My Supernatural Life of Leisure

Chapter 993: Hide and find

The night is dim.

In the North District, outside a residential area that was old and there was no elevator, a man on the street was riding a bicycle under a dim street light.

When he was about to enter the community he rented, he saw a stall selling late night snacks on the roadside, so he stopped.

"Boss, pack me two fried noodles, one with more meat, and one with more vegetables." Shen Wufeng said to the late-night snacking boss.

"Hao Le! Please wait a moment," said the supper owner.

After a while, Shen Wufeng paid the money, took two portions of fried noodles and rode a bicycle into his rented community.

The key was inserted/into the keyhole, and with a "crack", Shen Wufeng pushed the door and entered.

In the living room is brightly lit, a beautiful woman with a beautiful face and long hair shawl, wearing a white pajamas, is sitting on the sofa, watching the TV series-the war between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law intently.

When Qin Shiyu heard the movement in the hallway, she knew that it was Shen Wufeng who had returned from get off work. When the other party walked into the living room, she looked up at her co-tenant roommate and greeted with a smile, "Shen Wufeng, You are back from get off work!"

Shen Wufeng nodded and asked, "Qin Shiyu, I bought a midnight snack, do you want to eat it?"

"Okay!" Qin Shiyu nodded and laughed.

Putting the fried noodles in his hand on the tea table in the living room, Shen Wufeng said to Qin Shiyu, "You like to eat green vegetables. I asked the boss to add more vegetables to the top portion of fried noodles."

"Thank you." Qin Shiyu took the packaging box, took out the disposable chopsticks, and ate the fried noodles while watching the TV series.

Shen Wufeng took the remaining portion of fried noodles and ate it after opening it. While eating the fried noodles, he looked at Qin Shiyu.

Shen Wufeng was a little curious about this girl who came here for more than a month and stayed at home and never went out.

According to his observations for more than a month, he found that Qin Shiyu did not go out to find a job, staying at home is not watching TV, playing mobile phones, playing computers, or going back to his room to sleep, and he can’t cook. Order takeaway.

"What are you looking at me doing, is there anything dirty on my face?" Qin Shiyu suddenly turned to look at Shen Wufeng and asked.

"Ah? No." Shen Wufeng was asked so, he quickly retracted his gaze and ate the fried noodles in his hands.

After a while, Shen Wufeng finished supper, got up and went back to the room to get his pajamas, and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

After Shen Wufeng left the living room, Qin Shiyu also finished her fried noodles. After cleaning up the garbage, she picked up her mobile phone, looked at the date displayed on the mobile phone, and muttered to herself.

"I have lived here for more than a month, and the organizer has never appeared. I am safe now!"


Under the night, a tall and strong man dressed in floral clothes walked into a bar filled with loud music.

A drunk, drunk young man walked out of the bar with a woman with heavy makeup in his arms. He couldn't help vomiting when he passed by the tall and strong man in floral clothes, so he quickly turned his head to the side.

Upon seeing Hou Cun, who came to Hou Peng to talk about the matter, he quickly stretched out his right hand and pushed the head of the drunk young man.


The drunk man vomited all the things on the woman next to him.

"Ah..." the woman with heavy makeup screamed loudly.

"What are you doing to my elder brother?" The two younger brothers behind the drunk man yelled at Hou Cun.

Hou Cun ignored the two younger brothers and walked straight into the bar.

"Slot." Seeing each other ignore them, the two younger brothers suddenly felt that their faces were dull under the gaze of the crowd watching, and rushed towards Hou Village after shouting aloud.

What an annoying fly... Hou Cun's eyes flashed fiercely. He turned around and kicked, kicking a little brother who had rushed up to find the fault, and then stared coldly at the other little brother who had stopped.

" guys have a seed, wait for me." Seeing that Hou Cun was so uncomfortable, the little brother quickly stepped back, helped his kicked companion, and brought his eldest brother with the heavily makeup woman Quickly leave the bar.

Garbage... Hou Village continued to walk towards the bar. After a while, he came to a private room and pushed the door in.

Hou Peng was playing with a woman. After seeing Hou Village who was pushing the door, he put away his lust/squinting expression and said helplessly to Hou Village.

"I said you are too rude! Can't you knock on the door before entering? If you hit me while doing business, I will be angry."

Hou Cun looked at Hou Peng, and then at the woman in his arms.

"Feifei, you go out first, I will talk to this person about something, and we will continue later." Hou Peng smiled at the woman.

"Good boss." The woman nodded, and then got up and left the private After the woman left, Hou Cun walked to the sofa to sit down and asked, "Hou Peng, I will let you find Is there any news from that person?"

"I said Hou Cun! Two days have passed. Rongcheng is a big city with a population of over 10 million. Where can I find someone so quickly?" Hou Peng said.

"You can find the woman in the photo through some special relationships, don't tell me you don't have that kind of way." Hou Cun said.

"Oh..." Hou Peng sighed when he heard the words, and then explained to Hou Cun, "You don't know, it was possible to use that method a few years ago, but now it's impossible."

Hou Cun frowned and asked, "How do you say?"

"Hou Village, the times have changed! Now the Ability Management Bureau has assisted the government in launching several operations to crack down on that special way. Many people have been arrested to eat in prison. Now no one dares to touch that brow." Peng explained.

It is because of such strict domestic regulations that I said that the country has no future for development... Hou Cun thought in his heart.

The organization gave Hou Village a limited amount of time. Two days have passed since that woman had no clues. It is impossible for him not to worry.

"Hou Peng, there are no absolutes. Although the management is strict now, I don't believe that everyone dare not do that kind of thing again.

You say it! Ask those who have special access to help, how much does it cost. "Hou Cun stared at Hou Peng with piercing eyes and said.

"Tons, tons and tons..." Hou Peng picked up the wine glass and drank the wine in the glass. He laughed and said, "The wealth is touching, you guessed it right. Although the current grip is strict, there are still some people who take risks for the sake of money. ."

"Don't waste my time, tell me directly how much money it needs to spend?" Hou Cun asked again.

"It takes about 500,000 yuan." A sly look flashed in Hou Peng's eyes.
