My Wife Is A Princess

v2 Chapter 161: mood

Forgiveness is that Lee has already realized that there aren't many things in the world that can make him feel incredible and unbelievable. He is still short-circuited by An Nanxiu's words.

Is it possible to get pregnant with a kiss? This kind of thing is completely beyond the imagination of Li Dao. As a college student with basic common sense, Li Dao will never believe such a thing, even An Zhishui will not believe it.

Li Luo looked at An Nanxiu. Her small body was lying in his arms. She was clearly just a little girl. She only kissed Li Liu and she became pregnant. Is this a scene between children?

Lee is not a child, and Annan is not a real child. She is very dissatisfied with the reproduction of the earth people. She insists that the higher creatures are picked from the tree. Under this recognition, she also said such things. Is it a joke?

"Is you pregnant, or am I pregnant?" Li Rongli wondered if he heard it wrong.

"Fool, will a man be pregnant?" Although An Nam Soo suggested that Lee should have a baby, An Nam Soo didn't make that kind of thing a reality.

"A man won't get pregnant, he will get pregnant with his own lips?" Li Rong asked inconceivably.

"It's the reason for the formation. No matter how we start the formation, the effect of this formation is this. You wait and see." Of course, An Nam Soo knew that kissing would not be pregnant, otherwise she would have been pregnant ... Thinking about it that way, Annan blushed.

Li Rong looked at An Nanxiu's belly in horror and anxiety. The little girl's belly was flat and soft. Li Rong couldn't be more clear. There would be a life there. Would it be a man or a woman?

"Then ... then this is our child?" Lee had a big head. What does this have to do with Annan?

It is no problem to treat a fourteen-year-old girl as her Highness Princess, but treat her as a wife? Li routing cannot imagine what kind of life it is, how to face such a life, how to face his sister, how to face An Zhishui, and how to face a familiar person?

Annan Soo raised her head, apparently also felt that this kind of thing was really awkward, opened her mouth and wondered what she should say to Annan Soo.

Both were silent.

"That's how it feels with a child?" Li Rong couldn't help feeling a moment later, he didn't know what he was thinking.

"What does it feel like?" Anna Nanxiu asked Li Rong curiously, and she didn't know how she felt.

"I thought it should be very exciting, or I suddenly felt grown up, the list on my shoulders became heavy, etc., but I didn't feel that way, I just felt that something had happened, maybe even my own child. Time to cultivate feelings. But because she is her own child, she will soon regard her as her most important person. This kind of love may be easier to be born and strengthened than other loves. He didn't know, right, but just expressed his opinion.

"You mean that if I had a child with you, this child is more important to you than me?" Anna Nanxiu's flushed cheeks suddenly became cold.

"At this time, don't you bite the word and be jealous? Can you figure this out now?" Li Daoxi held her involuntarily, stroking her abdomen gently, as if wondering if there was Now there is a villain, and it feels amazing, as if the objective and emotionless scientific descriptions can no longer make Li Rong understand, he knows nothing about the beginning and process of having children. .

"No, I just saw the ** bee. The ** bee is symbolic in this formation, and it is related to reproduction." Annan Soo can only analyze slowly, this formation is the additional effect of Li Zhizhi. However, even Li Zhi is a legend in Tianyun Divine Realm. There are not many records. Some of the words that can be found are unknown. It will hardly give Annan Soo any reference value. Now she can only analyze the situation a little bit according to the development of the matrix method. .

"Is that you are not pregnant yet?" Li Rong's palms left her lower abdomen, and then began to tremble in horror. "This array method ... This array method's effect will not be to make the two of us mate here, And make you pregnant? "

Lee has learned the words of Anna Soo. If you are forced to do that kind of thing by matrix method, what is not mating? Li Rong was very curious about that kind of thing. Strong hormones and strong physical body made him full of interest and desire to understand the body of the opposite sex, but with Annan? Li Ronghua can naturally express her love for her with her intimacy, but if that is the case, Li Ronghua cannot imagine, her body is too small compared to him, and the ratio of the two is inappropriate.

"Lee, can you be a little motivated, don't always think instinctively with the recognition of lower creatures? Remember, you are no longer a primitive lower indigenous people. Also, mating? Do you dare treat me As the object of this verb? "An Nanxiu's moist eyes became deserted. What is going on with Lee? Was there something so horrible with Annan Soo that scared him into a speechless one? He is obviously a brainless creature who knows nothing about life and death, is arrogant, and is not even afraid of Annan Soo, but mating with Annan Soo seems to have encountered something worse than the end of the world.

"I will never do this kind of thing with you. We vowed that we would have passed it before and would never do this kind of thing. Too much, haven't you said it? This kind of thing is extremely **." There is really no way Lee can accept it. He expressed his deepest affection for Anna Soo, that is, holding her little hand all the time, holding her in his arms, and smelling the kind of relief on her that made him feel at ease. Smell, kiss her little face, at most ... at most ... indulge in her childish kiss like a flower bud.

He may have a physical reaction, but he never thought of those things in his heart.

"Who said that pregnancy must do that kind of thing? Now the situation of our two is obviously able to seduce this situation through kissing. Look at your heart ..." Annan Soo always She can be distracted. She can review several lessons at the same time while watching "Deep in Love and Deep Rain". Now she is talking to Li Rong and paying attention to the situation of Li Rong and the surrounding formations.

Li Wei bowed his head, his heart seemed to relax, not the kind of extremely strong, each beat involved the feeling of countless strength and vitality in motion, it seemed that the tree of life gave up entangled his heart.

He also noticed that Annan Soo ’s heart was faintly tinged with a powder, just because the little girl ’s skin and pajamas were just faint, but she also completely outlined Annan Soo ’s covering the chest. The shape and size of the soft and creamy meat bag.

"Look at yourself, don't look at me." An Nanxiu clutched her **, angrily angrily: "Little thoughts, don't think you are not my summoning beast, I have no way of knowing exactly what you are thinking, but Li Zhizhi It makes it easy for me to feel your mood and state. "

"Nothing looks good. What emotions will I have?" Li Riyao denied, and provoked and cracked her a little. He did not ask what happened to the hearts of the two, and there was no problem, and Annan Soo Now he is also observing and analyzing, and may not be able to give him the answer.

"Hehe ... I don't even need the convenience of Li Zhizhi to be able to know what you are thinking." Anna Nanxiu sneered, "When you just stared at my ** just now, I saw that your pupils were weak Change, in this case, means that your emotions have fluctuated, and your brain sends out a consciousness to control the palms without thinking. I ca n’t know what it takes to control what the palms do, but that consciousness When giving back to your brain, it aroused the excitement of certain tissues in your brain, and began to secretly secrete various hormones, causing your body to have other reactions. I can judge that when you look at it, you must Thinking, I do n’t know what it feels like when you touch it. It ’s just such a thought, you imagine it, and desire to get the real feeling of the palm, then you can consciously let the palm convey and feedback the feeling of imagination to satisfy this kind of thought. brain."

"Annam ... I'm a human, not a bunch of brains, nerves, meat, blood, bones. Don't analyze me with your theory that doesn't treat people as people." Fever, Annan ... How could Annan have such powerful analysis and reasoning skills? Annan didn't say, he didn't realize what the extremely short-term mood swing was.

"Actually, admitting that you have **** with me, although this is a very sinful blasphemy and insult. But seeing that I am the only woman you can really get close to in your long life from now on, I decided to forgive you and give You occasionally fantasize about the privilege of being uncontrollable ... "Anna Nanxiu blushed again, and it really took courage to say such words, and she accumulated a lot of Lee Dae-hyun's feeling of sweetness and shyness I like it, but I still need to tell him, "When you remember to dare to imagine the feeling of touching me like I did just now, I can allow and not punish you. I am the only woman you can get close to. This imagination only It can be occasional, and it's when you can't control it. When it can be controlled, it's not allowed, you know? And not very often! "

Seeing Anna Nanxiu's face flushed with pride, Li Rong really wanted to touch her ** impulse, but this is not because he was so hungry for her **, just seeing her like this, he couldn't help it Want to provoke her.

Sorry, the Chinese New Year, there is really no way to stabilize, but to update as much as possible every day, Xiahua's customers are many, although almost no one was willing to come to Xiahua's home during the most difficult time last year.

Thank you, Xia Hua has gone through a difficult time, and the days are getting better and better. I wish you all the same as Xia Hua in the new year. If you have difficulties, you will definitely be able to pass!
