Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 22: Halloween Eve

During these days, Ryan kept busy learning various knowledge in order to strengthen his strength.

What delighted him most was that he found the correct use of the knowledge in the Winter House Industry Manual. As industrial knowledge, this book records quite a lot of various materials.

And these contents are obviously able to provide a lot of help for Ryan in the transformation course. As we all know, the three elements of Transfiguration are magic power, the understanding of magic itself, and the mastery of various material properties. And this knowledge about various materials can strengthen Ryan's grasp of various material properties. This also allowed Ryan to add a lot of points to Gryffindor in the Transfiguration Class.

Perhaps because it is too busy now-in addition to the homework of each subject, you also have to take time to practice the new knowledge gained from the Wanjie grocery store. ——So, when Ryan suddenly realized that he wrote a letter every Saturday and had written the ninth letter to his family, he felt incredible.

One morning, Ryan smelled the smell of roasted pumpkin in the castle. He knew it was Halloween.

(Does the monster seem to be out of the cage? Please pay attention in the last few days.) While desperately thinking about how to deal with the possible monster event, Lane walked to the Curse Classroom with the textbook.

Today Professor Flitwick looks very happy, probably because it is about to celebrate the festival, the festival atmosphere is getting stronger and stronger.

After class, the professor announced that he thought they could start flying objects. The students have been looking forward to try this skill since they saw Professor Flitwick flying Neville's toads around the classroom.

Flivi divided the whole class into two groups to start training. Harry's partner is Simofinigan. Ron wants to work with Hermione Granger.

Harry, you look happier, because Neville has always hoped to change with Simone. So Ryan stared at Harry a little depressed now. After all, no one likes his partner is a person who is easy to cause various accidents.

While Ron and Hermione Granger both looked annoyed, Hermione had not spoken to both of them since the day Harry's broom was delivered. I have to say that at most I couldn't get used to each other, but I usually nodded when I met them. And now both sides basically treat each other as air and completely ignore each other.

This situation also made Ryan and Hermione feel embarrassed when they met Harry or Ron when they returned to the common room after studying in the library.

"Okay, don't forget the delicate wrist movements we have been training!" Professor Flitwick stood on his pile of books as usual, screaming. "Shake it, remember, shake it. It's also important to read the incantation-don't forget Wizard Barufio, he said 'f' to 's' and found himself lying The floor. On the chest stands a bison. "

Magic cannot change food, but it can change bison. Could n’t the wizard make bison first and then make bison into roast beef? It seems that after the class, I asked Professor Flitwick. Ryan thought about taking out his wand and preparing to start practicing.

Because I practiced in private for a long time, Ryan let this feather fly in one go.

"Oh, look, Mr. Lane has succeeded. By the way, for the nice floating spell you took in your last flight class. I'm going to give Gryffindor five points." Professor Flivi shouted sharply .

In the time after, Ryan began to help Neville master the spell. In fact, as long as you don't panic and add a little confidence, Neville's magic level is not so bad. After reciting the mantra repeatedly and watching Ryan's demonstration empty-handed practice many times. Neville released the curse, although it only allowed the feathers to be less than one finger away from the table.

Under the premise of no correct learning method, most of the little wizards are still struggling in magic learning.

Harry and Simone fluttered, fluttered, and did it again and again, but the feathers that should be sent by them in the air were still lying on the table motionless. Finally, the anxious Simo poked the feather with his wand, and the feather screamed directly.

Fortunately, Harry's eyes quickly extinguished the small fire, but it also forced the students around to wave the wind to expel the burning smell of the feathers.

On the other side of the classroom, Ron's progress is not bad.

"Hugadim Leviosa!" He shouted loudly, waving his two long arms like a windmill.

"You're wrong," Ryan heard Hermione bluntly saying, "It's Yuja-Dim Levi-O-Sa, and the word 'ga' should be long and clear."-Hermione before Seeing that Ryan knows the spell, so I went to practice with Ryan in advance. Hermione had mastered the spell before the class.

"Since you are so clever, you come and try it," Ron growled.

Hermione rolled up her sleeves and waved her wand, saying, "Yu Gadim Leviosa!" Their feather rose from the table and floated four feet above their heads.

"Oh, well done!" Professor Flivi shouted with his hand pinched, "Look, everyone, Miss Granger has succeeded! This curse is not as difficult as you think. Be careful, you can too."

After class, Ryan ran to the podium to ask questions about the bison. Professor Flivi replied: "The Wizard Barufio did not make a bison out of thin air, he just summoned a bison from somewhere else. Gamp ’s law of transformation just said that food cannot be made out of thin air. But you can summon food that already exists elsewhere. "

After thanking Professor Flivi for his doubts, Ryan ran out of the classroom door.

The corridor is very crowded, the students in the class are blocked, and everyone can only move forward slowly.

Lane heard Ron's voice in front of her: "No wonder everyone can't stand her. To be honest, she is like a nightmare."

As soon as the words fell, Ryan saw a brown-haired girl walking down Ron and Harry holding her book and bumped into Harry.

The girl should be Hermione, but she looked down as if crying.

Ryan squeezed beside Harry and Ron, and heard Ron say to Harry: "She must have noticed that, except for Ryan who came with her, she has no new friends."

Lean shook his head, then patted the shoulders of the two.

"How come you suddenly popped out and scared me." Ron said.

"I think you are arranging a girl behind your back, it really lacks the spirit of gentleman." Ryan said.

Harry looked down, looking a little ashamed. Ron asked instead: "What is the spirit of a gentleman?"

Only then did Ryan think that magic has leveled the gap between men and women. So in the United Kingdom, the wizarding world is instead the place where gender is the most equal, which also leads to many common British customs not in the wizarding world, such as the gentleman spirit.

"Well, what I want to say is that the behind-the-scenes guys are always immoral, and I think you need to apologize to Hermione."

Harry and Ron nodded. Ryan heard Ron muttering, "You can apologize in your face. I'm really curious that you can tolerate a friend like Hermione?"

After that, the three went to the next class together.