Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 229: Failed lawsuit

It was indeed a pleasant thing to spend a whole day in Hogsmeade, but this good mood did not last until the end of the day. As soon as she returned to the Gryffindor Tower to drop the package, Hermione received Hagrid's letter.

"Hagrid's letter? Ah, I remember. Today is the day when his eagle-headed winged beast went to London for trial. Perhaps this is the result of the trial." After speaking, Hermione opened the letter and placed it on the coffee table. Ryan looked together.

The parchment on which the letter was written was wet, and large teardrops blurred the ink on it, making it difficult to recognize in some places. Dear Hermione: We lost. Allow me to take it back to Hogwarts. The date of execution is yet to be decided. Buckbeak likes London. I will not forget all the help you gave us.

"Hagrid's bringing eagles, winged beasts and winged beasts into the third grade classroom is indeed not appropriate, but this teaching accident is not his unilateral fault. Especially Malfoy did not listen to the teaching and deliberately violated after Hagrid's explanation. The rule should be the main fault. How can I put the error all over Buckbeak? So Buckbeak should not be executed. "Hermione said after quickly scanning the letter.

"Malfoy's dad can basically control the committee, and he will do whatever he wants them to do," Lane replied. "You know that he is a very powerful person in the magic world. The committee is a completely marginalized guy in the Ministry of Magic. How could it be possible for them to turn their heads because of an eagle-headed horse with winged beasts? Although they can still appeal, I think it is passed Litigation is basically impossible to solve the problem. "

"So what should we do?" Hermione's tone sounded helpless. After all, it's always a very bad thing to watch an innocent life pass away but powerless.

"I think we can use something less legal. Ryan said in a low voice." As far as I know, the final judgment after appealing according to the procedures of the Ministry of Magic will come directly to the school. My brother ’s place is very close to the Forbidden Forest. We can ask Wolfe to help us find some friends. Once the verdict is finalized, we ask his friends to let Buckbeak go. "

"Doesn't this affect Wolff?" Hermione was a little happy at the beginning, but quickly worried. "We shouldn't involve our friends because of our business"

"This, I can ask." Ryan patted her back with comfort. "If you can, please ask him for help. If not, we will think of other ways."

After making an appointment with Wolfe in the Emerald Dream that night, the next day at noon between the classroom and Hermione met Wolf from the forest.

"Thank you for the beef-flavored sandwich candy." Wolfe said as he ate the gift that Lane bought for him at the Duke of Honey. "By the way, are you here for me?"

"That's it. A hawk-headed horse with winged beast called Buckbeak may be innocently killed. I just want to ask if you can find a helper to save it?" Hermione asked quickly beside.

"Where will they kill the poor animal? We can't do anything if it is too far away." It seems that Wolfe also attached great importance to this matter, and he quickly stopped chewing and asked seriously.

"Just beside the forbidden forest, Hagrid's hut." Lane replied.

"Then it's okay, I know many friends from the Ma people. Then I just need to mobilize them."

"Doesn't this pose a danger to you?" Hermione asked with some concern.

"No, you can rest assured. Those humans can't kill the unicorns. Last time Ryan helped the unicorn a lot, plus this time again to save an innocent life, I think the unicorn We should be very willing to shoot. "Wolfe nodded.

"Thank you! Thank you!" Ryan and the two thanked quickly and excitedly, because they knew that unicorns were very shy and magical animals, and in this case they were willing to help out beyond their expectations.

"Then we will wait for a while and wait for the specific circumstances to be determined in detail," Wolff finally concluded.

Because of this good news, Ryan and Hermione went to Hagrid Lodge after dinner to ask about the trial. Of course, given that Hagrid is a temperamental person, they decided to keep their action plan confidential.

Knocked on the door of the cabin, and after a while Hagrid opened the door sadly. "Oh, you two. Come in and sit down."

After bringing tea and snacks for the two, Hagrid was helplessly stuck in the sofa. "It's all my fault this time. You can't talk with your tongue open. They all sit darkly in black robes. I have missed something in the few cases you checked with me, Hermione. Start Someone sitting there nodded slightly. Later, Lucius Malfoy stood up and spoke, and the committee did exactly what he asked for ... "

Speaking of which, Hagrid buried his face in his handkerchief and wept. Ryan quickly stepped forward and patted his arm to comfort him. "Don't you say there is another chance to appeal? We still have a chance."

"Nope ~ ~ Really no." Hagrid sniffed his nose loudly. "I knew at the court hearing today that the committee was completely ordered by Lucius Malfoy. So I can only guarantee that Bick will live the happiest days of his life before he dies. After all, this is what I owe it ..."

"It seems that the situation is very serious now, and we can only save Buckbuck by means other than litigation." After coming out of Hagrid, Hermione said to Lane on the road.

"I remember that you used to follow the rules the most. How can you use it this time, um-outside the rules?" Ryan asked in a playful tone.

"But the problem is that Malfoy doesn't intend to follow the rules. In this case, to save an innocent life, it's okay to take some non-rule means." Hermione said solemnly.

It seems that after going through so many things, everyone will change.

After returning to the tower, they had planned to tell Harry the contents of the interrogation. After all, when they were studying in Brazil, Harry and Ron first proposed to help Hagrid.

But looking around in the tower did not find the figure of Harry, but in desperation they could only take the textbooks and materials to the library to study.

It wasn't until the next morning when I saw breakfast that I saw Ryan, who had watched the Prophet Daily. Sirius appeared on the streets of Hogsmeade at dinner yesterday afternoon, insisting on supporting his body before being sent to the St. Mungo ’s Hospital of Magical Injuries, asking the villagers to inform the school to let him and his godson Harry Potter See the previous side.

He finally fainted out of energy, and Harry was accompanied by Professor McGonagall to St. Mungo to visit his godfather.

At least this is much better than the original story development, Ryan thought after reading the content of the newspaper.