Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 246: Overturned lane

"Does this mean that this kind of thing can't be sold in the joke shop?" Ryan was frustrated. After all, he needed Jin Jialong to purchase raw materials. If he does not sell things for money through this channel, he can only go to the pawnshop, but in this way he will lose money.

"Of course not." Fred waved his arm hard, how could he give up this lucrative industry. "This level of alchemy products just happens to be a high-end product in our joke store. By the way, Lion. How about your output of these alchemy products?"

"I can make one product of this grade a week. If I work overtime, I can do three in two weeks." Ryan did not dare to expose the fact that he could actually make one in 40 minutes. But this speed also surprised Fred.

"One week is enough. The high-end products of this kind of joke store can't be sold too much. Just heard you say this kind of product, can you still make other grades?"

"There's something more advanced." Ryan finished rolling his sleeves to reveal a fine silver bracelet on his wrist, inlaid with seven pinball-sized pale gold stones.

"What is this?" Fred looked at the fine jewelry with some curiosity. He felt a faint light power from inside, which made him feel warm.

"It's been my hard work for more than a month." Ryan said in a show of tone. "It can neutralize the negative energy in the surrounding environment and have a weak amplification effect on some white magic related to life and light."

The core of the bracelet is mainly the seven golden gemstones above. Each gemstone is smelted together by a thousand crystals of sunlight through alchemy. These sunlight crystals form a stable energy polymer after they have gathered enough quantity. This aggregate is Lion's only magic crystal that can be obtained in bulk. Unfortunately, this crystal has attributes and is not suitable for all magic props.

"Forget it, just give me a few bracelets." Fred shrugged. "This magic item with a price of at least five hundred gallons is not suitable for sale in our store."

Ryan pulled out two copper bracelets from the waist bag. "Okay, these things are placed here for consignment, hoping to fight the reputation of our store."

"Enough is enough. Three of these things can be sold for a while. But I suggest you to prepare more. When we go to the Quidditch World Cup, it is estimated that many people will buy our things."

There was a sound of the door opening downstairs, and soon George came up with a large bag.

"Ryan, why are you free to Diagon Alley today?" George asked aside.

"Bring me something newly developed and let you see if it can be used as a new product in our store. By the way, buy some more raw materials."

"New product, what's going on?" As soon as George asked this question, Fred pulled him aside and explained quickly.

"This is the case, then you can go to the potions and raw materials stores on the street for what you need. There are some more precious raw materials in Gu Ling Pavilion. You can go to the balance auction house behind the Gu Ling Pavilion Bought. "George was very enthusiastic to introduce Lane to the various shops selling alchemical raw materials in Diagon Alley.

"There is an auction house on Diagon Alley. Why have I never heard of it?" Lane asked puzzled.

"After all, students generally don't have an intersection with the auction house, anyway, we can't afford the things inside, so we just heard our father say something about the auction house."

"By the way, if you have anything you still can't find, you can write a list to us, we will help you to find the upturned lane." Fred added finally.

After saying goodbye to the Weasley brothers, Lane first went around Diagon Alley to purchase most of the basic alchemical materials needed. But he could not find several materials in Diagon Alley. After all, there are some things in the alchemy raw materials he needs that are not really fair things.

"Now I am missing a mummy powder and a vampire's blood. It seems that I must go upside down Alley." Thinking of this, Ryan found a corner in Diagon Alley and drank it after releasing a magnifying spell on his clothes. Take the compound soup with you.

The compound decoction seized in Brazil last time was enough for two hours. When he came out this time, he took half. The hair inside was also pulled out by a middle-aged male of Southern European descent on the way home from the train station that day.

The compound decoction tastes like boiled cabbage, and when swallowed quickly, the mud-like medicine appears to come alive in the stomach. After all the potions entered the stomach, a burning sensation came again and quickly spread to the whole body. Ryan felt that the whole body was about to melt. Soon he found that he was growing up quickly, and before that he was wearing loose clothes because of the magnifying spell. When all discomfort ceased, he had become a middle-aged man with a public face.

"This kind of feeling is really wonderful, but I hope I don't need to drink it again." Ryan shook his head to change the color and style of his robe, then lowered his head and turned out of the space bag. The large cylinder was hung diagonally with a rope on the shoulder and smoothly put on the hood of the robe ~ ~ Then Shi Shiran walked into the tipping alley.

Overturning Alley is a dirty alley, and the sides seem to be full of dark magic shops. Through the dirty window, brown poisonous spiders and shrunken human heads can be seen. The wizards who wandered the streets also looked like good people. Some people openly sold some anti-toxic herbs or some strange silver products.

"How can I look like a dark wizard who often visits such places, anxious, online, etc." Ryan encountered a big problem when he walked into Knock Down Alley, that is, he didn't know how a dark wizard dealt with people, I don't know what these stores sell. After a short thought, Ryan decided to go to the Burkin Bock shop because he only knew about it.

The Perkinbock store is the largest store in Upturned Alley. Ryan easily found the store. On both sides of the door were boxes filled with skulls and bottles.

As soon as the door was opened, the bell on the door rang and Lane went straight to the counter. A hunched man appeared behind the counter, stroking the shiny hair with his hands backwards.

"Welcome, may I ask you?" Mr. Bo Jin asked with a tone as smooth as his hair.

"You don't need to know this." Ryan spoke in the English with a strong Spanish accent, imitating the assassin's memory heritage, and at the same time released some breath of death in the magic of life. "I'm just buying something here and selling something, after all, I don't have much cash on me."

"Well, what do you want to sell?" Possibly because of the deterrent of death, Mr. Bo Jin quickly stopped and tried to solemnly ask.

"How much do you see for this?" Ryan finished putting the cloth bag on his shoulders on the counter, and then pulled off the cloth on the top.