My Supernatural Life of Leisure

Chapter 2082: Cooperate with the investigation (2

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In the dark bedroom, the figure lying on the big bed opened his eyes and yawned.


The telekinetic ability was activated, and the thick curtains were pulled aside by invisible big hands, and the golden sunlight outside the window poured into the room, making the whole room bright in an instant.

The weather is fine today, with a few white clouds floating in the blue sky.

Occasionally, some small sparrows flew across the sky, leaving a series of crisp and sweet calls.

Lin Fei took the mobile phone on the bedside table, unlocked the screen, and checked the time.

After sleeping until dawn, it was getting late, so he lifted the quilt and got up and got out of bed.


There was a sound of running water in the bathroom, and Lin Fei, who was washing, suddenly heard birdsong in the living room.

When he washed up and came out of the bathroom, he saw three little sparrows on the coffee table in the living room.

"You guys came early today!" Lin Fei said to the three little sparrows with a smile.

"Twitter..." The three little sparrows called out several times in succession. They were responding to Lin Fei, but now there was no one to translate for them, and Lin Fei couldn't understand what they were saying.

After coming to the sofa and sitting down, Lin Fei opened the dimensional space, took out a lot of food, and then watched TV with the three little sparrows while eating breakfast.

"Drip ring ring..."

When Lin Fei finished his breakfast, his mobile phone on the sofa beside him rang.

Reaching out for the phone, he looked at the name of the caller displayed on the screen, and found that it was Zhou Xiaochuan.


"Mr. Lin, good morning!" Zhou Xiaochuan, who had just arrived in the office not long ago, was sitting on a chair at the moment, looking at a contract in his hand. After the call was connected, he immediately put the contract in his hand on the table .

"Good morning, you call me, what can I do?" Lin Fei asked.

"Mr. Lin, we have completed the formalities for the house you saw before. If you are free today, you can come to my place and sign the contract." Zhou Xiaochuan said.

"Okay, I'll look for you later." Lin Fei said with a smile, and at the same time praised Zhou Xiaochuan for his efficiency.

After the phone call, Zhou Xiaochuan picked up the contract on the table and read it again to make sure that there was nothing wrong with the contract.

Lin Fei put away his mobile phone, got up and went back to the bedroom to change clothes, because today's weather is relatively warm, so he needs to wear thinner clothes to go out.

Lin Fei, who had changed into a light and long-sleeved shirt, came out of the bedroom, and then used the space teleportation ability to go to Zhou Xiaochuan's company to sign a house purchase contract.

"Twitter... Lin Fei has gone out, let's change the channel!" said the third sparrow.

Just now when Lin Fei was at home, the three little sparrows chose the news channel. Now that Lin Fei has left, they must switch to another channel they prefer to watch TV.

"Twitter... Change to the movie channel! The movie I didn't finish watching yesterday seems to be replayed again this morning." Sparrow's second child suggested.

"Twitter... Then switch to the movie channel." The sparrow boss said, seeing that his two little brothers did not raise any objections, he lowered his head and pressed the TV remote control with his mouth.


The bright sunlight shines on the street trees on the side of the road, and the golden sunlight coats the green leaves with a layer of gold.

Occasionally, a gust of wind blows, and the street trees on both sides of the street shake gently, making a series of rustling sounds.

"Mr. Lin, I'll drive you back!" After signing the house purchase contract, Zhou Xiaochuan sent Lin Fei to the door and said with a smile.

"No need, you can go back and do your work! I have other things to do and I need to take the subway." Lin Fei smiled and shook his head, then walked towards the entrance of the subway station ahead.

Zhou Xiaochuan stood at the door of the company, watched Lin Fei's figure disappear at the entrance of the subway station, then he looked away, then turned back to his office.

Lin Fei has never been to the place where Lin Fei is going next, so he cannot use the space teleportation ability to go directly, and needs to take a vehicle.

Although the rush hour has passed, there are still many people in the subway station.

Lin Fei moved slowly underground in the elevator. He hadn't taken the subway for a long time, and he didn't know which line to take to that place.

Fortunately, the mobile phone can check the line now, Lin Fei took out the mobile phone from his pocket, opened the software to check the number of lines to take at the destination.


Lin Fei, who was inquiring about the route, suddenly sensed an indelible fluctuation of spiritual energy not far from him.

He raised his head and looked towards the location where the spiritual fluctuations appeared.

I found an ordinary-looking young man standing next to the security check line in the distance.

At the moment, he was looking at his mobile phone, but if you look carefully, you will find that this person raises his head from time to time, and glances at the crowd who are queuing up to pass the security check.

"This person?" Lin Fei looked suspiciously at the ordinary-looking young man in the distance, thinking in his heart that he might have discovered a thief!

Afterwards, while Lin Fei was checking the subway line, he also paid attention to the young man who was behaving abnormally in the distance.

When he found out the line, the young man who behaved strangely made a move.

Lin Fei stared at the young man who was moving, and if this man really wanted to do something illegal, he would take him down.

"Hello, sir." The ordinary-looking young man came to a middle-aged uncle carrying a backpack.

"What are you doing?" The middle-aged uncle with a backpack on his back heard someone calling him, then turned his head and looked at the person in front of him in confusion.

The ordinary-looking young man took out his ID from his pocket, and said to the middle-aged uncle who was carrying a backpack, "I am a security officer from the Public Security Bureau, please come with me."

"..." The middle-aged uncle with a backpack on his shoulders changed his expression immediately after hearing the other party's self-introduction.

He remained silent and stood motionless on the spot, while the people around watched the scene in front of him and discussed in low voices.

"I, I didn't do anything wrong..." The middle-aged uncle with the quilt and backpack stammered a bit, but before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by a security officer from the Public Security Bureau.

"Please cooperate..." The ordinary-looking young man didn't say much, but asked the other party to come with him as a matter of business.

Not far away, Lin Fei looked at this scene in surprise.

Previously, he thought that this ordinary-looking young man with strange behavior was planning to steal passengers on the subway, but he did not expect that he was a case handler from the relevant department.

"I guessed wrong..." Lin Fei muttered.

Then he withdrew his gaze, stopped paying attention, and prepared to take the route he found out to his destination.

Sometimes, the development of things is always beyond everyone's expectations.

When everyone thought that the ordinary-looking young man revealed his identity, the middle-aged man with a backpack would cooperate honestly, and the matter ended like this.

However, the development of things is completely different from what everyone thought.

"I didn't break the law, why should I go to the Public Security Bureau?" The middle-aged uncle with a backpack on his shoulders shouted emotionally.

"I didn't say you broke the law, I just asked you to come with me and cooperate with the investigation." The ordinary-looking young man saw the target's agitation and frowned.

"I'm not going." The middle-aged uncle with a backpack called.

The melon-eating people around thought that the matter was over like this, but they didn't expect it to turn out like this.

Then everyone took out their phones from their pockets and turned on their cameras.

Lin Fei, who was about to leave, also stopped and looked at the two people who were confronting each other.

"..." The ordinary-looking young man looked at the target who was unwilling to cooperate in silence, and after a few seconds of confrontation, he began to persuade, "You'd better cooperate."

"I haven't broken the law, so why should I cooperate with you? I have other things to do now, but I don't have time to spend here with you." The middle-aged uncle with a backpack on his face said nervously, and then asked Go through the security check and take the subway.

The ordinary-looking young man squatted at this subway station for several days, and finally reached the target. How could he let the other party leave like this, so he hurried over and stopped the other party.

"Get out of the way." The middle-aged uncle carrying a backpack shouted, the expression on his face became more and more tense, and fine beads of sweat appeared on his forehead.

You should know that there are air-conditioners in the subway station, and the temperature is very suitable. Generally, you will not sweat because of the heat.

Now the various reflections of the middle-aged man with the backpack on his shoulders give the impression that he has a problem.

"Everyone, hurry up and disperse, don't get close to this person..." The ordinary-looking young man spoke loudly and reminded the passers-by who were holding mobile phones and turning on the camera to take pictures.

Although everyone was full of curiosity, they took out their mobile phones and turned on the camera to eat melons, but they still listened to the reminders of the security guards. Soon, everyone spread out and distanced themselves.

Suddenly, a large open space appeared in the crowded scene, and everyone was staring at the two people who were confronting each other.

"..." The middle-aged man with the backpack on his shoulders is getting more and more flustered now, which can be seen from the expression on his face.

The ordinary-looking young man took out a pair of silver bracelets, walked toward the target expressionlessly, and said at the same time.

"Doing this will only make you sink deeper, so let's cooperate honestly!"

When the middle-aged man with a backpack saw the silver bracelet, the expression on his face became more exaggerated, and at the same time, more and more sweat appeared on his forehead.

When the ordinary-looking young man approached the target at a certain distance, he found that the target did not show any resistance.

He thought that this matter could be passed smoothly, but the moment he stretched out his hand, the target suddenly exploded.


The middle-aged uncle with a backpack on his back who had been staying where he was, suddenly burst into the ordinary-looking young man.

Although he was on guard, due to the explosion of the target, it was so sudden that the ordinary-looking young man was knocked down.

After knocking someone down, the middle-aged man with a backpack took out a fruit knife from his pocket, waved it, and ran out of the subway station while yelling loudly.

"Get out of the way, anyone who stands in my way will die."

"Ah..." The melon-eating people around were shocked by this change, and quickly avoided the surroundings.

Some people in the crowd wanted to come forward to help catch the middle-aged man with the backpack, but there were no tools at the scene, and the middle-aged man with the backpack had a murder weapon in his hand, so he went forward to catch him with empty hands. Likely to hurt yourself.

The ordinary-looking young man who was knocked down quickly got up from the ground. Enduring the pain in his chest, he quickly chased after the middle-aged uncle who was running wildly and carrying a backpack.

"Get out of the way, don't block him."

While arresting, he was worried that the people eating melons would be injured, so the ordinary-looking young man also opened his mouth to remind passers-by not to block the fleeing target.

Although the ordinary-looking young man is a cultivator, he has only broken through to the early stage of the first stage for a few days, and he is not much better than ordinary people in essence.

Next, he wants to subdue the middle-aged uncle carrying a backpack who is desperately running away. It will take a lot of energy, and the best solution is to always follow behind him, UU reading www. uukanshu. com waiting for support.

"Get out of here." The middle-aged man with a fruit knife and a backpack ran all the way, when he suddenly saw a young man with an expressionless face standing on his escape route.

With a loud shout, the expressionless young man seemed to be frightened, and then stood aside to make way.

"Stop." The ordinary-looking young man who was chasing after the target shouted loudly.

But how could the middle-aged uncle with the backpack stop at this time, instead he ran faster after hearing the scolding voice of the ordinary-looking young man.


Things suddenly took a turn for the worse, and the middle-aged man with a backpack who was running away crazily fell to the ground head-on, and fell so hard that the murder weapon he was holding was thrown out.

The unremarkable-looking young man was overjoyed when he saw the target fall, and then rushed to the target who fell on the ground, three times and five divisions, and put a silver bracelet on the target.

Lin Fei saw that the knife-wielding assailant who had tripped over him and fell to the ground was caught, and turned around to walk towards the entrance of the security check in the distance.

The ordinary-looking young man who caught the target raised his head at this moment, and looked at Lin Fei who was leaving.

The scene where Lin Fei stepped out of the way and tripped the target when he passed by just now was caught by the ordinary-looking young man.

"Mr., please wait a moment..." The ordinary-looking young man wanted to say that this is a brave act, and he can get some bonuses, and let Lin Fei go with him to the Public Security Bureau to receive the award.

At this time, Lin Fei was rushing to the destination, pretending not to hear the people behind him calling him, and quickened his pace to walk forward. After a while, he passed the security check and disappeared in the crowd.


(end of this chapter)

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