Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 283: Caohai

"Mr. Crouch has been working in the Ministry of Magic for two weeks. He was sent to St. Munger's Hospital because he was exhausted in the office. He is now taken care of by his house elf. Minister Fudge went to St. Munger's Hospital to give his condolences. A small box at the bottom of the fourth edition of the "Prophet Daily" the next morning marked the news.

"It seems that Mr. Crouch is unlikely to be controlled by the Soul Charm." Ryan looked at the newspaper and poured milk into his mouth. "After all, as an official of the Ministry of Magic, there will definitely be a lot of examinations in the hospital. The Soul Capturer cannot be concealed from the therapist of Saint Munger."

"But he let the house elf follow him on behalf of his son Batik Crouch, who had escaped. Only in this case did he not need the house elf to stay at home. The problem is that now Batik Crouch where is it?"

This made Ryan think about this problem all day long. He didn't leave these things behind when he went to the Wanjie grocery store at night. After all, thinking about other things when taking risks is not conducive to safety.

Given that the first game is over and there is still a long time to go before the second game. So Ryan decided to take this opportunity to take a risk in finding a new world.

"Brother, where are we going this time?" After watching Ryan exchange supplies to several worlds, Rose Crystal sat happily on his shoulder and asked. After all, she also wants to see more interesting places.

"I don't know, but I think the world we are going to must be very interesting." After that, Ryan injected a 32-point offset point into the space gate and opened a portal to the sixth-level world. After all, he just sorted out all his knowledge recently, and now he wants to find a similar world to verify his level.

Half an hour later, Ryan sat cross-legged on a small dirt slope, surrounded by a vast sea of ​​grass, and the wild grass wind of one person tall was blowing like a sea wave. Rose Crystal asked Ryan in a tone without any ups and downs: "Is this the interesting world my brother said? But I really don't think this grassland means anything."

"Sorry, actually I don't know where it is now, let alone find interesting places. I think I need more time to find them." Ryan also looked bitter. After walking for half an hour, I saw nothing but grass. If I had prepared insect repellent before, I would have been covered by those insects. And until now he hasn't figured out which world this is, because he saw nothing but grass or grass in this half an hour.

"Why did I forget this?" Ryan suddenly touched something when he reached into the space bag to find water, and realized it only after taking it out.

In his hand is a silver-white dove made of metal, which can be used for investigation. It was just because I was too excited after arriving in the new world, so I forgot this baby.

After inputting the magic power, Ryan let the pigeon start a spiral flight with the center of himself now, and soon found that there was a big river like a silver belt in the distance, and there seemed to be traces of human inhabitation on the upper stream. The most important thing is that this mechanical pigeon has been flying for such a long time and has not seen any animals that can threaten people by flying or using magic.

Soon, Ryan took the rose crystal on a flying broom and flew up. This broom was ordered by mail after school this semester. In view of his poor level of riding a broom, he bought a cornflower broom. The speed is not very fast, neither acceleration nor maneuverability. But it's cheap enough, and it's enough to hurry, and it's especially suitable for a two-knife rider like Lane.

Although Rose Crystal can fly, she enjoys the feeling of holding him behind her brother. The broom carrying two people swept over the sea of ​​grass at a low altitude of more than ten meters, leaving a rose crystal happy laugh.

Flying up the river for half an hour, Lane could see the town from afar. It's just that the town is now in a war. A group of people in leather or shirtless are riding horses to attack the city, and the town side can only defend with a thin and low wooden wall. If nothing unexpected happens, the town will fall within an hour.

"Well, now I have to find a way to find someone to ask about the situation. It must be stupid to join in the war rashly." Thinking that Ryan began to surround the battlefield looking for people to place orders. After a while, he saw three horsemen chasing a child in the sky. Soon the child fell down, and the three chasers pulled their heads with their whips and pulled them away.

"I'll come, my elder brother." Rose Crystal, who communicated with Lin's heart, knew what he was going to do, so he took the initiative to take the task. She floated directly from the broom and waved her hand. A bunch of crystal thorns flew past and directly pierced the limbs of the three chasers and nailed them to the ground.

When Ryan landed on the ground, he found that the chased child appeared to be a girl of only eleven or twelve years old. I didn't know that the child was comatose at this time because of fatigue or the previous beating. After examination, he found that the girl's feet were bloody. It seemed that she had just tried her best to get here.

Lean figured out a therapeutic agent and applied it directly to her. After the effect was effective, he pulled out his wand and read "quick recovery." Soon the girl's eyelids fluttered, and then opened her eyes.

"Can you tell me what happened? Why did you run away?" Although it was a bit cruel for a little girl who had just escaped to death, Ryan could only do so in order to obtain further information.

Fortunately, although the girl in front of me was stumbling in English ~ ~ but it was understandable anyway. In her sobbing narration, Ryan finally figured out what was going on.

These people riding horses are called Doslak, and their custom is to rob the peoples around them. The girl is a Razarin. They are similar to the Doslak people but live on farming and grazing. They are a peace-loving people. However, they are often robbed by the Doslavs in the north and the slave owners in the west.

The girl in front of Ryan is the daughter of the mayor of the small town of Lazarin, so she speaks English, which is called the common language. The Dothraki killed her parents, and when she was about to violently attack her, a man stabbed him with a hidden dagger and ran out. The three people who chased her actually tortured her like a cat play mouse. Fortunately, she was lucky, and they were rescued by Ryan at the last minute.

Ryan can perceive that all she said is true, so she gave her some food and water and asked: "Yes, what is your name?"

"La Pagoda." The girl replied.

"Very good, La Pagoda." Lane told the girl: "We are going to save the town in front, are you waiting here?"

"Sir, there are three or four hundred robbers. You only have two of them, but you can't beat them." Listening to Ryan's instructions, Lata stood up anxiously and advised.

"Relax, we will come back soon." After finishing, Ryan killed the three scum nailed to the ground one by one, and then stepped on the broom and rose crystal and flew to the town under siege.

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