My Supernatural Life of Leisure

Chapter 2083: Encounter (2

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In the magnificent villa complex, many gardeners are trimming the plants in the green belt.

On the balcony on the second floor of a villa, a bloated middle-aged man held a cigar in his hand and frowned.

Not long ago, he received a very bad news.

"Lu Jiu actually fell into the water and drowned. How could this happen?" The bloated middle-aged man with a cigar in his hand muttered to himself.

"Crack, click, click..."

The gardener took huge scissors to cut off some redundant branches and leaves. At this time, a figure suddenly appeared in the grass, which shocked the gardener.

"Meow..." The meow was so loud that it could be heard from far away.

"It turned out to be a wild cat! It scared me a lot..." The gardener looked at the figure that quickly slipped away, and wiped the sweat from his forehead with his hand.

Not far away, the bloated middle-aged man standing on the balcony on the second floor thinking about something was brought back to his senses by the loud cat meowing from afar.

He looked at the black wild cat running away quickly, and a terrifying figure involuntarily appeared in his mind.

"Could it be that he did it? It shouldn't be! I've already had people deal with all the clues. He can't find Lu Jiu there!"

The bloated middle-aged man took out his mobile phone from his pocket and called his subordinates.


A few seconds after the call was made, the other side connected.

"Boss, good morning!"

"You two put aside what you are doing first, and come to my house. I have something to tell you face to face."

After finishing the call, the bloated middle-aged man put away his mobile phone, then turned around and walked to his study.

In a luxuriously decorated bar, there are two people sitting in a private room.

"Didn't the boss say what it was?" the young man with earrings asked.

"I didn't talk about it on the phone. I said I wanted to talk to him face to face. Let's go see him immediately." The young man wearing glasses said.

"That's it, let's go!" said the young man with earrings on his ears.

"Yeah." The young man wearing glasses nodded, and then the two got up and left the private room, and walked out of the bar.

After a while, a car left the parking spot in front of the bar and drove quickly towards a certain villa complex.


"Boom boom boom..."

There was a knock on the door, and the bloated middle-aged man sitting on the office chair in the study shouted immediately after hearing the sound.

"Come in."

The door of the study room opened, and two figures quickly stepped into the study room and stood in front of the desk.

"Boss." The young man with glasses and the young man with studs on his ears greeted each other, waiting for what the bloated middle-aged man would say next.

"The thing is like this. I just received a piece of news that Lu Jiu died." The bloated middle-aged man went straight to the point and told his two subordinates a shocking news.

"What?!!" The young man wearing glasses was stunned.

"Lu Jiu is actually dead?" The young man with studs on his ears exclaimed.

The bloated middle-aged man looked at the two men with shocked expressions and nodded.

The young man wearing glasses asked, "Boss, how did Lu Jiu die?"

"Fell into the water and drowned." Said the bloated middle-aged man.

"Impossible." Hearing this, the young man with studs on his ears said quickly, "Lu Jiu is very good at water, no matter how much he falls into the water, he won't be able to drown."

"That's right! If it is said that he was hunted by his enemies, or that he died of a heart attack, it is possible. It is said that he fell into the water and drowned. This sounds ridiculous..." said the young man wearing glasses .

"I also know that he is very good at water. It is a fantasy to say that he fell into the water and drowned." Said the bloated middle-aged man.

The young man with glasses and the young man with earrings frowned. At this moment, they heard the bloated middle-aged man speak again.

"Usually you will do some things through Lu Jiu. I asked you to report this to the Ability Management Bureau before. You didn't let him participate in it, did you?"

"Uh..." The heartbeat of the young man with glasses and the earrings on his ears sped up, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

Seeing the reaction of the two subordinates, the bloated middle-aged man felt his heart skip a beat, thinking that what he feared the most had happened.

"Answer my question, did you guys get him involved?"

"Boss, we have asked him to do some things for us, but in the end it has little relevance to us, so there will be no problem." The young man wearing glasses said.

"I also think there will be no problem, boss, don't worry!" said the young man with earrings on his ears.

The bloated middle-aged man raised his hand and rubbed the space between his brows. The thoughts in his mind were running fast, thinking of a remedy.

Although the two subordinates felt that there would be no problem, they couldn't feel at ease when they thought that if something went wrong, they would definitely die.

The young man wearing glasses and the young man wearing earrings looked at each other, not knowing what to say for a while.

During this period of time, life was quite stable. They thought that this matter would be all right, but they didn't expect another factor of instability.

The bloated middle-aged man thought quickly, then he raised his head and looked at his two subordinates, and said.

"Later, you go and tell the Ability Management Bureau what the special commissioner from the black chess organization is going to do in Rongcheng."

"Boss, if you tell this to the Ability Management Bureau, once that person finds out, won't he come directly to the door?" asked the young man with earrings on his ears.

"Do as I say, and then I will arrange it myself..." said the bloated middle-aged man.

"Yes." The young man with studs on his ears nodded and stopped talking.

At this moment, the young man wearing glasses asked another question, "Mrs. and Miss will be back tomorrow. Now that this kind of thing happened, do you want them to postpone their return date?"

"Yeah." The bloated middle-aged man said, "If something like this happens now, the mother and daughter will definitely not be able to come back. I will call them later and talk to them."

The young man wearing glasses and the young man with earrings on his ears became extremely anxious at this moment. The bloated middle-aged man noticed the change in the mentality of the two subordinates, and he spoke to comfort him.

"Since the matter has already happened, just find a way to deal with it. You don't have to worry too much, just do what I say, and this matter will definitely get through in the end..."

"Yes." The young man wearing glasses and the young man with earrings on his ears immediately dissipated most of the tension in his heart after hearing these words.

"Okay, hurry up and do what I told you!" the bloated middle-aged man urged.

The young man wearing glasses nodded, then turned and left the study, and the young man with studs on his ears immediately followed after seeing this.

After the two men left the study, the bloated middle-aged man picked up the mobile phone on the table and called his wife in another city.


Under the roadside tree, the special commissioner of the black chess organization was on the phone with his superior.

"Is the information I gave you useful?"

"I found the person and asked some useful clues from him."

"Is it silenced?"

"I have asked all the questions that should be asked. Naturally, there is no reason to keep him alive."

"Can we lock down the guy who betrayed our organization now?"

"Not yet, but based on the clues I got at hand, after spending some time, I should be able to locate the guy who betrayed our organization."

"Okay, remember to call me once there is further progress."


After the call was over, the special agent of the black chess organization put the mobile phone back into his pocket, and walked forward while drinking the soy milk he bought not long ago.

The door of a shop selling comics opened automatically, and three people walked out of the shop.

The two children ran very fast and accidentally collided with passers-by.


He fell to the ground and let out a cry of pain.

The special commissioner of the black chess organization who was hit by a hit spilled a lot of soy milk in his hand, and his hands were wet.

"I'm sorry!" After the two children got up from the ground, they quickly apologized to the special commissioner of the black chess organization who had been hit by them.

"What are you doing?" The special commissioner of the Black Chess Organization is a ruthless person, but regardless of whether the opponent is male, female, old or young, as long as it makes him unhappy, he will be ruthless.

"I'm sorry, we didn't do it on purpose." The two children were trembling with fear from the black chess commissioner with a fierce look on their faces, and kept apologizing.

A pale golden light flashed in the eyes of the special commissioner of the Black Chess Organization, who was full of murderous intent. Just when he was about to be unable to restrain the murderous intent in his heart, he suddenly felt a strong crisis.


The special agent of the black chess organization looked up and saw a young man standing not far away with a plastic bag in his left hand and a comic book in his right hand looking at him.

"This young man... is definitely not an ordinary person..."

The fierce light in his eyes dissipated, and the special commissioner of the black chess organization said to the two frightened children, "Be careful when you walk next time."

The two children who had received the amnesty nodded, and then they left quickly without wanting to stay for a moment. At this time, they did not dare to run anymore, but walked steadily, but the speed under their feet was not slow at all.

"Gudong." The special agent of the black chess organization found a young man walking towards him not far away. He immediately counted down his hairs and swallowed nervously.

But the other party just passed by him, and the worst thing didn't happen.

The special commissioner of the black chess organization turned his head, looked at the figure that was fading away, and heaved a sigh of relief.

"This Banyan City is really Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon! I have to be more careful when I act in the future."

In the encounter just now, the special commissioner of the black chess organization was frightened, but it was no less frightened than those two children.

Originally, I wanted to start an investigation based on the clues I got yesterday, but after this incident, the special commissioner of the black chess organization decided to go back to the hotel to rest and adjust my mood before starting the investigation.

"Why does that person look familiar just now? Could it be that I have seen him in other places before?" Lin Fei thought in his heart, and after a while, he remembered.

When I had supper with Zhou Yue before, I saw each other.

Put the comics I bought into the dimension space, and when I was about to go home, the phone in my pocket rang.

"Drip ring ring..."

He took out his mobile phone and saw that it was a call from Zhou Yue.

"It's early in the morning, you don't go to work, why are you calling me?"

"Cough, cough..." Lin Fei had just finished speaking when he heard a coughing sound from the phone, followed by Zhou Yue's weak voice.

"I'm not feeling well. I didn't go to work today. I took a sick leave to rest at home."

"Huh?" Lin Fei asked, "Why do you have a cold?"

"I don't know! When I woke up, I felt uncomfortable..." Lying on the big bed, Zhou Yue, who looked listless, reached out and pulled the quilt covering her body while talking on the phone. UU reading

"Have you taken your cold medicine?" Lin Fei asked.

"I've eaten." Zhou Yue said.

Wang Xiaoru had a medicine box at home. Zhou Yue felt unwell, so she went to take out the medicine box and took a cold medicine.

"Since you have taken the medicine, you should have a good rest!" Lin Fei said.

"Well." Zhou Yue said, "I ordered a cake, but I can't pick it up now, can you pick it up for me?"

"Yes! Where is the address?" Lin Fei asked.

"That cake shop is..." Zhou Yue told Lin Fei the address, and then ended the call.

"This idiot was so energetic before, but now he has a cold..." Lin Fei muttered in his heart, and then he walked to the place where the shared bicycles were parked by the side of the road.

Since the cake shop that Zhou Yue mentioned was not very far from where Lin Fei was now, he decided to ride a shared bicycle to pick up the cake.


After unlocking the shared bicycle with his mobile phone, Lin Fei rode on and headed to his destination in an orderly manner.

Ten minutes later, a cake shop with simple decoration appeared in front of Lin Fei.

After parking the shared bicycle, Lin Fei walked quickly to the cake shop not far away.


As soon as Lin Fei walked into the cake shop, the salesperson in the shop immediately stepped forward to say hello.

"Hello, my friend ordered a cake from your store before, and she asked me to pick it up for her..."

"Sir, please tell me..."

Lin Fei told the salesperson Zhou Yue's mobile phone number and order number. After verification, he left the cake shop with a box of exquisitely crafted cakes.

The space teleportation ability was activated, and Lin Fei, who was carrying the cake in his hand, disappeared under the roadside tree.


(end of this chapter)

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