My Wife Is A Princess

v3 Chapter 306: Flowers blooming with a few spring breez

An Nanxiu clenched his fists, feeling that his body was torn apart ... This is not accurate, it is only occasionally when there is a little pain, what will be ripped, now it is more accurate to feel hot Yes, a swell of crisp-hemp and trembling sensations came from between the legs.

This feeling is not unfamiliar. When Li Rong licked the tip of his tongue with the thin flower between his lips and lips, Annan Soo also felt that she was blushing and shy. Annan Soo would remind herself that it was just a natural reaction of the body. , Does not affect the image of Her Royal Highness, the princess, who is always biting her lips, and does not want to make a strange sound, even if she can't help it, she will use complex and difficult tones like chanting divine magic, trying to It made Li routing feel that she was just remembering the magic of a certain situation and situation.

But she didn't know that the moaning like that was like the sound of heaven, more touching, and even more tempting than the woman's wheezing wheeze in her ears.

But Li did not want to do this tonight.

"Annan Xiu, don't treat yourself as Your Highness Princess tonight, don't talk nonsense, you don't have any opinion on what I should do. If it hurts, you can bear it with me. If it's comfortable, you can call me!" Gasping.

"You ... you're humiliating me ..." Anna Nanxiu stared at Routine Lee.

"You can think of it this way ... this is the last nonsense you say!"

An Nanxiu stared at Li Zhi, biting his lips bitterly, and the eyelashes drooped slowly. The water mist in the eyes gradually became soft and loose. An Nanxiu closed his eyes and opened them again, and his voice became tender. "Then you ... then you call my wife ..."

"Wife ... shouting husband ..." Li Biao's bones were all soft. Fortunately, there was no bone in Annan Soo's mouth that changed shape with blood, so he was still aggressing.

"Old ... husband ... husband ..." Anna Nanxiu was a little stammered. She closed her eyes quickly after she shouted, but opened it again, and looked at Li Daoli softly. "Li Dalai, today I call your husband, I Is no longer a Princess, but your woman. But no matter what, you must love your wife as a princess forever and forever, can you? "

"Of course, my wife is a princess." Li Rong looked down at her, smiling slightly, and stroking her hair gently. "I will start writing that book tomorrow ... but you must not peek, finish it Let me show you again. "

"Um." Annan nodded, and clasped Lee's neck with his hands, blushing. "Husband, go in ... I will bear it."

Li Zhi kissed her lips, stretched her hands from behind her neck and held her back, so that she could cling to her body tightly, and then apply a little force.

It was as if the yellowish beak of a baby bird broke the first groan from the eggshell, as if the sugar man was wrapped around a bamboo stick and the broken silk was broken. It was like an uncle selling popsicles walking in the streets in summer in memory. A bicycle tinkling through the leaves of the jackfruit tree.

An Nanxiu's voice came from her biting lips and teeth. She brought the little girl's unique tenderness and tenderness, and her pain was distressing, but she knew that she could bear it easily, so he gave him more joy and peace. Heartbeat.

It is only at this time that a man does not need to be too guilty about the girl who has hurt his beloved. This is a necessary step for a girl to become a woman, which means that he is the first man in her life. Now a lot of reasons and defense arguments made up by many women who casually send their first time out say that men should not care.

Li Lu could feel the layers of wrapping, and did not dare to move anymore. She was so delicate, worried that for the first time in and out, she would mix the tender and soft flower room into broken meat foam. Bring it out.

The hazy light slanted down, and Anna Nanxiu's hair shattered in the flutter of her head. She looked at his eyes, felt his fiery body, and closed her eyes quietly.

There was no pain in the imagination, as if a part of her body had returned to the original position, except that a crusted wound had cracked a little again, blood would flow out, and there would be new wounds, but not very painful.

Li Rong waited for her to adapt, and touched her lips, it was also fiery. The sweet nai scent turned into an intoxicating floral scent at this moment, overflowing from her body, his tongue was like a river. On the wandering boat and crossed into the port, it was Anna Nam Soo's lips, Lee was grateful. At this time, there was an unbelievable sense of illusion. A girl like Anna Soo actually joined him. Be one.

"Husband ... doesn't seem to hurt ..." An Nanxiu's body trembled gently with his slow movements. This was an unprecedented feeling. She no longer held back her voice, but the natural moaning. But still the most magnificent passage in her divine magic, dreamlike, shallow syllables vomiting from the lips, like chun silkworms, spinning silk, winding into a cocoon, wrapping him.

Li Rong did not speak, but only slightly accelerated his movements, and looked at her misty eyes gently between the ups and downs, her tender little -ru bag trembling, the smooth lower abdomen undulating, the bulging up The thin gap between the ridges greeted the vigorous force, and Li Rong gradually felt that a certain mysterious and irresistible feeling gathered under the body.

"Routing Lee ..." After all, I was not used to it. When Annan Soo began to feel confused and infatuated, she couldn't help but call his name, but the attachment and affection in her voice were the same. She hugged him vigorously. The body and petals tightly wrapped the nectar collecting butterfly, and the thick nectar flowed out in an instant.

Her breath oozed at his ear, and it sounded like a choked throat, with lingering hints, and Li Rong felt the sudden sound of water rushing across the boundaries of patience and hugged her. Body, smashed into his own life.

Annan Xiu hugged him like a tyrannosaurus ant holding his own, rubbing his skin against his cheek, kissing his chin with a thin beard, and smiling lightly at the corner of his mouth.

Without the pain in my imagination, although the strange feeling is unwilling to admit that it is comfortable, at least it can be said that it is not annoying, which determines that this is the only experience. However, after all, it is only my own decision. Since I have considered myself to be his The woman who owns the ownership, then if he has to ... have to disobey His Royal Highness's meaning, as his wife, what the princess does not want, the wife can barely agree.

"Wife ..." Li Rong laughed panting and stroked her cheek lovingly. For so long, she has survived countless tossings, and finally raised the little princess as her own wife, except for her. Love, this sense of accomplishment and satisfaction is also extremely happy.

"Are you comfortable?" Annan asked slightly curiously.

Li Rong nodded heavily, and at the same time he laughed a bit. This sentence seems to be usually asked by men.

"Are you comfortable?" Li Rong asked immediately.

"What does this have to do with you?" Annan Soo stared at Lee Route with wide eyes. "I just do this kind of thing with you just to please you, not to please you, so don't ask me if I'm comfortable. . "

"Is this the case?" Li Rong expressed doubts. "I clearly saw the look of some people as I did when she bit her here."

Speaking of it, Lee extended his finger, fiddled with the cherry that was still astringent, and flicked gently. Annan's body bowed like a fish jumping in the water. Any woman is the same. The ultimate feeling is like chao water, but it will not fade away quickly, which will make her body extremely sensitive.

"Next time I must look at you with a very ferocious look." An Nanxiu grabbed Li Dao ’s hair, his body trembling softly, but he didn't open his nasty hand, but bit his stubborn lips.

"Next time? Doesn't someone say that there is no next time?" Hearing Anna ’s rare leaks, Lee could not help but smile, and continued to shake her body. Her soft and slender body was unexpectedly like a plump woman. Extremely watery texture, able to withstand his impact again without the need for long preparations again.

Li Rong somewhat understands that An Nanxiu's physique is weaker than that in Tianyun Divine Realm. The relative is only weak in carrying divine magic, vitality and jing divine power. However, compared with ordinary people, her body still has stronger recovery and adaptability. ability.

The small Annan Soo, a head shorter than her scepter, stood in the snowy field and faced the fierce monster. Such a scene appeared in the mind of Annan So, she tried to recall those monsters. Eyes, however, to show it to Lee.

It was just that her powerful jing divine power didn't work at all at this time. Those hot and soft feelings came, leaving her with no way to do it. She glared hard, but her eyes were hazy because of the water mist in her eyes. The gasp leaked from the corner of his mouth was even more "ferocious" and lacking.

"Lee route!"

Suddenly, Annan Soo opened her eyes and looked at Li Dao, who was trying to keep her from being cruel.

"Don't make trouble ..." Li Rong coaxed her, thinking he was her fierce expression.

"You ... you ... you ... stop ..." Anna Nanxiu demanded hardly, "I look like ... my heart ..."



Princess Xiu has fallen, how long can Mr. Li's fortress persist.

Congratulations on getting rich, red envelopes are brought, New Year's benefits, Xia Hua needs encouragement, red envelopes don't care much, care about the mind.

The most important thing is that everyone be diligent. At least a few words are typed on the red envelope greeting card. You can see sentence after sentence of blessings coming out, which is really an extremely pleasant thing for Xia Hua.

I like this feeling, so I hope everyone can give it, just like everyone likes show princess, and I hope it can be pushed to her, so Xia Hua helps everyone to fulfill their wishes.

Tomorrow, congratulations to the New Year ... Naturally there is an update.