Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 230: Quidditch Final

After returning from St. Mungo, Harry found a time to express his gratitude to Percy and Ryan, and conveyed Sirius' invitation to them to play at his house during the summer vacation.

Sirius's home? Thinking of Ryan's lack of interest here, after all, the big house of Black's house with Voldemort's Horcrux is not a home in Sirius' eyes. It is estimated that this is his residence after he was kicked out.

Time passed quickly, Sirius's things fell behind, and soon time came to Easter. But the Easter holiday was not as easy as expected. The number of homework assignments of the third grade students once again broke the record. Neville Longbottom seems to be about to collapse, and he is not the only one.

"This is also called a holiday!" One afternoon, Simonofinigan shouted in the common room. "The exam is still far away. What are they doing?"

Simo's gaffe roar was echoed by many other students in the common room. It ’s just that Ryan, who is doing her homework while leaning on the window while sunbathing, does n’t feel so bad. On the one hand, the amount of these homework ca n’t be compared with the previous year ’s senior high school questions. Even a small exam every three days, a big exam every week, January Not at all. On the other hand, after three months of rest, his meridians finally recovered. And it's tougher than before.

Because the professors have arranged more homework than ever before, Ryan's reading meeting has become a concentrated discussion on the difficulty of homework in these meetings. Fortunately, the assignments given by the professor to each college are the same, so there are not as many difficulties to discuss as imagined.

And it is also because of this concentrated discussion by everyone that the wisdom of all people is used to solve problems, so that this small organization has initially stabilized. After all, it is a great thing for all participants to help others and improve their level by receiving help from others.

In addition, Ryan has made a new breakthrough in the knowledge given by Ning Fu, which is directly reflected in Professor McGonagall ’s recent course on turning things into animals. The two took it.

"I think you have fully reached the OWL level in turning various things into animals. As long as you can maintain this state, my NEWT improvement class will welcome you to come." After the end of the day, Mai Professor Ge smiled to Ryan and Hermione.

Probably because the dementor's departure made the little wizards lively, and the final Quidditch final is about to be held. Recently, the smell of gunpowder in public has become stronger.

After the Easter holiday, the tension between the two teams and the two houses has reached a point where they are about to touch. There were some minor incidents in the corridor, which eventually turned into a vicious incident. As a result, a Gryffindor fourth-grade student and a Slytherin sixth-grader were both admitted to the school hospital, and their ears went out Take the leek.

Especially for Harry, who is a key player in the team, there are always Slytherins who try to attack him. The Slytherins also did not take care of pedestrians around when they attacked, especially when most of the pedestrians were Gryffindor students.

"There are many obstacles." Ryan struck an obstacle curse and tried to attack Harry with a curse. He almost hit his Slytherin student, and then asked Ron next to him a little depressed.

"Doesn't it mean that pure blood has inherited for hundreds of years? Can't they show the heritage passed down through hundreds of years to compete fairly once?"

"I swear that our Weasley family must compete fairly in this kind of competition, but those snakes whose generation is Slytherin are hard to say." Ron said after blocking another curse.

While he had settled all the attackers and went around Harry to the next classroom, Lane had been thinking about one thing. In Quidditch games, the most common competition, Slytherin can range from a player ’s intentional foul to a robe to pretend to be a dementor to frighten people until they recently attacked members of the opposing team before the game. It can be said to be able to try all the outsiders.

From this point, it can be seen that the students of Slytherin do have a problem with the overall morality. At least from the perspective of normal people, this kind of theory should be a fair competition game without any means to achieve the goal. Not to mention nobleness and elegance, but closer to the level of those savages on the streets.

So why are there so many touts of noble content in Slytherin College in the previous life? Ryan continued to think about the problem until he entered the next classroom, until the class bell interrupted his thinking.

But Ryan drew a conclusion from the known information: at least from the current situation. To say that the spiritually noble Weasley family was despised by most of their previous lives, the Weasley family is more like the Malfoy family with hundreds of years of heritage.

In such confusion, the time is up to the last day before the game. All daily activities in the Gryffindor House common room ceased. Even Hermione, who was always studying with a book, put down the book.

In the common room, it can be seen that every team member is very nervous, even the optimistic Weasley brothers speak louder and more exaggeratedly than usual to relieve stress. Soon under the command of Captain Wood, the team members went to bed collectively.

"Do you think we can win?" Hermione whispered next to her. ~ Although she didn't like Quidditch very much, she was very concerned about the honor of the college.

"Surely you can win," Ryan replied confidently. "Think of our make-up lessons for Harry these months. Every time he came, he looked tired, but he still gritted his teeth. This perseverance plus How could his talent fail. "

After comforting Hermione, Ryan learned for a while before going to bed. Early the next morning he went to the restaurant for dinner early, and the Gryffindor team members who had just sat down also arrived.

When the Gryffindor team entered the auditorium, there was a warm applause. Even the people on the table at Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff applauded them. Only Slytherin's table had booed loudly.

No wonder the pure blood is getting worse and worse. This open and unabashed hostility makes Lane feel that they are not even qualified as villains. One of the really powerful villains has shown hostility so obvious at first, just look at the applause of Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff just now to know how bad Slytherin is doing. The villain with such a bad connection in history has at most been a terrorist, and it's basically impossible to go further.

After dinner, everyone went to the Quidditch Stadium collectively. Sure enough, this game became the dirtiest ball game Ryan had ever seen, and the Slytherin team showed a lot of intentional fouls.

But it may be because Harry has a real loved one and his status has improved, plus he has the best broom fire crossbow arrows in the game. So in the Gryffindor team 70 to 10, Harry successfully caught the Golden Snitch and won.

When Dumbledore presented the trophy to the Gryffindor team, the audience got a blast. All the scarlet crowds who supported them cheered ecstatically to celebrate Gryffindor's two consecutive championships.