts.

"Tsk, these guys are actually staring at me." Lin Fei gasped, and then bright silvery white lights began to appear on his body.

When these weird-looking beasts approached 20 meters in front of Lin Fei, the silver-white electric light that appeared on Lin Fei's body immediately spread and swept around.

Looking down from a high altitude, one could see a bright silvery-white halo quickly spread to the strange beast approaching Lin Fei.

"Zi, zi, zi..."

The terrifying electric current hit the weird-looking beast, killing it in an instant.

Thousands of strange beasts were all killed in a very short period of time, and they fell from the sky like raindrops and fell into the sea below.

"Plop, plop, plop..."

The water splashed, and not long after the dead beast fell into the sea, the sea became more and more noisy.

All kinds of creatures living in the water are vying to **** these dead beasts.

The sea water was stained red with blood, and the smell of blood drifted away with the sea breeze, and could be smelled from far away.

Lin Fei casually killed the group of alien beasts that besieged him, and then continued to fly towards the destination.

As the time approached noon, the sun in the sky was getting hotter and hotter.

Lin Fei, who was on his way in the sky, saw a small island appearing in the distance.

If he didn't find this small island, Lin Fei planned to go home for lunch. Now that he saw this small island, he decided to cook and eat directly on the small island at noon.

The entire island is irregularly circular, with a small area and a diameter of about three kilometers.

Lin Fei landed on the east side of the island, the soft beach was exposed to the sun, and the sand shone golden.

The waves in the distance rushed towards the shore one after another, and the snow-white waves disappeared soon after landing.

Lin Fei came under a big tree with luxuriant foliage, opened the dimensional space, and took out the cooking utensils.

After a while, flames rose up, and the sound of cooking sounded on this quiet island.

In the area full of reefs, waves of waves beat on the reefs.

A seal-like creature climbed onto the reef after a burst of waves. It was lying on it basking in the sun, and suddenly heard a sound in the distance, and then raised its head to look


A strange creature that had never been seen before was busy under a tree in the distance. The seal-like creature looked curiously at Lin Fei who was cooking, and did not rush forward to inquire.

As time went by, more and more seal-like creatures climbed onto the reef area. These stupid creatures basked in the sun while watching Lin Fei who was about to make lunch.

The dishes have been fried, and then we can have a soup for lunch.

When many seal-like creatures appeared in the distant reef area, Lin Fei quickly discovered that these guys were looking at him.

Because these seal-like creatures didn't take the initiative to come forward to make trouble, Lin Fei didn't bother to pay attention to them.

A few minutes later, the tomato and egg soup was ready. Lin Fei scooped up the boiled soup, brought it to the table, and sat down to eat.


The creature that looked like a seal couldn't help drooling when it saw Lin Fei eating and smelled the enticing fragrance wafting in the air.

But these guys seemed very timid, they didn't dare to get close to Lin Fei, they just stared at Lin Fei with wide eyes.


Blue Star, Vitality Gym.

It's lunch time, and the staff meal is very lively.

Holding the dinner plate, Zhou Yue came to a table with her colleagues and sat down.

"Zhou Yue, what was said in the departmental meeting held this morning? Can you tell me?" The short-haired girl and Zhou Yue belonged to the same department, and asked curiously.

"I didn't say anything important, it's just a routine meeting." Zhou Yue said with a smile, then picked up a piece of sweet and sour pork ribs with chopsticks, and ate them with relish.

"After playing for a while after the year, it's finally stable now, and I can relax a little bit later." The short-haired girl said with a smile, and then picked up the spoon and took a sip of the soup.

"Yeah." Zhou Yue nodded, and then the short-haired girl asked another question.

"I heard that our company will open branches in other cities this year. Do you know about this?" the short-haired girl asked.

Zhou Yue thought for a while, and there was nothing he couldn't say about this matter, and replied, "There is such a thing, but the training of our company's personnel has not yet been completed, and the time for opening a branch library has not yet been determined..."

"Personnel training is fast. I estimate that in two months, a branch library will open in early May..." the short-haired girl speculated.

Zhou Yue thought about it in her heart, and came to the same conjecture with her colleagues.

The two chatted while eating, and then the short-haired girl suddenly asked about Lin Fei, "You and your boyfriend have been dating for several years, when are you going to get married?"

"Eh?" Zhou Yue, who was drinking soup, almost choked when she heard her colleague suddenly ask such a question.

After her emotions calmed down, she replied vaguely, "I haven't considered getting married yet, let's wait a few more years!"

"We've been talking for so long, and it's time to talk about marriage... My boyfriend and I have discussed that we will return to our hometown to get married at the end of the year..." the short-haired girl said.

"Ah?" Zhou Yue was taken aback, and quickly congratulated her colleagues, "You are getting married soon! Then I really want to congratulate you."

"Hee hee hee..." The short-haired girl had a happy smile on her face when she heard Zhou Yue congratulating herself.

The two chatted while eating, and after lunch, they went back to their respective offices.

In the quiet office, the golden sunlight outside the window shines through the floor-to-ceiling windows onto the floor of the office, creating a golden spot of light.

Back in the office, Zhou Yue took a water glass and made herself a cup of honey water, then came to the French window, drank the honey water, and looked at the scenery outside the window.

Although Zhou Yue's eyes were watching the vehicles and passers-by coming and going on the street in the distance, she was thinking of another thing at the moment.

"I'm not in a relationship yet! It's too early to get married!"

Looking back, Zhou Yue came to the office chair and sat down. He put the unfinished honey water on the table, then leaned back, leaned back against the office chair, stretched his arms and stretched his waist.

As Zhou Yue spread her arms and stretched her body, the white shirt on her body was stretched tight immediately.

Just when the collar of the shirt was about to be unbearable, Zhou Yue stopped stretching her body, reached out to pick up the mobile phone on the table, and looked at the message she sent to Lin Fei in the morning.

"Haven't replied to my message yet, what are you busy with! You don't have any free time?" Zhou Yue muttered, then she put her phone back on the table and started playing with the computer instead.

I found a TV series that is currently on the air and opened it, leaning against the back of the chair, and killing time leisurely.



The cold wind kept blowing, and the heavy snow like goose feathers slapped on the body, making people frown from the cold.

The pig-head captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead felt that the time was almost up, so he spoke to the pig-head warrior who was digging a hole.

"Everyone stop for a second."

When the pig-head warriors heard what the pig-head captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead said, they immediately stopped what they were doing and turned to look at him.

"Lunch should be ready soon, let's go back to have lunch now." said the pig-head captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead.

"Yes." The pig-headed warriors responded in unison, and then began to put the tools in their hands on the flat ground aside.

Walking down the rugged mountain road, the pig-head captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead started to return to the camp with the pig-head warriors.


There were some figures busy in the distance, which caught the attention of the pig-head captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead. He asked everyone to go back first, and then walked to the distance alone.

Some pig-headed warriors were digging out the white chrysalis from the tree hole with the tools in their hands, and soon, the baskets they were carrying were full.

When Captain Pig with a brown birthmark on his forehead came to the scene, he returned with them after learning about the situation.

Because it was almost time for lunch, the pig's camp became very lively.

There are constant sounds from the place where the rice is cooked, and sometimes a tempting aroma wafts out.

The handsome pig-headed logistics captain stood under the eaves, waiting for the pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead and his men to return.

In the hazy snow curtain, the pig-head captain and the pig-head warrior with a brown birthmark on their foreheads appeared. From far to near, they soon arrived at the camp.

"Everyone has worked hard." The pig-headed logistics captain with a handsome face said to his subordinates who were carrying baskets.

"It's not hard, Captain, this time we harvested a lot of white chrysalis." A pig-headed warrior showed a basket full of white chrysalis to the handsome pig-headed logistics captain.

"Very good, you guys take these things to the kitchen and hand them over to the chef." The handsome pig head logistics captain said with a smile.

Then, the pig-headed warrior left and walked towards the kitchen.

The pig-head captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead said to his friend, "I've never eaten those things before, and I don't know how they taste?"

"According to the information I read before, the taste is very good, and it shouldn't disappoint us." The handsome pig-headed logistics captain said with a smile.

Then, he asked his friend about other things, "I have been busy this morning, how is the progress of the outpost? Did you encounter any difficulties during the excavation?"

"I dug six or seven meters deep, and another five meters should be enough... The excavation process went very smoothly, and I didn't encounter very difficult or difficult difficulties." The captain of the pig-headed man with a brown birthmark on his forehead smiled. road.

"That's good, build the post as soon as possible, so you can feel at ease sooner." Said the handsome pig-headed logistics captain.

"Yes!" said the pig-head captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead, "When the hole is dug, we need to camouflage the hole."

"Yeah." The handsome pig-headed logistics captain nodded, he is not professional in this matter, what should be done, the pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead can decide for himself.

The two pig-headed captains chatted outside for a few words, then walked towards the warm cabin.

It was freezing outside, and as soon as UU Reading entered the warm cabin, Captain Pig, who had a brown birthmark on his forehead, felt comfortable all over.

Today he stayed outside all morning. Although he was not directly disturbed by the wind and snow in the dug hole, he still felt very cold.

"Have some hot tea!" The pig-headed logistics captain with a handsome face invited his friend to sit down, raised his hand to remove the kettle from the stove, and poured him a cup of hot tea.

"Huh..." The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead picked up his water glass and blew, then took a sip of hot tea.

"According to today's project progress, the outpost can be built by tomorrow afternoon at the latest," said the handsome pig-headed logistics captain.

The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead put down the water glass in his hand and replied, "Yes! It took a day earlier than I expected to build that outpost..."


(end of this chapter)