Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 3: Grocery store opened and owl letter

A flash of light flashed over, and Ryan found that he did not return to the bedroom, but appeared in a room with a surface of about 20 square meters. Shelf were on three walls. The shelves were empty, only on the shelf facing the door. There are three potted plants in the palm of your hand, this should be the goods you just bought. In addition to the shelves, there is only a light on the top of the house, and the counter and chair in the center of the house.

Ryan walked to the door and opened the door, and found that there was a gray mist outside the door. I just wanted to go out and saw that there was an invisible barrier on the door and I couldn't get out at all.

At this time, a piece of information was poured into Ryan's mind. This is the Wanjie grocery store. The goods will be placed on the shelves. The goods produced by the owner can be used at will, such as the plants that multiply every week. But if you want to use the goods traded by the guests, you must pay the corresponding price.

Every time you travel to another world, you will start or return from here. When a guest or mission arrives, Ryan will be reminded to let him enter the shop, otherwise, as long as he is not in combat, Ryan can enter the shop. At present, the only world that can be visited is the world of Plants vs. Zombies, and every ten days can be filled with the energy required for round trips. Now, he can leave here at any time to return to the real world.

After reading this information, Ryan chose to leave the grocery store. After flashing, Ryan returned to his bedroom. Looking at the alarm clock on the table, I obviously tossed five or six hours in the world of Plants vs. Zombies, but now the alarm clock shows only one hour left. It seems that the time flow rate of the mission world and the main world are different, but this is also good, so that people will not disappear and it is difficult to explain.

Since it was still a long time before dawn, Ryan went to bed after cleaning up. In his dream, he dreamed that he had obtained countless wealth and strength from the grocery store, opened up the passage to his hometown, and then passed the salted fish. happy life.

Alright when Ryan dreamed of sunbathing on the Hawaiian beach with his parents and the whole family, the alarm rang. Ryan recalled yesterday's dream, sighed, and then got up to wash in the bathroom.

When went out, Ryan found that three or four gift boxes were placed in the corridor beside the door. This should be his birthday present. Turn over the greeting card above, which says, Happy birthday to our son.

Ryan grinned happily, moved them into the room, and then went down the stairs to the first floor.

After going downstairs, Mrs. Sally had already prepared breakfast, and Mr. Lambert was slowly coming down the stairs, when the postman's car bell rang at the door.

"Ryan, go get the letter, I think this month's supermarket discount poster might arrive." Sally shouted in the kitchen.

Ryan put on her shoes and opened the door, and came to the mailbox next to the lawn in front of the door.

Open the mailbox. There are four letters in it, one is a poster of discount merchandise at a nearby supermarket, one is a letter sent to the father by a certain publisher editor, and one is a postcard sent to her by a mother ’s colleague traveling in Thailand. The last one is a letter to Lane.

When Ryan saw the letter, his pupils suddenly enlarged, because the envelope of the letter was made of rare parchment, without stamps, and it was written in verdant ink: London, Greenwich, 12 Quebec Street The small bedroom on the second floor was received by Mr. Liang.

Turn the envelope with a trembling hand. There is a wax seal on the back of the envelope and a coat of arms. A lion, an eagle, a badger and a snake surround the capital "H" letter.

Although many things have been forgotten in the past ten years, he never forgot his favorite novel Harry Potter in childhood.

It is obvious that this letter came from Hogwarts. As for the possibility of pranks, this is 1991, Rowling's novel has not yet been written, how could someone use this prank.

As for not discovering that he is a wizard before, Ryan thinks it is probably because the body is an adult soul and can control emotions well, so there is no magic riot caused by the out-of-control emotions of most little wizards.

Originally, after getting the system yesterday, Ryan also planned to make a fortune by relying on the system, and finally tried to find a way home.

As a result, I received a letter of acceptance from Hogwarts today, and another mysterious door opened to Lane. He felt that the major events that happened over the past two days one after another seemed to have met the accidents of his life.

It seems that this world is not an ordinary world as it has thought in the past ten years, but a world with magic.

Went back to the house and gave the other letters to his parents, absent-mindedly having breakfast. Ryan went back to his house and opened the wax seal with a knife. Sure enough, there was the familiar letter.

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Principal: Albus? Dumbledore.

(President of the International Federation of Magic, President of the Wizards ’Association, First Class Magician of Merlin Jazz)

Dear Mr. Lane:

We are happy to inform you that you have been approved to attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Attached is a list of required books and equipment.

The semester is scheduled to begin on September 1. We will be waiting for your owl to bring your reply before July 31.

Vice principal (female)

Milwa? McGonagall

Is also accompanied by a book appendix table and a list of new items.

Ryan took the letter back to the living room, his father was sitting on the sofa watching TV, and his mother was watching the supermarket discount merchandise poster.

Seeing Ryan walking into the living room with a disassembled letter, Mr. Lambert, looking away from the TV screen, asked, "What's the matter, my dear, does a girl write to you?"

"No, it's not." Ryan replied, and then handed the letter to Mr. Lambert: "Just received a strange admission letter."

Lambert and Sally took the letter.

five minutes later.

"Isn't this a prank?" Mr. Lambert asked with a shocked expression.

"It is true that things like magic do not sound true." Mrs. Sally also followed.

Ryan just wanted to say something, and the doorbell rang suddenly.

"Are there any guests?" Mr. Lambert stood up and went out to open the door.

Stood by a red-haired middle-aged man with a little baldness, wearing a suit that was twenty years old.

"Hello, are you the guardian of Ryan Liang?" The other party spoke enthusiastically.

"Hello, I am his father, is there anything?" Mr. Lambert asked.

"Arthur Weasley, a Ministry staff member, came for your son's academic questions." The man replied. UU reading

"Okay, please come in soon." Mr. Lambert let go and asked Arthur to come in, and then asked: "Issue to ask, which school do you want my child to go to?"

"Hogwarts." Arthur said, "I graduated from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry."

Mrs. Sally heard this sentence and said in surprise: "Is the school of magic real?"

"Of course it is true. Hogwarts is the best magic school in Europe. Every magical wizard in Britain basically has to go there to go to school."

Mr. Lambert looked down at Ryan and asked in Chinese: "Do you think you want to go to this school"

Lynn replied: "Since I am considered to have magic power, it is necessary to go there to learn and master the ability. After all, it is very dangerous to use it without power."

After the father and son finished speaking, Mr. Lambert turned to Arthur and said, "I decided to send my child to Hogwarts to go to school, but where is the diagonal lane mentioned in the letter?"

"Diagon Alley can pass from the backyard of the broken cauldron bar" After Arthur waved his wand, a line of text appeared on the white paper on the table: 26 Charing Cross Street, London.

"This is the location of the broken cauldron bar. Take your children. He can see here." Then he suddenly thought of something. Arthur pulled out a ticket from his pocket and said, "This is going to Hogwarts. Please do n’t lose your train ticket after receiving it. The platform is at the middle pillar of the ninth and tenth platforms. When you go early, you can see other wizards who want to go to school. When you ask, you know how to get in. "

After speaking, Arthur waved goodbye to the three people, and then walked out of the door to a bush and waved at them. With a sound of firecrackers, they disappeared on the lawn in front of the door.

It seems that not everyone has the treatment that the savior accompanies the purchase, Ryan thought.