My System is Always Trying To Force Me To Confess

Chapter 401: You are my wings

"My system always tries to force me to confess new( Find the latest chapter!

All the old fists hit the cotton. This result made Natsuori Asano very upset. She wanted to stare at the summer solstice Hayakawa who was sitting near her, but it was too close. Little Loli was worried that the black-hearted woman would come to her. A Ping A took her away, so she had to swallow her breath temporarily and swallowed her breath.

If I can't stare at a black-hearted woman, I can't stare at you? Takagi Masuzu, right, hehe, hehehe...

Don't even think about going to Africa, just take the AK47 to work in the summer vacation!

Tsukimi Sakurazawa: QAQ~

Isshiki Feather Brocade: QAQ~

Orange Zhimo: QAQ~

What, I originally thought I was in the same class as Bai Chuan, and I had a chance to sit nearby! Now what is going on! How come it is so close to Hayakawa Summer Solstice!

The mood of the fish-touching **** the side is not much different from that of 嘤嘤 strange. If it was the second year of high school, the cute Ishiki Yu would be a little excited. After all, she was still a super beauty-controlled pure love painter at that time, Hayakawa The little fan girl of the summer solstice looks...but now...

Today is different from the past. As far as she is concerned, the current Hayakawa Xia is no longer the school girl she longed for and longed for. She has transformed herself into a potential rival with a very high risk factor in the eyes of the fish-touching girl...

Bai Chuan Zeping said that there is really something wrong with this script, is Hayakawa Xiazhi alone? Break through the blockade of the four little girls? This is the script of what era of the hero and the devil! It's too nonsense that the hero is a girl!

And me? Am I the Demon King that Xiaoaojiao misses? The three people in the calligraphy department, Ishiki Yu, and an oil bottle are all my wings... oh no, a competent person?

The summer solstice in Hayakawa... Now this situation, shouldn't it be arranged by you!

Mazu Takagi, who was missed by the black-hearted loli, was also in despair. She looked at the arranged location below, and there was a sense of desolation in her heart...

Shirakawa-san... Hayakawa-san... I'm sorry for you... I'm so sorry for not being able to protect you!

I still can't resist the oppression of the power if I knock CP or something... No way, they give too much...

Speaking of which...why did that person request on the phone...that there should be no girls around Shirakawa-san? What a strange request...

Who is this strange move for... So mysterious... Don't let me reveal...

That's all... I'll deal with this wave of money first, and I'll talk about it later about the cp of Hayakawa and Shirakawa.

Classes first... Classes first!

The short-lived calm hides even bigger waves. As soon as the first class ended, Shirakawa Zeping had a premonition that the danger was approaching, and ran outside without waiting for the teacher to leave the classroom.


Slow, after all, it was still a step slower. The black-hearted loli seemed to have already predicted Bai Chuan Zeping's operation. With the advantage of her petite stature, she quietly touched it and waited for the opportunity to strike a fatal blow.

"I'm not good at the class I just took, can you teach me?"

Bai Chuan Zeping was held by the arm of the little loli, and said speechlessly: "Isn't there a classmate Hayakawa who is the second of the school year? Just find him, I want to go to the toilet."

"The second of the school year is only the second after all... Of course, the first student of the school year is even more powerful..." Black-hearted Loli stepped on the Summer Solstice of Hayakawa without a trace, and then said, "Just a...

Seeing that there were also people around him casting their gazes, Bai Chuan Zeping was not good at killing her, so he nodded helplessly.

"Then bring it here."

"Eh~ It's very troublesome to bring it around, why don't you come and teach it to me?"


Baichuan Zeping glanced at the black-bellied little arrogant who was sitting quietly over there, thinking that Natsuori Asano really remembers eating but not fighting... Obviously the Great Demon King is by his side, and instead of pretending to be dead, he started tease her...

Look at Tsukimi Sakurazawa and Isshiki Feather Brocade, they all know that facing unfamiliar environments and unfamiliar enemies, if the enemy doesn't move, I won't move. boss hatred.

If this group is destroyed, the little loli will definitely be the first pot!

I'm sorry, it's okay to die, just don't take me with you!

He decisively refused this seemingly reasonable request.

"I'm sorry, I'm in a hurry. If it's inconvenient, let's do it next time."

"Student Bai Chuan!"


"Then I'll wait for you to come back." Asano Natsuori put on a cute and cute look, and smiled sweetly: "I'll always wait for you..."

Baichuan Zeping: "..."

He glanced in the direction of Xiao Ao Jiao, and happened to meet the girl's gaze. Her gaze was very calm, and it seemed that she was not surprised that her sister would lose her temper and shoot on the spot.

Well... Speaking of which, it's the fact that I can't hold my breath that makes me look a little cute.

Bai Chuan Zeping frantically hinted at Xiao Aojiao with his eyes, and gestured for her, as the big boss, to touch the little crispy skin that was jumping around. It's a pity that Xiao Aojiao pretended not to understand, and there was no big reaction.

Okay, since your sister doesn't care, then I'm welcome.

With this thought in mind, after Bai Chuan Zeping slipped out to take a breath, he returned to the classroom and went straight to the direction of the five Aojiao.

Come on, let the storm come harder!

However, to his surprise, Little Loli seemed to be a different person in a short period of time after he went out. During the whole process of lecturing, she did not say a word, had no idea of ​​doing anything, and occasionally secretly Glancing at Hayakawa Xiazhi next to him, he looked frightened.

When he finished speaking, Tsukimi Sakura suddenly opened his mouth, breaking the weird atmosphere in this area.

"That... Bai Chuan?"


"Just split today...Our club activities?"

Bai Chuan Zeping glanced at her strangely, and asked back: "Why are you asking me about this? You are the minister. Whether you join the club or not depends on what you think?"

"What about me? Eh... But... the problem isn't actually here..." He glanced strangely at Hayakawa Xiazhi next to him, looking like he was hesitant to say anything.

The girl who touched the fish was silent, Miss Ju Zhimo was disconnected every day and didn't understand the rhythm, and the black-hearted loli looked like she had been repaired... This situation, how do you think it's weird?

"What do you want to say?"

"Student Shirakawa."

Miss Xia Zhi opened her mouth slowly, as if she was explaining and replied as if she was watching a play: "Maybe this news is a bit sudden for you, and it's normal for Minister Yuejian to feel uncomfortable speaking. of."

"If that's the case, then I'll say it."

"what news…"

Shirakawa Zeping once again had an ominous premonition...

"I want to join the calligraphy department. Minister Tsukimi said that I need the approval of the main members, so please..."

"Can I join?"

Shirakawa Zeping: ?

In addition to the cute Isshiki Yu who was preparing to join the department before, it seems that all the learning Ji have been assembled in place...

Really calligraphy department are all my wings? ? ?

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