My Twenty-four Heavens

v1 Chapter 18: Successor-Xuanyuan

"With one word, the heaven and the earth have four seasons. He is a greater existence than the gods in the sky."

Squatting in the field, looking at the green shoots all over the ground, Shennong's face showed a gratified smile.

However, Shennong did not relax because of the recovery of the earth, he was still thinking about everything Zhang Tong left behind.

"Year... the reincarnation of the four seasons should be counted as a year."

"All things recover in spring, and the world welcomes warmth and rain, which is suitable to start farming."

"Summer is extremely hot, but it is the time when prey and beasts are most active."

"Autumn begins to decline, food matures, and everything begins to wither."

"In winter, thousands of miles are frozen, food becomes extremely scarce, and the beasts become hungry and cruel, but they can lay the foundation for a bumper harvest in the coming year."

"But, is there any pattern in the changes of the seasons? How should our human race avoid bad luck and use nature during the changes of the seasons?"

Shennong is getting old, and he no longer has the courage to slay all the beasts with the Xuanyuan sword in his hand.

But he was still silently contributing to the tribe.

He observes every change in the world, year after year, and organizes what he sees on the bones.

"From the position of the stars in the sky, there should be twelve months in a year, and 30 days in each month."

"At this time every year, the mosquitoes will begin to recover, so call this day a horror."

"Then the awn seeding... Only by cultivating before the day of awn seeding each year can the seeds grow better."

"It's too hot. This should be the hottest time of the year. It can be called a great heat."

"Autumn...the plant has begun to have dew, and this day can be called Bailu."

Year after year, the increasingly rickety and weak Shennong observed all the changes between heaven and earth, and finally sorted out how the four seasons of the year should be divided.

Shennong, whose eyes were muddy, and even walking steadily, once again made a huge contribution to the tribe.

He sets the calendar day, sets the stars, divides the day and night, sets the sun and the moon, the month is the 30th, and November is the winter solstice.

From then on, the tribe lived according to the laws of the calendar set by Shennong, and rationally adapted to the changes of nature, seeking good luck and avoiding evil.

At this time, Shennong was almost thirty years old, and his life was about to come to an end.

Like Fuxi back then, Shennong looked at the thriving tribe with some nostalgia, caressed the still sharp Xuanyuan sword in his hand, and sighed with emotion:

"My time is coming to an end. It's time to find a new heir."

Shennong had his own ideas about what kind of heir to choose.

Nowadays, the tribe has become more and more powerful. It is time for a new leader to lead the tribe to grow, so that those humans who still live in barbarism and backwardness can also become members of civilization.

And such a leader not only has to be born brave, but also has a vision that ordinary people can't have.

He... will be the leader of all races in the future!

"If there is winter, we must store grain for the winter."

"Stored grain will produce inheritance, and therefore the concept of property."

"With property, people will find ways to increase their own property, productivity will develop, and the social structure will give birth to private ownership."

"Only in this way can the entire society develop and progress step by step, like a snowball rolling down the top of a mountain, rolling bigger and bigger."

Zhang Tong returned to the room and realized that his knowledge was too little.

So, as a humble creator, Zhang Tong immediately turned on the computer and began to charge himself.

When he saw a question about why Africa is so poor, his eyes suddenly brightened.

It turns out that the existence of the four seasons not only makes the operation of the heaven and the earth more natural, but also has a fundamental impact on the structure of human society.

Therefore, the nature of this thing is really mysterious and mysterious, and sometimes I am afraid that it is not the creator who does not know the chain reaction of a little change in it.

Zhang Tong greedily absorbed the wisdom of the Internet, and for a while forgot the changes in the Primordial Realm.

It wasn't until Qi Ling Dingding reminded him that Zhang Tong glanced at the time in the lower right corner of the computer and realized that he, the creator, had been surfing the Internet for a whole day.

The whole day corresponds to the fifty years of the Taichu Realm.

"Fifty years, Shennong should have died long ago?"

"I don't know what the human race is like now... Ding Ding, convey to me the changes in the human race over the past fifty years."

Zhang Tong looked at the twenty-four heavens on his wrist. In the realm of the Primordial Beginning, he saw a majestic human city standing on the plain.

Then, before Zhang Tong found out who the human leader is today, a lot of information was poured into his mind out of thin air.

Dragging his decayed body, with obsession with Shennong in his heart, he lived another year.

In this year, he finally found a suitable heir.

That was a young guy. Although he didn't make much contribution to the development of the tribe, he was definitely a very prestigious guy in the tribe.

This stems from his own personality charm, a personality charm that is inherently close to and loved by people.

Through Shennong's observation, this young man is not only a natural leader, but also has a mind and vision that ordinary people can't match.

So when his life was about to come to an end, Shennong found this young man, in front of all the elders of the tribe, gave the Xuanyuan sword to the young man, and declared that he was the next leader of the tribe.

"Xuanyuan Sword is a great wise giant, a weapon of civilization given to our human race."

"His Majesty Fuxi and I have completed the farming and animal husbandry recorded above, so that our human race will no longer be afraid of the night, fierce beasts and hunger."

"The next thing you have to do is to lead the human race to complete the above-mentioned unification of the four seas, so that the tens of thousands of human races in the world will no longer be barbaric."

"From today on, UU Reading, you can change your name to Xuanyuan."

"I hope you can inherit the spirit of the human race and lead the human race to keep improving."

Shennong said to the young Xuanyuan like this. After seeing Xuanyuan solemnly take over Xuanyuanjian, Shennong finally closed his eyes with satisfaction.

This old man who dedicated his life to the human race, he is too tired.

The scars left by the battle, the hidden dangers left by the herbs, the observation of the natural senile diseases...all of which made Shennong alive is painful, but he still gritted his teeth alive.

Because he is the leader of the human race, as long as he is alive, he must continue to lead the human race to self-improvement.

It wasn't until his life came to an end that Shennong could finally take a break.

It's a pity... he can't see the future of Human Race, but he is really tired.

He used the last afterglow of his life to choose a suitable successor for himself—Xuanyuan! </div>