Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 299: Pure and mixed blood

The week before Christmas, a happy atmosphere permeated the whole school. In this case, the Weasley twins' joke product ordering business has made great progress. Every day, many owls bring them a large number of purchase orders.

"We now hire two hemp seed wizards as employees, so that we can take care of both school and business." Fred said to Ryan next to him while writing a purchase order in the common room. "When we hired people, we learned that most shops on Diagon Alley even secretly claimed that they did not need hemp wizards, but according to our observations, there is no difference between hemp wizards and pure-blood wizards in this kind of work."

"Yes, we wrote this to my father. My father told us that it was a disgusting act of discrimination. As his son, he would never allow us to do so." George, who checked the list next to him, said.

"Our father believes that the real noble place of pure-blooded wizards is the strong magic level and noble qualities. The kind of guy who has a family heritage but can't compare with the unsuccessful hemp seed wizards at the level of magic and treat people. It ’s too bad to rely on family status and lineage to find a good position when looking for a job. If this continues, the magic world will sooner or later. For example, he thinks that the old Crabbe and Goyle who are now in the Ministry of Magic are The two rice buckets, apart from not wasting food at the banquet, there is nothing commendable. "

"Of course, we feel that my father is a little radical, and there are talents in those pure-blood families. But my father is right in the general direction. The pure-blood family takes advantage of it but does not leave any mixed-blood and hemp wizards up. The practice of channels is terrible. Especially when Hogwarts has cultivated more and more excellent hemp seeds and hybrids in these decades. "

"So in the future, our store will give priority to character and ability in recruiting people. After all, this approach is better than recruiting people based on pedigree, and this is also in line with the development trend of the world. Besides, those pure blood also look at Not like our little shop. "

It seems that the pure-blood wizards are not unresponsive to changes in the world, but only those who are determined to follow the trend of the times are only a group of marginalized wizards like the Weasley family. The pure blood that dominates the magic world only hopes to maintain this situation.

Ryan suddenly thought of a thing at this time: Voldemort was just a mixed-blood orphan, and each pure-blood family would not be fooled by a simple Slytherin descendant. After all, if the Slytherin descendant is really great in pure blood In terms of majesty, the Gunter family is not so miserable.

Now I think it should be that the pure blood of those rulers of the European magic world just used Voldemort as a pretext. After all, after Grindelwald failed, the Ministry of Magic of various countries relaxed the restrictions of the secrecy law. In this case, the number of hybrids and hemp wizards in the wizarding world has risen sharply, and the pure blood naturally wants to clean up these guys who are robbing resources with them. Therefore, it is a normal idea to support a Voldemort to clean these wizards directly from the flesh.

But pure blood did not expect Voldemort to rely on enough strength and charm to seduce the young generation of each pure blood family, and then use various methods to kill the pure blood of his peers. In the end, he became the master rather than the **** of the pure blood family. For example, Malfoy ’s grandfather died of dragon pox, but it is well known that people who have dragon pox can easily distinguish it from the appearance. Malfoy ’s grandfather can no longer be unprepared when facing patients with this acute infectious disease. So this cause of death is more suspicious.

It's no wonder that the Weasley family has become one of the biggest beneficiaries after the war in history. A homeowner who has a sober mind and can understand the historical development trends as a family leader can really take a lot of wrong paths. .

"Ryan, Ryan, are you okay?" Ryan was thinking of these messy things and felt someone shaking him. He recovered and found that the Weasley twins stared at him nervously. "We were talking just now, and you suddenly started to be in a daze, we thought you had something wrong."

"It's okay, it's just that things have been a little bit more exhausting recently." After that, Ryan took out two bronze defensive bracelets and gave them to the twins. "Every night I have to remember to replenish the store, so that I sleep late every night."

"You remember this so busy." George took two bracelets with a look of excitement. "I thought you wouldn't have time to do this after you became a warrior this year. By the way, wouldn't it prevent you from playing?"

"No, you can rest assured." Ryan promised. "When making these bracelets, I can also transform my thinking, which is equivalent to resting."

After chatting with the twins for a while, Lane went upstairs to get the textbook. Because the next lesson is Professor McGonagall's class, she will not give anyone a face if she is late.

Heavy snow fell on the castle and the ground. The light blue carriage of Booth Barton looked like a big frost squash in winter, and the frosted gingerbread house next to it was Hagrid's cabin; on the side of the ship Demstrand A layer of ice has formed, which becomes smooth and translucent, and a layer of hoarfrost is also stained on the sail.

In the evening of that night, there were more hot stews and sweet puddings in various flavors. It must be said that the house elves at Hogwarts Castle did have two brushes in their cooking. It's just that British people don't like spicy food very much, so Ryan didn't see cold-preserving food like spicy soup.

The students of Destrom and Hogwarts are having fun eating these foods, especially the Destrom students may come from a cold place, and one by one likes these high-calorie foods. Utterly. It's no wonder that both men and women are more burly and look like an upright brown bear standing in the snow after wearing a fur cloak.

Only the French are still dissatisfied with these foods. After all, for them, delicacy and warmth are not more important than demeanor ~ ~ They would rather be cold and not want to get a little fatter.

Ryan got up early on Christmas morning. After counting the gifts, he went out to exercise as usual. This year's gifts are relatively normal, the only thing that has changed is that Hermione's gift is no longer an obscure book, but a bottle of men's perfume that does not look cheap.

"Fortunately, this year I didn't send a male cancer to another book." Ryan thought with some luck as he ran around the castle. On the way, he met a group of Demstrang boys who only wore vests and shorts and ran in the snow. Sure enough, not all wizards paid attention to physical exercise.

The Christmas dinner is usually a pile of turkeys, although until now Ryan has not figured out why Hogwarts, as a long-time history, should learn from the New World that Americans eat turkey at Christmas as opposed to traditional roast goose.

In the afternoon, all Gryffindor employees basically went to a snowball fight on the playground. At this time, Ryan naturally had to join forces. However, after the Weasley twins used magic to direct the snowball to smash people, and Ryan directly used Alchemy to make a lot of snowballs and almost became a snowman, the use of magic to throw snowballs is prohibited on the playground.

At five in the afternoon, Hermione took Ginny up with the girls and went upstairs to say that she wanted to dress up. It seems that no matter what kind of world it is, no matter men and women, as long as you dress up seriously, it is definitely a big project.

"What, you need three hours?" Ron exclaimed in the direction Hermione and Ginny left. Ryan and Harry glanced at each other after seeing this scene and shook their heads helplessly.

There is no Christmas tea party this year because of the dance. Ryan had a fun afternoon and completely relaxed. He didn't go upstairs with others to prepare for the dance until nightfall at seven o'clock in the afternoon.