My System is Always Trying To Force Me To Confess

Chapter 155: Hayakawa Summer Solstice Script

I don't know if it was because she injured her shoulder to save her, or because Miss Xiazhi was really diligent and thrifty, the **** the hospital bed finally bit the apple and chewed it gently.

Baichuan Zeping was very satisfied with the performance of Zaochuan's summer solstice, and cut a big reward for himself.

After the two of them worked together to eat an apple, Hayakawa Xiazhi said softly, "Do you have anything else to ask?"

Baichuan Zeping met Xueji's eyes. Usually, when she looked at her, there was always a confident and mysterious light in her eyes. He always felt that Miss Xiazhi's deep temperament was very cat-like. In fact, it is a very cruel hunter. It will play with its prey as much as possible within the allowable range to hone its hunting skills.

Although it sounds like a male protagonist, Shirakawa Zeping does feel that Miss Xiazhi sometimes looks at him like she is looking at some interesting prey.

But now, the eyes of this elegant and indifferent cat are very complicated.

There is doubt, regret, confusion, and contempt. For a person who had been in close contact with the God of Death, this contempt was not aimed at Shirakawa Zeping, she was more aimed at this world and some people in this world.

"I don't think there's anything to ask." Bai Chuan Zeping thought for a while, "You are a friend I know, and you happened to be in danger in front of me. I saved you, that's all."

"I had long guessed that you were an interesting person, but looking at it today, you seem to be a little more interesting than I thought."

This was what Bai Chuan Zeping said to Xiao Aojiao to learn from Ji before, but it didn't take long to return it, which made Bai Chuan Zeping couldn't help laughing.

He knows that as Hayakawa Xiazhi, the level of opponents he can meet must be quite impressive. Generally speaking, villains die because they talk too much, and decent people die because they know too much. Bai Chuan Zeping obviously didn't want to get involved in the game at the level of Miss Xiazhi.

"I know you don't want to ask..."

Xiao Ao Jiao Xue Ji then said softly, "Don't worry, you can't participate in this matter now."

Hearing this merciless evaluation, Shirakawa Zeplain's body that wanted to stand up could only sit back again.

Hayakawa Summer Solstice's words are really pertinent. Some things are not something you can participate in if you want to participate.

I'm thinking too much, let's do it.

Bai Chuan Zeping said very depressed: "This matter has something to do with your family?"

"It may be, or it may not." A cold light flashed across Xiazhi's eyes. She sighed softly and said, "You should have heard the term pan-entertainment layout."

"That's what you're doing right now?"

"Well, it's just a part." Zaochuan Xiazhi then said indifferently: "I am considered the plan of the Zaochuan family's layout. After a **** path is made, the funds and contacts will follow up with confidence."

Shirakawa Zeping seems to have thought of something: "That master of music... is also part of the Hayakawa family's business layout?"

He suddenly wanted to understand a lot of things, including why the piano master was attracted to neon, why the Hayakawa Xiazhi suddenly fell ill some time ago, and why someone assassinated her today... These seemingly unrelated things were actually taken by the Hayakawa family. This business plan is secretly linked.

Without this business plan, Slat would not have been left in Neon by Hayakawa Xiazhi for so long, and she would not have worked so hard to get sick before the exam, and it was even less likely that she and herself would be killed by someone on the road. attack.

The girl naturally knew that the person in front of her was not a stupid child, so she didn't give him a praising look for this sentence, she nodded and said, "In the cultural industry, music is a relatively high-level field, but this The field can also be related to many things, such as movies, such as the production line of idols…”

"Starting with light novels, comics, and games from upstream sources, the idol industry and seiyuu artist offices were born, and then they provided the production of movies and animations..."

Hearing this, Baichuan Zeping couldn't help smacking his tongue. He didn't know how the Hayakawa family made their fortune, but this step into the entertainment industry is quite a big layout. Red line, was swarmed to eat a clean.

To be able to carry out such a business layout, it means that the Hayakawa family is at least not a small economic hegemon - at least the kind that is somewhat famous in history, otherwise it would never dare to take such a big step!

Moreover, the Hayakawa family was able to hand over such a big business plan to Hayakawa Xiazhilai. On the one hand, it can be seen that Hayakawa Xiazhi’s ability and status in the family, on the other hand, it also points out that even if this plan fails, the Hayakawa family will not be hurt. move bones.

How rich is this!

Poverty really limited my imagination. I thought that Miss Xiazhi was at most a Chitanda-level eldest lady, but I didn't expect that she was almost at the level of Kaguya Shinomiya.

But think about it, Chitanda is so cute, there is no way that black-bellied little arrogant Hayakawa Xiazhi could get her script.

Kaguya Shinomiya script? That's not right, Hayakawa-san doesn't have red pupils, and also lacks a blonde maid...

Baichuan Zeping's thoughts diverged for a while, and when he came back to his senses and found that Hayakawa Xiazhi was staring at him, he couldn't help coughing lightly: "Where did we just say."

"Entertainment and cultural layout." Zaochuan Xiazhi pouted, as if he did not pursue the crime of distracting Baichuan Zeping while chatting. "This step may have moved a lot of people's cheese, and it's normal to have a reaction."

"But you just said that the family..."

Xiaoaojiao Xueji's eyes showed a faint sarcasm: "There are always people who think that the reason why they are not good is that others are too good, isn't it?"

"So they think they can get more benefits by knocking you down?" Bai Chuan Zeping couldn't help but smile, this is really a typical mental retardation thinking.

"I don't know if it's good or not, but I'm sure, if it's really them..."

Hayakawa Xiazhi's tone had a hint of murderousness: "Then let them go to **** with their benefits."

With the temperament of Miss Yi Xiazhi, it is naturally impossible to let those people go, and Bai Chuan Zeping is not worried that he will save a Virgin Mother. He smiled and said, "Then have a good rest, and go back and settle the account with those desperate guys."

Hayakawa Xiazhi lowered his eyes and said softly, "I'll take revenge for you by the way..."

Bai Chuan Zeping was stunned for a moment, then nodded lightly.

"it is good."


Shortly after Bai Chuan Zeping left the ward, a woman wearing round-rimmed gold glasses walked in. She closed the door and first bowed respectfully to apologize: "I'm sorry, Miss! It's all our dereliction of duty!"

"Say something useful." Hayakawa Xiazhi said indifferently.

"Yes!" The female secretary took out the information in the briefcase, flipped through it quickly, and said, "For this assassination, we have drawn up several possible targets, among them, the Kinoshita family has a probability of 30%.. .The probability of the source family is 56%..."

After the female secretary introduced several competing families outside, she turned the information to a new page. Here is the list of suspects in Hayakawa's family, including various evidences to support this speculation.

She wisely did not read it out, but gave it to Hayakawa Xiazhi to read for herself. Miss Xia Zhi put the documents beside the bed, hummed lightly, and asked, "Where are the two killers?"

"When I arrived, I had already committed suicide. It seems to be a dead man. The real identity is still under bank account activity they used has been tracked..."

"Also, people from the police station want to intervene in the investigation..."

"Let them check, just to help."


The female secretary was about to withdraw when the **** the hospital bed seemed to suddenly think of something and said, "Wait."

"What about the information on Shirakawa Zeping that was investigated earlier?"

The female secretary took out another folder from her bag, which contained several thin sheets of paper, including various official records of Shirakawa Zeping since elementary school, as well as some other personal information, and even information about his former classmates. Comments and impressions on him.

"As for the gentleman who saved the eldest young lady, we have fully considered his suspicion, but in the end..." Before the female secretary could finish her words, a crisp sound of paper shredding sounded in the ward.

"You don't have to follow up in the future." Zao Chuan Xiazhi threw the shredded paper into the trash can beside him, and said softly, "I will understand his words myself."