My Supernatural Life of Leisure

Chapter 992: Fear and Thanks

Zhou Yue and Wang Xiaoru put the plate in their hands on the dining table. After sitting down, they told Lin Fei what had just happened.

Lin Fei nodded silently after listening, and said with a smile, "Although that Zhu Jingui is a dude, he is a man who knows how to advance and retreat."

"Lin Fei, are you satisfied with the dishes prepared by our company tonight?" Zhou Yue looked at Lin Fei's dinner plate and smiled.

Lin Fei nodded and smiled, "It's quite okay! Your boss spent a lot of money on this birthday party..."


Zhu Jingui and Hu Zheng, who took two glasses of wine from the waiter, found a corner with no one to drink and chatted.

"Zhu Jingui, the woman who was very beautiful and had a particularly good figure just now, is her boyfriend really as powerful as you said? Don't lie to me!" Hu Zheng asked unwillingly.

"Hu Zheng, what you said, what I lied to you for, if it weren't for you to be my good brother, I wouldn't bother to give you a hand.

You pestered each other like that just now, if you run into her boyfriend, you will inevitably be severely taught.

Afterwards, your dad found out that you had offended such a powerful investigator. Tsk tsk... you will be finished by then. After Zhu Jingui took a sip of the wine, he looked at Hu Zheng with pity and said.

After hearing what Zhu Jingui said, Hu Zheng's back was sweating coldly. If his father knew that he was going to provoke the investigator, then he would not only be beaten, but also banned, plus a significant amount. Cut pocket money.

After being scared for a while, Hu Zheng drank the drink in the glass, and then thanked Zhu Jingui, "Zhu Jingui! Thank you for pulling me away just now."

"You're welcome, who are you? There are a lot of beautiful women here, you can change other goals! Although not as beautiful as those two women, they are also very good." Zhu Jingui said.

Hu Zheng nodded. Although he is a dude who is not doing his job properly, he is not a fool. Like Zhu Jingui, he knows who he can't mess with.

Now that he and the two beauties are out of play, it's just another person.


Lin Fei, Zhou Yue and Wang Xiaoru were eating and chatting. At this moment, a man and a woman walked in the distance. The woman Lin Fei knew her. She was Wang Lan, the general manager of the Vigor Gym. As for the man next to her I don't know what it is.

"Lin Fei, our chairman and general manager are here, so they should be looking for you." Wang Xiaoru reminded Lin Fei when he saw the person coming.

Zhou Yue wiped her mouth with a napkin, and then said, "Sister Wang has brought the chairman here so soon!"

It turned out that the man next to Wang Lan was the boss of Zhou Yue and Xiaoru, the chairman of the vitality gym... Lin Fei thought.

When the other party came to the table of Lin Fei's three people, Zhou Yue and Wang Xiaoru got up to greet the visitor, "Chairman, General Manager, hello."

Zheng Qixian, the chairman of the vitality gym, who is in his 40s and almost 50, nodded to Zhou Yue and Wang Xiaoru first, then looked at Lin Fei and smiled, "This is Xiaoyue's boyfriend, Mr. Lin Feilin, right? !"

"Hello!" Lin Fei responded with a smile to Zheng Qixian.

"Mr. Lin, are you satisfied with the dishes prepared by the chefs tonight?" Zheng Qixian asked.

"The chefs are superb and the dishes are very delicious." Lin Fei said.

"Mr. Lin took action before and helped us block the people who came to kick the Chaoyang Gymnasium. I was on a business trip and I didn't have time to thank you. I'm really sorry." Zheng Qixian said with an apologetic look.

"Where, it's just a matter of effort, you don't need to take it too seriously." Lin Fei said with a move.

"Although that matter is just a small effort for you, Mr. Lin, it is a great help for us." Zheng Qixian finished speaking, then turned his head to look at Wang Lan.

Wang Lan handed a gift bag to Zheng Qixian, who took it and handed it to Lin Fei, saying, "This is the tea that I asked an old friend to help me buy when I was on a business trip to the capital a few days ago. Lin Please accept it, sir."

"How embarrassing it is." Lin Fei, who doesn't drink much tea, waved his hand and declined.

"It's my kindness, please accept it." Zheng Qixian said.

Lin Fei felt the gaze projected from the surroundings. In order not to be the focus of everyone's attention, he nodded and said, "Well then! I will accept this gift, thank you."

When Zheng Qixian saw Lin Fei accept his gift, the smile on his face became brighter. After talking for a while, he and Wang Lan left to greet other guests.

"Who is that young man? Why is Zheng Qixian so enthusiastic about him."

"You don't know this! Before the people from Chaoyang Gymnasium came to kick the gym, the helper Zheng Qixian invited was defeated. In the end, this young man made a move to save the face of the vitality gym."

"Is this young man so good?"

"Of course, I heard from the insider of the vitality gym this person is an investigator."

"It's an investigator! No wonder it's so powerful, by the way... That young man seems to be familiar with the two golden flowers in the vitality gym."

"That person is Zhou Yue's boyfriend, and the other party is an investigator. Zheng Qixian wants to ask such a strong investigator to help. It is unlikely. After all, Zhou Yue asked him to do it..."

"The men and women look very good. Zheng Qixian's luck is really good! Since five or six years ago he recruited two golden flowers who wanted to do part-time jobs in the vitality gym, his career has become more and more prosperous since then. "

The surrounding guests watched Lin Fei's three whispered discussions. Those who knew the truth broke the news with their friends, while those who didn't know searched for the truth through their contacts.

Lin Fei looked at the big gift box in the gift bag, and said to Zhou Yue and Wang Xiaoru around him, "I rarely drink tea. The gift your boss gave me is left to you."

"We rarely drink tea!" Zhou Yue said.

"Stupid you, if you don't drink it yourself, you can send it back to your father to drink! I remember you said that they like tea very much." Lin Fei despised Zhou Yue.

"That's right! I didn't expect that Lin Fei, you remember that my dad and Uncle Wang like to drink tea, not bad!" Zhou Yuexi said with a smile, seeing that she was very happy.

"I don't know what this is. When you are shopping with you, when you buy gifts for your father, tea is always indispensable. After several times, I don't want to know it." Lin Fei explained.

"Our boss likes tea very much. The tea he sent is definitely very good. Thank you Lin Fei." Wang Xiaoru said with a smile.

"You're welcome, just some tea." Lin Fei said, picking up the chopsticks in front of him, and continuing to wipe out the food on the plate.
