My Twenty-four Heavens

v1 Chapter 24: The era of 5 kings

   The era of giant beasts dominating the earth and sky was drawn to an end as Xia Qijian cut the Qiongqi.

   During the twenty-year conquest, countless beasts perished under the blade of mankind.

   Under the leadership of Xia Qi, the Human Race finally became the master of this world after countless years of birth.

   Xia Qi, who is invincible in the whole world, is a wise monarch, but also an out-and-out tyrant.

  He can lead the human race to continue to develop, let the human race have a city made of stones, and have bronze casting vessels,

   He can also arbitrarily divide people into three, six or nine classes, opening the prelude to the age of slavery.

   One hundred and ten years of Daxia, Xia Qi is already over 120 years old.

   The once tall and handsome Xia Qi turned gray-haired, but his muscles were still full of surging power.

   In the gloomy palace, Xia Qi sat alone on the exquisite golden throne, beside him was the Xuanyuan Sword, which was always inseparable.

   "I'm over a hundred years old..."

   looked calmly at the Colosseum in the distance. The nobles wore fine clothes and gorgeous jewelry, and laughed at the nobles fighting with the giant beasts.

   The once simple ancestors of Kyushu have long been buried in the loess under the power of time.

   For nearly a hundred years, the descendants of human beings, who are the rulers of the world, no longer remember the awe of nature from their ancestors.

  Many are born superior and possess countless wealth and hard work.

  In this kind of ease and enjoyment, these people gradually become decadent and degenerate.

   Seeing that the population has skyrocketed to 10 million, which is equivalent to the total population of Kyushu during the Xuanyuan period, Xia Qi's heart did not fluctuate.

   It should be enjoyed, he has enjoyed it a long time ago.

   Or in other words, no one would enjoy the whole Daxia more than him.

   He has more than three hundred beautiful wives, and he has given birth to countless offspring.

   Unfortunately, none of these descendants can inherit the blood of his God of War.

   Like a sleeping lion, Xia Qi was so alone on the golden throne.

   But no one dared to underestimate Xia Qi's power. Countless rebellions have proved with his own life that this old man who has lived for more than a hundred years is still invincible.

  Even, he is stronger than when he was young!

   gently stroking the hilt of Xuanyuan Sword with his hand, feeling the indelible lines on it, Xia Qi's eyes looked into the distance.

   Once there was still a forest here, the human race can only survive in the cracks.

   Until I met that sacred existence, I had the power comparable to the gods.

   "God, can it really be immortal?"

   "My life is about to come to an end, but I don't want to die yet."

   "Great giant of wisdom, I want to see you again, I want you to give me the power of eternal life."


   As soon as he mentioned this word, Xia Qi's already cloudy eyes became hot.

  As the human emperor who owns everything in this world, Xia Qi wants to have these things forever.

   But when he thought of the faint signal from his body, Xia Qi couldn't help being scared.

   His life is coming to an end!

   Even if he controls the power of the whole world, he can't stop the passing of life.

   Death is unavoidable for anyone, even if Xia Qi feels that he can compare with the gods today.

   "My life is about to end, but I really don't want to die..."

   For seven days, Xia Qi sat on the throne so calmly and deeply, looking at his prosperous capital.

   Seven days later, Xia Qi in the hall finally made a certain decision:

   "From among my children and grandchildren, select the next generation of emperors."


   Xia Qi's decision shocked the entire Daxia!

   Everyone can't believe it. After suppressing an era, Xia Qi, who is equivalent to the life span of three generations, is about to die again?

   "Our King is going to die?"

   "No, this is definitely not true!"

   "Maybe the same as last time, he wants to draw out some people hiding in the dark."

   Facing the news from the imperial palace, no one dared to express their attitude in the first place.

   They know Xia Qi too well. He is a tyrant with a tyrannical dictatorship. He does not allow anyone to covet his seat.

   Not even your own children and grandchildren!

   The last time such news came from the palace, I don’t know how many people died.

   Even the noble prince and grandson had his neck broken by Xia Qi himself.

   Everyone is afraid that this is Xia Qi's strategy again, and no one wants to be one of the bones in the moat outside the city.

   But soon, another news from the palace dispelled their worries:

   "A candidate for the throne of the emperor can get the blood of the **** of war and possess the power that does not need to fear me."

   "At the same time, candidates who have inherited the power of the God of War can build a city independently, and inherit my position after I die."

   Get the blood of the **** of war, and gain the power of the gods.

   Independently built a city with countless soldiers and slaves.

   News like this came from the All Xia Qi's children showed ecstatic expressions.

   They waited for this day, it was too long!

   Not only princes and grandchildren, countless nobles and soldiers are also boiling.

  Because they know very well that the new emperor's accession to the throne must be a process of power shuffling. As long as you stand on your team, you can get even more power!

   In the end, countless princes and grandchildren participated in the selection of the emperor.

   Xia Qi, who has lived for more than 100 years, used his experience and wisdom to set the most demanding test.

   In the end, only nine princes and grandsons came to the fore.

   Four of them were given the blood of the God of War by Xia Qi himself.

   Unexpectedly, Xia Qi's four descendants all merged with the blood of God of War smoothly.

  Although their integration process is very slow, but after all, the integration was successful, and they have not experienced the pain they experienced back then.

   In this regard, Xia Qi took it for granted that although they did not inherit their great power, they also inherited their noble blood.

   Only one's own blood can fuse the blood of God of War so easily.

   And as the four princes and grandchildren began to possess the power comparable to Xia Qi, the human race once again ushered in an explosive development.

   Five majestic cities stand on the ground and become incredible spectacles in this world.

  The human race has ushered in the era of five kings.

   But everyone, including Xia Qi, knows that this era will not last long.

   When Xia Qi's life comes to an end, a new emperor will eventually be born in this world, who will continue to suppress this world for a hundred years.

   Of course, they didn't know that Emperor Xia Qi still had his own calculations.