My Supernatural Life of Leisure

Chapter 374: :Xiao Bai and Red Fox

   "I know your space teleport ability is great, I said, can you not destroy the atmosphere we feel after playing." Zhou Yue tilted a glance at Lin Fei and said, Wang Xiaoru did not speak, and nodded in response to Zhou Yue.

   "Well, well, you continue to brew your emotions, I won't bother you, by the way... I took a lot of photos with the camera this time, would you like me to wash them out?" Lin Fei asked.

  "Of course, I have to wash them all out. Those photos were carefully selected by Xiaoru and I. Now everyone can take pictures on their phones, and you can take pictures when you see beautiful things.

   But how many people keep the photos on their phones? They are all deleted after a period of time.

   I think the photos are all things. Only by washing them out and making them into a photo album can they be preserved forever and become our eternal memories. "Zhou Yue said to Lin Fei straightforwardly

   "I think so too. It's better to wash out the photos and put them in the album, so that it will be particularly sensational when you take them out later." Wang Xiaoru said with a smile.

   "Okay, after I go back, I will go to the photo studio to wash them out after some time." Lin Fei scratched his head and said.


   Wangyue Mountain Forest, Xiaobai’s residence, since Xiaobai gave orders to his subordinates to be broken into pieces last time.

   All of its subordinates faithfully obeyed its orders. For a time, the Mochizuki Mountain forest, the forest area near Xiaobai's residence, restored the peace of the past.

   The alien animal groups that were close to the area controlled by Xiaobai were very strange. Why did the rumors of a strange animal group suddenly disappear. First release https://https://


   On the grass in front of the mine, the red fox used its ‘blink’ ability to constantly change its shape, avoiding the combined attacks of the one-eyed wolf and its little brothers.

   "Boom boom boom..."

   The red fox's figure changed continuously, and instantly slammed his small fists on the chins of the one-eyed wolf and several of its little brothers, knocking them to the ground.

   "Wow, no, no, you are too weak!" The red fox laughed at the five Timberwolves who fell to the ground.

   The one-eyed wolf and its little brothers heard the words of the red fox, and immediately got up from the ground, angrily preparing to attack it again.

   "Woo, that's enough, let's take a break! Today's training ends here." Xiaobai, who was watching the game, stopped.

   "Woo..." The five Timberwolves roared one after another, indicating that they could fight again.

   "Woo, I know you can fight again, but you are a little bit irrational by the red fox's words, and you will only lose even worse if you continue to fight.

   You have to remember, don’t be silly, knowing to use brute force to fight the enemy, and being a thinking wolf is far more important than a thinking wolf. "Xiao Bai taught.

   "Woo..." The five Timberwolves bowed their heads a little languidly after being taught by their boss.

   "Wow, White Wolf, your five men are a little stupid, and shouldn't understand your deep meaning." The red fox dared to finish speaking, and a lightning flashed in front of it, shocking it back several steps.

   "Oh, you are not allowed to talk about them like this, don't blame me for turning your face next time." Xiaobai looked at the red fox seriously and seriously.

   "Okay, I see, you are so true, isn't it just a joke about them? What's your anger!" Red Fox said lazily.

   "Do you have anything to tell me, if you have something, you can say it quickly, if you don't, you can go back to your residence and don't run to me every day." Xiaobai said to the red fox.

Lying on the grass, the red fox scratched his face with his right forefoot. After thinking for a while, he said to Xiaobai, "White wolf, it's been so many days, we haven't found the human side. People come to Wangyueshan Forest to find us!"

   "So what?" Xiaobai asked.

   "My thought is, since human beings are not moving, should you re-convene your subordinates, and we will continue to expand your territory westward." Red Fox suggested.

"I said the red fox, how you changed seems a bit different from how you used to be. At the beginning, you liked to be free, carefree and quiet to live your own little life. Now why is it encouraging me to start a war of expansion. New 81 Chinese website update the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

   You have changed a bit too much! Can you tell me why did you become like this? "Xiao Bai asked with some confusion.

"White Wolf, during this period of time I have realized a truth. If you want absolute freedom and live the life you want, you must have enough strength. If you stay strong, one day you will lose your current peace. Life." Red Fox said.

   "Although what you said is reasonable, does it have anything to do with you asking me to start an expansion war?" Xiaobai continued to ask.

   "Of course it does matter. Every time you launch an expansion war, you will reward us with the loot after victory.

As long as I participate, I can get resources from it to improve my strength, and as your territory continues to expand, you will have more and more affirmation of psychic veins There will be.

You are a very clever white wolf. If you want to dominate the Mochizuki Mountain forest, I think you will not be stingy not to give your own resources to improve your own strength, so I hope you can continue to expand your territory, and I do A lot of you need some cultivation resources from your hands. "Red Fox said calmly.

   "You're right, I'm an extremely smart white wolf, and I'm not the kind of person who has troubles, but enjoys different things." The praise of the red fox made Xiao Bai feel comfortable all over.

   "In that case, do you want to order your subordinates to start expanding?" Red Fox asked.

   "No, since the boss told me that humans will come to us in the near future, humans will definitely come.

  Before I saw the human beings who came, I would never call them to gather. Be careful, don’t rush for the small profit in front of you, so you don’t want to mention it again in the future. "Xiaobai said firmly.

"Well, I won't mention it in the future. I really don't understand. Why haven't the humans who are coming to us show up yet? Why hasn't your boss appeared for so long? If he comes, you can inquire about the news." Chi The fox said helplessly.

   "Human society is more complicated, the boss may have to deal with some kind of human relations! When he is finished, he will naturally come to see us." Xiaobai thought for a while and guessed.

   "I have said everything I want to say, then I will go back today, and I will come to you tomorrow." The red fox yelled to Xiao Bai, then jumped into the forest and disappeared within a few seconds.

