My Wife Is A Princess

v2 Chapter 182: atmosphere

Annan Xiu reads books very quickly, and she has not read many books about shipbuilding in the National University Library. These books alone are not enough to allow Annan Soo to build a large ship similar to an aircraft carrier. The aircraft carrier is exactly the same, it must copy the entire earth's knowledge, industry, management, and science and technology system. Although Annan Soo told Lee Route that it is not difficult for the power of the entire Tianyun Empire, but Annan Sou does n’t think it is necessary. Many things can be replaced with special methods of Tianyun Divine Realm.

It is better to believe in a book than to have no books, and to apply what you have learned, but to change your thinking. Annan Soo is not a nerd based on the book. She dare to doubt everything and try everything.

Annan Soo decided to go to class today.

After eating Chinese food, the three went to the library for a while, and then Li Rong and An Zhishui went to class. An Nanxiu watched as the two disappeared at the corner and walked towards the other building without expression.

An Nanxiu walked into a large classroom at will. She knew that such a large classroom is usually several classes, even across grades, and no one would pay attention to strange faces.

But she was miscalculated. Even if Anna Nanxiu's expression was as close as ever to be born, indifferent and arrogant, these slow, low-level creatures still showed various expressions after seeing Annanxiu.

There are many one or one other person, no one cares, but there is an Annan show in the classroom, but everyone knows that she is extra, because if she has come to class, no one will have no impression on her.

"Classmate, is anyone beside you?"

A delicate and beautiful porcelain doll sitting there makes people feel sorry for her loneliness. Her looming pride always makes amorous men think that it is a sign that a closed-hearted girl longs for someone to open her heart.

"Aren't you human?" Annan Soo still looked forward, the breath of the lower creatures was really disgusting.

"Oh, then I'll sit down. I'm Zhou Dekai, a sophomore in Chinese." Zhou Dekai smiled, which obviously didn't mind him sitting next to her.

"Let's go." Seeing Zhou Dekai was actually going to sit next to her, Anna Nanxiu waved his hand impatiently.

Zhou Dekai's **** was just about to fall. It was natural to hear the words move side by side, but his expression was a little awkward. What does this girl mean? Obviously he can sit, how can he catch someone as soon as he sits?

After a while, Annan took a look. Everyone had a book called "Marxist Philosophy" in front of them.

"Introduction to Marxist Philosophy" is a compulsory course, but "Marxist Philosophy" is not. It can be regarded as a deep study of Marxist philosophy on the basis of "Introduction to Marxist Philosophy", but there are not many reasons for this class of people Everyone is enthusiastic about studying Marxist philosophy, just because there is a general basis, it is easier to take this course again.

Elective courses are mixed credits, of course, which course is easier to choose.

"Give me your book." Anna Nanxiu took a look. The **** the left was three positions away from Annan Su, and Zhou Dekai on the right had only one position in the middle.

"Have you forgotten to bring the book? I'll give it to you." Zhou Dekai said quickly and enthusiastically. The girl had never seen it before. The freshman was in military training, but how such a beautiful girl herself had no impression before, even There are no gossips on the school forum, but I haven't been to the school forum for a while.

An Nanxiu ignored Zhou Dekai, flipped a few pages at random with the book, and placed it in front of him.

Zhou Dekai was a little depressed. The attitude seemed to be that she didn't have a book, so he took his book. As for whether he had a book, the girl didn't seem to care about the problem at all.

Zhou Dekai originally wanted to share a book with two people in class.

Class, a young assistant teacher, Botany is researcher Qiao Niannu in class, but not every elective course will be treated like this, most of the elective courses are just ordinary teachers.

The teacher's name was Kong Yangde, glanced at the pretty little girl sitting in the center, and opened the folder.

"Classmates, today we talk about the content of the third section, focusing on the epochal nature, nationality, and class nature of philosophy ..." As soon as Kong Yangde began to speak, he saw the beautiful little girl holding up a book.

Although there was no precedent, Kong Yangde thought that the little girl had a question to ask, stopped her talk, and reached out to signal her to speak.

"Teacher, this is not the first lesson? What I want to ask is, have you introduced the author of this book?" An Nanxiu has already asked Zhou Dekai just now, without introduction, which makes it difficult for An Nanxiu to understand.

"No. Are there any questions?" Kong Yangde froze. He was the first time he had encountered a student who raised such a question.

"Of course there is a problem." Anna Nanxiu laughed incredibly. "This is a philosophy course, which involves issues in the ideological field. You don't even introduce the author?"

"Our focus is on Marxist philosophy. This is Marx's philosophy, not the philosophy of the author of this textbook." Kong Yangde also smiled. This little girl is really beautiful and looks very immature, but since sitting here At least sophomores, but with a baby face.

"It seems that you do not understand my problem. It seems that Marxist philosophy occupies a very important position in your society. Many people have studied it. Everyone will express different opinions because of different positions, knowledge structures, and demands. "Anna Nanxiu was a little impatient. She wasn't fooling around and didn't want to violate the agreement with Li Dao, but Li Dao said how she had a class in Tianyun God Realm, and how she did it here.

"Then what?" Kong Yangde really didn't understand her problem. What would she do? This is the teaching material. I will tell you the key points. The test is just fine. Who is going to study the author of this book? Could it be that she really intends to study Marxist philosophy?

"So for the author of a book as a philosophical textbook, you should focus on the author. Does the author's background affect his understanding of philosophical thought, his origin, his qualifications, and his situation will affect his thinking? ... and whether he wrote this book for personal research, or whether he was influenced by other ideas or special circumstances in the process of creating the book. If you do n’t make these things clear, how do I know when reading and In the process of studying this book, how to tell what kind of premise and influence he was based on to draw those conclusions, elaboration and insights? "An Nanxiu ’s little mouth was slightly open, lower creatures’ There is no lower limit to ignorance and consequences. As the most important key of traditional knowledge, does the teacher only follow the lessons in this class?

Zhou Dekai also opened his mouth wide, and the other students couldn't help looking back at the little girl. What she said made sense, but why did she think she was in trouble?

"The author of this book is Yang Geng, a professor at Guofu University, and the deputy team leader of the National Planning Textbook Research Group for General Higher Education." Kong Yangde was helpless, but he knew it.

"What about publishing houses? What is the status of this higher education publishing house in the field of Marxist philosophy? Is this publishing house the first time to publish teaching materials related to Marxist philosophy? Have they published other related books? Which school is this publisher more inclined to support? What famous scholars associate with this publisher? When they published this set of works, were they loyal to the original author's manuscript or adjusted according to the publisher's requirements? Why is it necessary to adjust? Also, since Marxist philosophy is an imported idea, are we studying the mainstream system recognized by the state, parties, or authoritative academic organizations, or the system that represents authors and publishers? It and other systems in the world What is the biggest difference between the research schools? What is the reason for our study of this textbook, and for what reasons does the school choose this textbook? This is to meet the control needs of the national consciousness field ... "

Kong Yangde went from surprise to ignorant daze, and finally turned red with red ears. The little girl talked like a renju. The most important thing was that he couldn't answer any of these questions. This is "Marxist Philosophy", Not one hundred thousand why!

"You ... you just need to ... just remember, I'll tell you which test sites are all right." Kong Yangde held his chest down and calmed himself for a long time.

"You are telling me that the emphasis of this course is on exams, not learning knowledge? Is that so? If so, I have no problems." Annan Soo stood up and tossed the book aside With his chin raised slightly, he squinted at the teacher on the podium.

"Yes, this is the case." As long as An Yangxiu no longer asked questions, Kong Yangde was the same. A teacher was completely unable to answer one question after another by a student, let alone shame, let alone this. The students are not unreasonable, but they have a very rigorous learning attitude.

There was a big laugh, but no one was ridiculing Kong Yangde, but just felt that Mr. Kong had no fake air, and the truth was very humorous, which made the students feel a lot closer.

Aren't classes just for exams? Neurology will only care about those problems. Is it probably a freshman who just entered university? The classmates guessed vaguely, could not help but have a sense of superiority, and did not know how she came into this classroom, after all, she was young, naive, after waiting in college for a while, you will understand what is called Reality, hanging branch is reality! Anyway, the test will not test who the author is, what position the publisher has, why the school chose this set of textbooks and the like.

"After all, it's only low-level creatures, it's ridiculous." Annan Soo looked coldly at those people who gently shook her head and looked at her with ridiculous eyes. "If the higher education institutions of a country are full of the atmosphere of studying for exams instead of learning After all, the development of this country is limited. The national university that Li is proud of in his mouth, in my opinion, is not enough for such an evaluation. "

Annan Xiu was annoyed for a while, and no longer trusted the vision of Li Ronglai, this idiot was actually very proud of such a school.