My Supernatural Life of Leisure

Chapter 375: Tracking down

   On March 21, at 10:36 in the morning, Bai Moyan stood by the window in his office, looking at the blue sky thinking, his brows were slightly frowned, and he seemed to be worried about something?


   There was a knock on the door, and then Bai Moyan's secretary pushed open the office door and walked in.

   He held a document in his hand, and put it on the office desk when he came in, and then said to Bai Mo Yan, "Director, the latest batch of psionic bombs has just arrived. Please check the quantity list and sign for it."

   "Yeah." Bai Moyan responded, then sat back on his office chair and quickly checked the documents. After confirming that the quantity was correct, he reached out and drew a pen from the pen holder to sign his name.

   The secretary picked up the document signed by Bai Moyan and paused before leaving the office.

   Then he said, "Director, don't worry, the investigative team we sent out yesterday, everyone has a very strong life-saving ability. After encountering an army of pigheads, you can basically retreat as long as you don't rashly."

  "I hope so, five investigation teams, each with three people are the strength of the pinnacle of the Three Realms, I hope they can withdraw in time after confirming the movement of the pig head army.

   Don't be entangled by the pig-headed generals in the middle stage of the fourth stage of the army, otherwise, it will really be dead. Bai Moyan put his hands and ten fingers across his mouth, said in a deep tone.


   "Sha Sha Sha..."

   There was a sound in the dark and sultry forest, and there were several figures walking through the forest quickly. The speed was so fast that people were jaw-dropping.

   After the opening of the world channel yesterday, the departed investigation team has arrived in the spirit world for almost 24 hours. The five teams searched outward from five directions, hoping to find any clues about the pig-headed army.

   Liang Wei, Du Jinming, and Peng Hu belong to the same investigation team, and their team is different from the other four teams.

   The destination of their team is clear, which is to go to the pig head army camp provided by the pig head prisoners.

   "Why is this area so hot!" Peng Hu said at the back of the team.

   "It's really a bit hot, and the temperature has increased by at least ten degrees." Du Jinming said.

   "We are all more vigilant, there may be another change." Liang Wei said.

   Liang Wei's voice just fell, dense noises came from all directions, and countless fist-sized black creatures surrounded them.

Giant black ants, no... they can’t be called ants, they should be called fire ants. These fire ants are covered with black carapace. Then they keep approaching Liang Wei and the others. In the process, a faint flame suddenly appeared on their bodies. They became fireballs.

   For a while, the temperature of Liang Wei and their area rose to a new level.

   "Are there a group of strange animals in the early stages of the first stage? Although there are many, it is not enough to deal with the three of us." Peng Hu muttered.

   Although there are a large number of fire ant colonies, the number of first-order alien beasts is more than 200, and the rest are non-ranked alien beasts.

Liang Wei and the three were like cutting melons and vegetables. It took more than ten minutes to kill this group of strange beasts, until the 200 first-order strange beasts were almost killed, and the remaining fire ants that were not advanced The beast began to fall apart.

Watching the fire ants escape, Liang Wei and Du Jinming Penghu stood there and did not take the next step. Their task was to go to the pig head army station. There is no need to waste time chasing the fire ants. If this is on the Blue Star When you encounter them, you must kill them all.

   "It's much cooler now." Peng Hu said, looking at the fire ants that escaped.

   As the fire ant colony left, the temperature that made people feel very hot began to gradually drop. The breeze passing by in the forest made Liang Wei and the three people feel very cool. First release https://https://

   The three of them didn't rush on their way, but sat down to rest and took out the spiritual stone from the equipped spatial spirit device to recover.

   This is what Bai Moyan specifically explained to them before they set off. If there is no influence from external factors, you must restore yourself to the best state before you move on. Do your best and never take it lightly. New 81 Chinese network update the fastest computer terminal: https://

   The sun slowly climbed on top of everything. After a long day's journey, Liang Wei's team finally rushed out of the endless forest.

   Looking at the endless distance, the pig head army camp lying on the plain, they carefully hid in the grass.

   The three of them stared solemnly at the movement of the pig head army camp.

   "You two are staying here, I'll go to find out the situation." Liang Wei thought about it, then said to Du Jinming and Peng Hu.

   "Okay, be careful, and retreat immediately if something goes wrong." Du Jinming emphasized.

   Peng Hu and Du Jinming didn't rush to tell them to come forward to investigate, because Liang Wei's speed is the most advantageous among the three. If something really happens, he has the greatest chance of escape.


   Liang Wei suppressed the psychic fluctuations in his body while quickly approaching the Pighead camp. Five minutes later, he hid in a bush not far from the Pighead camp. At this moment, he was full of doubts.

   "Why didn't I see any pighead soldiers? I'm already 200 meters close to the camp, but I didn't even encounter any pighead squad patrolling guard. It's weird."

   He restrained his mind, took a deep breath, calmed himself down, and then set off again to approach the pig head camp.

   Another five minutes At this moment, Liang Wei did not hide in the grass secretly, but was confused, standing openly at the entrance of the camp of the pig head army.

"The pig head army's camp is actually empty. It doesn't make sense! If they leave, the camp must be removed. There is no reason to evacuate regardless of the camp." Liang Wei muttered to himself as he appeared in front of him. This scene really makes him very puzzled.

   Ten minutes after Liang Wei left, he returned to the hiding place of Penghu and Du Jinming.

   "How is Liang Wei, is there anything happening?" Du Jinming asked.

   "The camp of the pig head army is empty." Liang Weiyan said concisely.

   "What? The camp is empty! You are not mistaken! How could such a big camp be empty!" Peng Hu said in disbelief.

   "That's the truth. I spent some time just now and roughly ran through this camp. I didn't find any pighead soldiers." Liang Wei said confidently.

   "Let’s search the camp again! Confirm again and send the news back." Du Jinming suggested.

   "Okay." Liang Wei and Peng Hu nodded, and the three of them immediately ran towards the empty camp of the pig head army.


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