Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 222: Analysis and layout

After talking about Buckbeak, Hagrid saw the cage in Ryan's hand and asked, "What's wrong with your mouse?"

"Oh, this is Ron's pet." Ryan said as he opened the cage and handed the spot to Hagrid. "This mouse feels much thinner than before and has a lot of energy. I recently used some methods to treat it. , But it only prevented the rapid deterioration of the condition of this rat, but there is still no way to cure it. Only the people I know know about these animals, so I want to find you a way. "

"Let me see." After talking about Hagrid's big hand, he took the spot. "It seems that he had suffered a lot of injuries before." Hai Ge said, stroking the spotted head and claws with his hand. It has been torn, and there is a missing paw in the front paw. "

"Oh, how old is this mouse?" Hagrid asked Ryan after the inspection.

"As far as I know, this is Percy's previous pet, it should be seven or eight years." Lane said uncertainly.

"Seven or eight years? What a miracle. You must know that this ordinary mouse can only live for three years in most cases. However, there are always exceptions to everything, maybe this mouse is the exception. But even if it live longer than normal mice. It should be the end of life now, so I personally suggest that you feed it something like absinthe. Although this is not good for mice, it will at least make it more comfortable for the last time. "Hagrid Finally concluded.

"Well, thank you." Ryan put the spot back in the cage again, and after discussing which case to use as the focus for a while, Ryan and Hermione quit and left Hagrid's hut.

When they returned to the common room, Hermione suddenly said to Lane: "You go up and put the cage first, I have something to tell you."

Ryan nodded and quickly put the cage back in the common room. He found Hermione sitting in a corner waiting for him.

As soon as he sat in the seat opposite Hermione, Hermione asked him: "What is Weasley's mouse?"

"How do you see it wrong?" Ryan asked.

"Others may think that what is wrapped in your cage is just an exotic decoration, but I have seen you use the beautiful little stones with strange runes carved in the temple to easily burn those zombies to ashes. For a terrible zombie, you only need one stone. I do n’t think it ’s a normal rat that needs to be wrapped around a dozen stones outside the cage. "

"Okay, you watched carefully. What I want to tell you is that I suspect that the mouse may be a wizard."

"What?" Hermione didn't control the volume, and several classmates in the common room turned to look at her. She quickly lowered the volume and asked: "Why do you think so?"

"In fact, it was just an accident." Ryan said what he had prefabricated. "You know I have some magic that I can't learn in school. I used a hypnotic magic for the soul when I got the spot on the first day, and it fell asleep directly."

"Hypnological magic makes it fall asleep, which is normal." Hermione said a little puzzled.

"But the problem is that it is aimed at the human soul. In theory, animals should not fall asleep," Ryan explained. "I have experimented with similar magic several times since then, and the final conclusion is that this mouse should be human."

Watching Hermione open her mouth in shock, Ryan paused and said. "Going to Hagrid today is even more certain that a normal mouse that is not a magical animal has lived for so long, which is not normal."

"So that mouse might be a wizard's change? Allowing you to live like a mouse for several years means that the wizard cannot disclose his identity. In this case, there is a high probability that criminals in the wizarding world will use this method. Hide yourself. God, what shall we do now? "Hermione said nervously.

"I even have a skeptical goal about who the mouse is, but I have to ask someone to be sure." Ryan looked at the common room after speaking, and then shouted to a tall red-haired boy: "Percy Senior, I have a question here for you. "

Percy soon ended the ongoing conversation and came over, "Hi, Ryan, Hermione, what are you doing here?"

"We are discussing a question. You know that Ron's mouse was treated here recently. We found some, um, unusual things." Lane replied.

"That mouse? It used to be my pet before. I can answer some questions for you." Percy said.

"It used to be your pet? That's great. I want to know when the pet arrived at your house? What did it look like when you first arrived at your house?"

"Well, that pet was first brought back by my father. It was first given to our big brother Bill, and then to me when I was in school. When I got a new owl, I gave it to my younger brother Ron. Counting it has been living in our house for twelve years. Oh my god, I have lived for so long ~ ~ I didn't notice it. "Percy also thought about this situation after careful recall A little shocked.

"As for the appearance of our house, my father picked up a mouse in the garden of our house that day. I remember clearly that this mouse has an ear injury and a missing paw in the front paw. Now I want to come Unexpectedly, this mouse, which looked like a wound, actually lived for so long. "Percy finally said.

Ryan and Hermione glanced at each other, and they both saw a surprise in each other's eyes. It's just that Hermione was really surprised and Ryan pretended.

Percy also found out that the situation was wrong from the expression of the two people, and asked: "What problem did you find on the spot?"

"This, the mouse in your family may be a human." Hermione said

"How is it possible?" Percy looked incredulous.

"This is true," Ryan said. "Because we were spotted when we went to Hagrid today, he told me that a normal house mouse like this has a normal life span of only three years."

"Then, that might also be that our mice live longer," Percy said in a shocked stammer.

"Longevity can be said to be normal for a year or two, but the quadruple life is a bit abnormal? According to human comparison, the age of the spotted spot is quite similar to that of the nicolle in mice, but it does not have magic stones and eternal potions." He Min added.

Percy's complexion began to look ugly. After all, normal people knew they were sleeping with a stranger for a few years and their complexion was not much better.

Ryan went on to say at this time: "And based on what Percy Senior just said, I already guessed who the mouse is."

"Who?" Percy and Hermione said in unison.

"Peter Pediru, the man who was supposed to have been killed by Sirius Black."