My Supernatural Life of Leisure

Chapter 2084: back on track (2

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The sun was shining brightly outside the window, and the golden sunlight shone through the glass into the quiet bedroom.

"Cough cough cough..."

Coughing sounded from time to time, and the slim figure lying on the bed seemed a little listless.

A white light flashed across the living room, and Lin Fei appeared out of nowhere with a box of cakes in his hand.

"Boom boom boom..."

Coming to the door of Zhou Yue's bedroom, she raised her hand and knocked on the door.

"The door is unlocked, come in!"

Lin Fei heard the voice coming from the room, then pushed open the door and walked in.

"Come on!" Zhou Yue said listlessly, looking at Lin Fei who walked into the bedroom.

"What's wrong with you! Wasn't it fine before? Why did you suddenly get sick?" Lin Fei looked at Zhou Yue, who was not in good condition, and asked again.

"I don't know! I thought about it carefully, but I couldn't find the reason for my illness." Zhou Yue shook her head with a depressed expression on her face.

"Have a good rest! I put the cake in the refrigerator for you." Lin Fei said, then turned and left.

After putting the cake in the refrigerator, he went back to the bedroom.

Glancing at the water glass on the bedside table, the glass was empty, Lin Fei asked.


"A little bit." Zhou Yue said.

Lin Fei opened the dimensional space, took out a bottle of mineral water, opened the lid and poured a glass of water into Zhou Yue's empty glass.


A small fireball appeared out of thin air. Under Lin Fei's control, the small fireball approached the cup and heated the water in the cup.

The orange flame flickered, and the water in the water cup heated up rapidly, and white mist began to float out.

There is no need to heat the water to a boil, the small fireball dissipates when the temperature of the water rises to more than 50 degrees.


Lin Fei picked up the water glass and handed it to Zhou Yue who sat up.

"Ton ton..."

Zhou Yue, who took the water glass, took a big sip of water, and her listless state seemed to have improved a little.

"Besides coughing, did you sneeze or have a runny nose?" Lin Fei took the water glass that Zhou Yue handed over, put it on the bedside table, and asked.

"No." Zhou Yue replied, and then lay down again.

Seeing that Zhou Yue's quilt was not covered properly, Lin Fei stretched out his hand to help him pull the quilt, and then put the back of his hand on Zhou Yue's forehead.

"The temperature is okay, no fever."

"Now I just have a little cough and dizziness, but everything else is fine," Zhou Yue said.

Lin Fei moved the back of his hand away from Zhou Yue's forehead and asked her, "What do you want to eat? I'll cook it for you at noon."

"So good?" Zhou Yue said with a smile.

"No, that's fine. I'll go back. You can order takeout at noon." Lin Fei, who was sitting on the edge of the bed, said, and got up to leave.

"Eh?!" Zhou Yue quickly reached out and grabbed Lin Fei's clothes, "What are you doing? I'm sick, can't you let me?"

Lin Fei smiled, sat down again, and waited for Zhou Yue to order.

"I want to eat braised pork, sweet and sour pork ribs, stir-fried bullfrog, boiled beef..." Zhou Yue thought carefully and ordered several dishes.

Lin Fei was speechless after hearing the dishes ordered by Zhou Yue. He said angrily, "You are sick, shouldn't you eat something light? Why do you order heavy oil and spicy food?"

"I just want to eat! And I'm not seriously ill." Zhou Yue explained.

"Okay!" Lin Fei nodded.

"Hee hee." Zhou Yue laughed happily.

"You have a good rest, I have run out of some ingredients, now I will go to the vegetable market..." Lin Fei said, standing up.

"Yeah." Zhou Yue watched Lin Fei leave the bedroom. After a while, he sensed spiritual energy fluctuations in the living room, and then disappeared quickly.

Knowing that Lin Fei used the space teleportation ability to leave, Zhou Yue slowly closed her eyes.

Her previously listless appearance has improved a lot, and the corners of her mouth are slightly raised, showing a faint smile. She should be in a very good mood now.


The spirit world, Tower Stone City.

After dawn, the gates of the city opened, and many caravans headed out of the city.

There was a long queue of carriages one after another, some going out of the city, and naturally some entering the city.

Three figures came out of the alley, walked to the end of the line, and waited in line to leave the city.

Some time ago, the entire city was blocked, but now it is unblocked, and many people leave the city every day.

At the beginning, the order from the City Lord's Mansion was to conduct an interrogation of everyone who left the city.

Later, this order was quickly changed, because there were too many people going out of the city. If they were to be checked one by one, the gates of the city would be blocked. People who wanted to go out of the city might have queued for a long time, and it turned out that it was dark There is no way out of the city.

The team leaving the city moved forward in an orderly manner, and soon, three figures who came out of the alley passed through the tall arched city gate and left Tashi City.

Before leaving Tap Rock City, the bearded man was always in a nervous mood, but now that he was finally out of the city safely, the tension in his heart was relieved.

The two figures standing beside the bearded man had a pale golden light on their bodies, and then their faces changed drastically.

"It finally came out." The black crocodile looked back at the distant Tashi City and said.

In the past, relying on its strength, it thought it would be very easy to get in and out of any human city. This time it was trapped in Tashi City, with its hands tied and its feet tied, not daring to act rashly.

"President." The bearded man said, "I have nothing to help you from now on."

The president of the Fang Fang organization said with a smile, "Thanks to your help this time, otherwise, we would not have been able to escape from the prison."

After many days, the president of the Fang Fang Organization and Black Crocodile finally got rid of the threat from the empire, and now both of them are in a very good mood.

After chatting for a few words, the president of the Fang Fang Organization and the Black Crocodile flew into the air and flew into the distance.

Next, they need to find a safe place to recuperate and heal their injuries completely.

The bearded man looked up at the sky in the distance. He didn't look away until the president of the Fang Fang Organization and the black crocodile disappeared completely.

Afterwards, the man with the beard did not return to Tapshi City, because he had promised others to collect several kinds of herbs, so he needed to go to the place where the herbs were collected for a few days.

"After finishing the work at hand this time, I have to change my place of residence."

For safety reasons, the bearded man who was undercover in Tap Rock City would change places every once in a while.

It was already time to move, but because of the matter of the president of the Fang Fang organization and the Black Crocodile, it took a lot of time, and the plan to move would be carried out in a few days.

"Bah bah bah..."

The bearded man who was about to go to gather herbs heard the sound of a horse behind him.

He stopped, turned his head to look, and saw a team of flying cavalry appearing in the direction of the sound.

"It's the flying cavalry of the empire."

The bearded man saw the flying cavalry team in the distance, and recognized the other party's identity at a glance, so he hurried to the lush grass beside him and got into it.

Raising his hand to push aside the branches and leaves in front of him, his eyes fell on the flying cavalry team.

The leading general led the flying cavalry team and flew towards the sky quickly. Judging by the way they were hurrying, they should have some important mission to perform.

"The empire's flying cavalry team stayed in the barracks in the city to rest before. Why did they leave the city at this time? Are they going to perform some special mission?"

When the bearded man saw the imperial army, he didn't think that they were going to capture the president of the Fang Fang organization and the black crocodile.

Because only three people knew about the plan to go out of the city this time, and no news was leaked, and the direction that these flying cavalry teams were heading was completely different from the direction that the departing president of the Fangfang Organization and the Black Crocodile were leaving.

"Forget it, anyway, I have already done what I should do, there is no need to think so much, now I have to go and collect those few herbs."

The bearded man stopped thinking about the imperial flying cavalry. When the figure of the other party disappeared, he walked out of the grass and quickly moved towards the place where the herbs were collected.


In the city lord's mansion, the two figures in the practice field are coming and going to engage in a fierce confrontation.

After a while, the two figures who were exchanging ideas stopped.

Li Xiaoxiao and Li Rongrong, who were wearing blue and gray exercise uniforms, were a little messy because of the fierce confrontation.


Li Rongrong, who was breathing more quickly, said, "Sister, let's go to Miss Wu's house later! See if he's back."

"Okay!" Li Xiaoxiao adjusted her breathing rhythm, tidied her messy hair, and said with a smile.

"Miss Wu has been away for a while, and it's time to come back!" Li Rongrong said.

"We need to wait until we go to find out." Li Xiaoxiao said.

"Eldest Miss, Second Miss...the hot water is ready." A maid walked into the training ground and said to Li Xiaoxiao and Li Rongrong who were chatting.

"En." The two nodded, and then walked to the bathing place.

After more than half an hour, Li Xiaoxiao and Li Rongrong, who took a shower and changed their clothes, asked the servants at home to prepare the carriage.

When the two were about to set off, the carriage of the city lord Li Xize returned.

"Daddy." Li Xiaoxiao and Li Rongrong greeted Li Xice who came back.

"Where are you going?" Li Xice asked.

"We're going to go to Miss Wu's house to see if she's back... If Miss Wu comes back, we'll ask her to go shopping with her." Li Xiaoxiao explained.

Li Xice nodded, at this moment he heard his little daughter ask him.

"Daddy, has the flying cavalry team left?"

Li Xice replied, "Yes, they left this morning."

"What are they going to do?" Li Rongrong asked again.

"I don't know about that either." Li Xice shook his head. Since the flying cavalry team was not under his jurisdiction, he had no way of knowing what the other party was going to do after leaving Tap Rock City.

"Oh." Li Rongrong nodded, and then the carriage set off, leaving the City Lord's Mansion.

Li Xice got off the carriage and walked quickly towards the study.

When he came to the study, he sat down on the chair in front of the desk, picked up the water glass on the table, and took a sip of water.

"Step, step, step..."

There was a rush of footsteps in the corridor, and not long after, a middle-aged man who was over 1.85 meters tall and wearing armor walked into the study.

"Master City Lord."

Li Xice looked at his subordinates and asked, "How is the matter that I told you before?"

"After the subordinates took the order, they started to rebuild the prison. After resting for a few days, all the internal facilities have been refreshed..." The middle-aged man in armor explained the progress of his work during the past few days. report.

After listening to his subordinate's report, Li Xice nodded in satisfaction, and shook his head at his subordinate's request to let him inspect the renovated prison now.

"The inspection is not in a hurry for the time being. Now I have another matter on hand that needs you to supervise it yourself."

After hearing this, the middle-aged man in armor replied with a serious face, "Just give me your orders, sir, and I will definitely complete the task."

Li Xice said, "A few days ago, I chatted with the general of the Flying Cavalry, and I learned from him that an equipment development department in the imperial capital has recently developed a new batch of city defense equipment, which is much more powerful than the original city defense equipment.

After I learned about it, I purchased a batch of new city defense equipment from the equipment development department, UU Reading www. intends to replace the old equipment immediately when the new equipment arrives.

Counting the days, the batch of new city defense equipment I ordered will arrive in seven days, and I need you to lead a team to receive that batch of equipment. "

"Yes." The middle-aged man in armor nodded, and then he stayed in the study for a while, until another person walked into the study and wanted to report other things, then he turned and left.

"What's the matter?" Li Xice asked his subordinates who had just arrived in the study.

"My lord, our newly built mine has been harassed by alien beasts recently. I suggest adding more people to guard it." The dark-skinned, short-sighted mine development manager reported with a serious expression.

During these days, the newly built mine brought a lot of benefits to Tap Rock City, and everyone was very happy. However, the number of strange beasts that appeared around the mine gradually increased, which made everyone working in the mine a little worried. .

In order to ensure everyone's safety, the person in charge of the mine got up early today and rushed back to Tap Rock City, hoping that Li Xice could issue an order to send additional manpower to protect the mine.

Li Xice had no reason to refuse the request made by his subordinates.

After a while, the person in charge of the mine took the order signed by Li Xice and left. At this time, all the serious expressions on his face disappeared, and he was full of happy smiles.

In order to protect the safety of the mine, Li Xice decided to send an additional team of 150 people in full armor to the mine.

With the maintenance of this team, the safety factor of the mine was immediately raised to a new level.

"There have been a lot of things recently! But everything is back on track."

When Li Xice was left alone in the study, he thought to himself.

... (end of this chapter)

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