Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 2: Counted as a smooth first transaction

After a blue light flashed, Ryan appeared on the street of a small town with a schoolbag on his back. There were no people on the street and no zombies.

Lane looked at the town curiously, and various debris were placed on the road as barricades. In the middle of the town at the end of the road, you can clearly see a house with a yard, and there seems to be someone moving inside.

After checking the system, Ryan quickly knew that the house was the destination. In this case, Ryan took a deep breath, took out the engineer's shovel from his bag and held it in his hand, and walked towards the house with his legs.

There are a lot of roadblocks on the road, but it is obviously aimed at the zombies who are going straight. As an 11-year-old child, Lane easily passed through the gaps in the roadblock and continued to advance towards the house in the center of the town.

Near the barricade and even on the barricade, there were many zombies with separated heads. It seems that fighting has erupted here before. Fortunately, there are not many zombies that are scattered and not blocking the road. It only took a while for Ryan to get around them.

Just about ten meters away from Ryan's destination, he found that the gap between the two roadblocks of the last obstacle in front was blocked by a fallen zombie, while the other places seemed to go a long way.

Lane was just about to move forward to remove the zombie, and suddenly found that although the zombie only had the upper half, his head was still there.

In the game, zombies can only count if they turn their heads back. I think there is cold sweat behind Ryan. Fortunately, he was not cautious to move forward. The half zombies probably did not move in the second half, so stay here and wait for the rabbit. If you move up hurriedly, maybe your mind will become a breakfast of zombies.

Since he felt something was wrong, Ryan naturally had to be prepared. Fortunately, he had all the things he needed in his bag. He poured the windproof lighter oil on the bandage, and then he found a long wooden stick with a fork in front to wrap it up. After ignited. In the end he thrust the torch directly on the zombie's head.

Sure enough, the zombie was prepared to stand by and wait for the rabbit after being seriously injured. The zombies started to grab with his arms and tried to attack the person who injured him with the torch.

However, after leaning his head with a forked long wooden stick, Lion inserted the other end diagonally on the ground to form a solid triangle. It is obvious that this half-legged zombie with no legs has no ability to get rid of the flame and hurt Lion.

As time goes by, the flame gradually becomes smaller, and the amplitude of the zombie's swinging arm becomes smaller and smaller. Finally the flames disappeared and the zombies stopped moving.

Lane stabbed the zombie's head with a stick, and his head fell off suddenly, and then the whole body turned into black ashes. Ryan jumped in this situation, only to realize that the zombies burned in the game would be ashes.

This should be regarded as the first blame to kill, Ryan thought, unfortunately the system is not a monster upgrade class, zombies left nothing but a pile of ash.

Walked through the barricade, Ryan finally stood in front of the destination door. He raised his hand and rang the doorbell. He heard a sound from inside the house, as if a person stumbled and knocked down a lot of things.

The door opened, and a middle-aged man with an iron pot on his head stood at the door holding a baseball bat.

"Does the zombie press the doorbell, where is it, come out soon."

"Sir, I am human, and you need to look down."

The man looked down at Ryan, and Ryan also found that the man's eyes were different in size, revealing a mentally abnormal taste. This should be the plant cultivation scientist in the game, crazy Dave.

"Come in quickly, boy, the zombies have been hiding in secret to eat our brains." Dave reached out and pulled Lane into the door, then closed the door.

"I should have thought of humans long ago. After all, if there are zombies knocking on the door, my baby plants will not react unresponsively."

"Right." After Dave led Ryan to the living room and sat down, he began to ask: "Now the outside situation should not be suitable for a child to travel alone. Why are you showing up at my door?"

Lane is not very comfortable with this straight style. After thinking, he decided to tell the truth: "I am a store owner, I heard that you have magical plants here, so I want to trade with you."

"Although the reason sounds unreasonable, Dave's plants tell Dave that you are telling the truth." Dave sitting on the sofa replied while loosening the sunflower in a flower pot.

"However, my things are incredibly expensive, what do you use to buy things from me?"

Ryan reached into her bag and took out the tacos and hot sauce.

"I think these foods may be what you need, because I think this kind of bad situation should make it difficult for people to see some industrial processed foods. And I might go to many places in the future and meet many people, maybe I can find some. There is no plant in this world, we can help each other in the future. "

Dave grabbed the tacos and enchiladas quickly. "Gosh, enchiladas, enchiladas, I haven't seen them in a long time, since the **** zombies surrounded the town. UU reading books Unfortunately these are It fully meets my requirements, but it is better than the pea puree every day. "

"Okay, boy" Dave put down the items and looked at Ryan. "I admit that your goods make me a little touched, but you can only change these three kinds of basic plants for these things. This is a discount that I think you are the first outsider in such a long time and your future cooperation. Yes. Otherwise I will only give you a plant. "

"Then thank you, Uncle Dave." Ryan looked at the list of plants given by Dave and said, "I'm fine, please give me sunflowers, pea shooters and sunshine mushrooms."

After listening to Ryan's request, Dave took out three bags and a key and handed it to Ryan, saying, "Ah, you are a smart man, knowing that no matter how big the garden is, you must start with the most basic plants. This The key is from the neighbor's house. He did not listen to my advice and was eaten by the zombies. You can come over from there next time, so you don't have to run so many routes. "

Ryan just took these things, and the sound of the system came from his mind.


Owner, you have completed the first transaction task——

Obtain a miniature planting base (a yard of a neighbor ’s house), and provide up to ten plants of three kinds each week——

Free connection to the World of Plants vs. Zombies, the shuttle point of this world has been fixed, Dave ’s neighbors-

Can now return——

Ryan and Dave greeted each other, walked from the back door of Dave's yard to the yard next door, and then chose to return.

Dave saw a Ryan that disappeared after the blue light flashed through the door crack, and said in his mouth: "Sure enough, Dave now has a unique customer, maybe, the hope of ending the war with the zombie is on him. Okay. Well, Dave should go to prepare lunch. There are fresh tacos today, which is great. "