Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 281: get together

Dragon blood is indeed a good thing. After getting the dragon blood, Ryan made a special trip to take away the world with extraordinary power that he mastered, and exchanged dragon blood for a lot of benefits.

For example, I got a lot of high-quality alchemy raw materials from Teacher Luo Zhen, got several good instruments from Jiu Shu, and finally exchanged the destruction mushrooms and frozen mushrooms he just got from Dave. In short, this bottle of dragon blood is a reward for him, and it also provides a sufficient basis for his next alchemy research.

Just when he was addicted to various new knowledge learning, the weekend book club gathering began. Today's book club has two new faces because of previous recruits: Ravenclaw's freshmen Mein and Celia.

"Why are our newcomers so few?" Ryan asked Hermione standing beside him curiously.

"No way. What we need is people who love learning, love knowledge, and have tolerance and a certain tendency to collectivism. There are not many such people. After all, when we choose members, we always prefer not to hire people or absolutely not. Those who make up the number, otherwise if you let go of recruiting, your admirer will be able to fill this classroom this year. "

"You are right, you should rather lack it." Ryan nodded and applauded.

Soon everyone started the daily question-solving activities of the book club. As the new students Mein and Celia quickly adapted to the atmosphere here with the help of everyone, Lane found that their current performance is no different from the old members.

Is just different from usual. Not long ago, because Ryan wanted to play, everyone could bear his curiosity and did not ask Ryan too much during free question time. And now the first game is over, and the second game is still two months away. In this case, everyone started to ask Ryan for something they had always wanted to ask before.

In order to prevent everyone from arguing and arguing, Ryan asks everyone who wants to ask questions to write down their most wanted questions on a note, and then he will give a unified answer. Soon, a note was delivered to his hand. Lane looked at it and walked behind the podium in front of their activity classroom to start answering them one by one.

"I see most people are asking me how I passed that age line, and what means I used to defeat the dragon in the game. In fact, I can answer these two questions together, that is alchemy. I Using alchemy to achieve these goals. "

"But I have never seen alchemy in Hogwarts' timetable." Justin asked aloud. "So what should we do if we want to learn?"

"First, Hogwarts has alchemy." Ryan explained, "But this course is only offered in the sixth grade, and it requires the ancient magic texts in the fifth grade .s exam, divination, transformation and After obtaining O in all four courses of potions, you will apply to the school before the school will open the alchemy course. "

"Gosh!" "How is this possible." "I think only the boss and the elder sister can do it here." There was a sparse argument from the bottom. Ryan quickly pressed his hands down to signal everyone's quietness, and then said: " Second, I would like everyone to share the secrets of alchemy, but those who are interested in learning this subject must be recognized by me at the level of four courses including ancient magic.

"Why do you want to do this? Can't you learn directly?" Fred asked.

"I'm sorry, I can't." Ryan said firmly: "Because once the alchemy foundation is not strong, the harm will be very great, and it may threaten everyone's life. In this way, I will show you that you should know . "

After finishing, Ryan took out two similar pieces of wood from a pile of worn furniture in the corner of the classroom, then took out a bottle of pre-provisioned magic potion from his arms and began to write and paint on it. Everyone in the classroom was also attracted to this.

Ten minutes later, the two woods were covered with runes. Ryan pulled out two identical table tennis-sized crystal **** from his arms and set them on top of the two more woods. Then he put the two sticks on the podium and said, "Now, you come and check that these two sticks have What's different. "

The following members of the reading club began to go on stage to check the two wooden sticks, but they could not see anything. After the inspection, George said, "Don't tease us, I just saw that you used the same technique to make these two wooden sticks. The raw materials are the same, the same technique, even if I hold it in my hand, I can feel them both The magic that comes out is similar. So I think they should be the same. "

"Really?" Ryan asked the audience: "Do you think so too?"

As a result, most people nodded. Ryan saw the corner of his mouth slightly rising, and then said, "So Neville, please come and help me."

Navi walked up a little shyly, and Ryan asked him to pick up the two wooden sticks on the stage. Then he said: "Throw the two wooden sticks on the ground."

"Ah?" Neville opened his mouth in surprise. But he quickly acted according to words. When two wooden sticks landed at the same time, one of them made a sound of metal collision on the ground, and bounced twice. And the other one fell to the ground like glass and broke into small pieces.

"What's going on." Fred's shouts echoed everyone's heart. After all, everyone just saw that Ryan did exactly the same thing on these two sticks.

"That ’s what I said about alchemy needs enough foundation. The two wooden sticks look similar, but there are actually differences. And in the process of drawing, there are small differences in many runes on the two wooden sticks, but you If you are not familiar with ancient runes and arithmetic divination, you will not see the difference here. "

After talking, Ryan picked up the fragment on the broken wooden stick and explained it on the same place on the other intact wooden stick, "You see, the angle of this rune is greater than the one on the other ~ www. ~ Because of the difference in the surrounding wood texture, there are differences in the calculation factors of the spell allocation, and at the same time, the third formula of magic balance in Jabir? Ibn? Hayan in the "Balance Book"-"

Speaking of what he was good at, Ryan began to gushed on the stage and kept talking for seven or eight minutes before finally summing up.

"--In this case, even if it doesn't feel much different, it can still produce completely different effects. Well, my commentary is here, do you understand?" Ryan glanced at the platform this time Next, it was found that the people underneath were either as straight as Hermione, with straight eyes and a confused face. Or, just like Neville, he was so sleepy that he couldn't listen at all.

"Okay Ryan, we know the importance of foundation." Zhang Qiu stood up at this time and said. "You are right, alchemy is indeed not what we can learn at the present level. At this stage, in addition to the knowledge in the textbooks, we still understand the ancient magic words to make sense."

"It's true." "Yeah." "Sure enough, we were a little arrogant because we learned something before." Everyone's voice came from below.

After the meeting, everyone was learning the textbook knowledge or some new runes, and no one proposed to learn alchemy anymore.

"It seems that this time let everyone understand that the beginning of learning knowledge is to have a humble heart in front of knowledge. So it seems that this party is still very meaningful." Lane and Gryffindor after the party ended The student thought with joy when he returned to the tower.

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