Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 19: Count the harvest

After returning to the Wanjie grocery store, a systematic voice appeared in his mind.

——The introduction of other world technologies has brought an unpredictable evolutionary direction for the development of the world of plants vs. zombies. Get 3 offset points.

Why are there so few? Ryan frowned. This technical exchange is likely to change the direction of the development of a fifth-level world. Only 3 points are offset, which is somewhat too small.

Fortunately, as Ryan's strength increased, the system gave more information than the original on the bulletin board.

After reading it, Ryan knew that the rewards now given are only phased, just the world deviation caused by Dave, the luck son of that world. When you go to the world next time, you will calculate the offset point again for the changes that occurred in that world.

Is actually a long-term task, but a long stream is also a good way. Now that Ryan has an offset of 25 points, next time you can find a world that may reap greater risks for adventure.

In addition to the most important offset point, it also harvested a greenhouse farm, which made the planting base owned by Lane upgraded to a small planting base (farm) + micro base (yard). It is just possible to plant the new plant this time without having to eradicate the original plant to make room for the new plant.

The two rows of plants on the shelf behind the counter are a good example of this harvest.

The rows below are very full, except for the original Sunflower Sunflower, Pea Shooter and Sunshine Mushroom. Seven common plants harvested this time were also placed. They are:

Nut wall, burst pea shooter, cherry bomb, tombstone moss, lantern grass, piranha, water lily

Although they are the most basic plant varieties, but at least let Ryan have a plant army that can cope with most of the environment.

In addition to these common varieties, there are three pots of advanced plants on the shelf above, including dragon grass, twin sunflowers and machine gun peas.

Of these plants, ordinary plants still produce ten per week, while advanced varieties can only produce two per week.

On the cabinet on the side of the counter, in addition to the original golden book, "Winter House Industrial Manual". Now there is another black book, "Crazy Dave's Novice Plant Cultivation Guide."

Looking at the two books, Ryan decided to study it. When he concentrated on the two books, he found that the two books needed different prices to learn quickly.

"Winter House Industry Manual" thoroughly learned that one offset point is needed, because it is just an ordinary mechanical book with only a little science fiction, and the cost of learning is very small. The "Crazy Dave's Novice Plant Cultivation Guide" is a guide for the cultivation of extraordinary plants. To learn, you must have 5 offset points.

Lean thought about it and finally decided to study the two books together. After all, mechanical knowledge is very useful in the face of many scenes, and extraordinary plant cultivation methods, think about the herbal medicine class in Hogwarts, you know that this is a knowledge directly linked to power.

The accumulated offset points are not used to improve one's own strength, or the offset points are clasped in the hand, but the result is that some tragic consequences occur due to lack of power. It is not too late to regret it. Therefore, it is the most stupid idea to only save the offset point.

Ryan sat on the only chair in the store, and then chose to instill knowledge, the offset points became 19 points.

At this time, a light appeared in each of the two books, and then connected with Ryan's head. Lion heard a lullaby begin to reverberate in his mind. In the lullaby, he slept slowly.

Ryan, who was asleep, seemed to have a dream, dreaming that he was beside a lake. And from the colorful clouds in the sky, two streams of water were injected into the lake, making a pleasant sound of ding ding dong dong.

Ryan felt half relaxed on the soft grass by the lake and looking up at the sky, very relaxed.

One of the two streams ended quickly, but the other took a long time to completely end.

As soon as the calm returned to the back, Ryan felt a suction on the top of his head, and then his eyes were dark. He woke up and found himself still sitting on the chair.

"How come there is no needle-like pain in the novel? Has the transmission not started yet?" He was a little puzzled, but he thought in his mind that he soon realized that he had memorized the knowledge in those two books. You can fully master it by practicing it.

"Yes, no one has ever said that the transmission of knowledge must be obtained after the brain has been tortured. It seems that I have been worrying about it before. But this is also good, otherwise every time the knowledge is transmitted, it will be as painful as the killing of pigs on the ground. Rolling around the ground is not a good thing. "After thinking about these things, Ryan began to carefully count the knowledge in his mind.

"Winter House Industrial Manual" brought Ryan a wealth of mechanical knowledge, but he had repaired bicycles at most before, so he could not see any improvement in his mastery of machinery.

But "Crazy Dave's Novice Plant Cultivation Guide" is different. In addition to understanding how the plants brought out of the plant vs. zombies should determine their status and how they need to be cultivated, they also learn from the herbal medicine lessons I learned at Hogwarts. Combine.

Lane was surprised to find that he had integrated the knowledge of the herbal medicine class he had previously learned. It seems that this book helps him more than he thought. UU reading

After roughly sorting out the data transmitted into the brain, he recalled the tension when the zombies swarmed, thinking in his mind: Sure enough, the pay is proportional to the harvest. However, the harvest is far more than the previous adventures to other worlds. Let us not talk about the last harvested things. The experience gained by using magic combat can be said to be very precious.

However, the crisis encountered this time was expected in advance, so the whole adventure process is also full of surprises. But after repeling the zombie attack, the zombie who was almost buried in the soil had a counter-killing experience. Also let Ryan know a risk point: when doing any action in the future, we must grasp the balance between safety and expected harvest, and do not pursue the ultimate harvest.

Finally, the gold equivalent of 1,000 gallons is harvested, although not particularly large. But think about Harry Potter risking a quarter of the mortality rate in the Triwizard Tournament, and busy with a full semester to earn this number, this gain can also be regarded as good.

After summarizing the harvest of this adventure in his heart, think about nothing to deal with. Ryan stood up and looked around the store with satisfaction. After looking at the first shelf filled with plants for a few seconds, he chose to return.

Lying back on the bed, Ryan found that the time was still only an hour later, which caused him somehow to feel the time confusion. After all, in the world of Plants vs. Zombies, he fought for a whole day. The first fight kept his spirit in a state of excitement.

It also made Ryan a little insomnia, but when he thought of going to class as usual tomorrow, he forced himself to close his eyes.

I don't know how long I turned in bed, Ryan finally fell asleep.